Be Kind Rewind..Yay or Nay?

ITS GOOD. its kinda like weirdly constructed with the 'community' as the underline theme,
but it was pretty entertaining. mos def is the weirdest actor
Originally Posted by bkdan1 an extent. It's worth 6 dollars, but 10 dollars would be reaching. If you do rent it, rent it on dvd, the VHS might be a blank

Originally Posted by Lavious

mos def is the weirdest actor
it's almost as if he has to do a weird/distracting voice in every movie he's in.

he seems to play roles where he's this shy/insecure type of guy.
for the movie, i'd generally say yay as i found it pretty entertaining and ididnt feel bored at any part of the movie. i just wanted a light-hearted movie after going to see there will be blood and no country for old men!
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