Beaten bad in a video game..

Jun 21, 2007
Have you ever played a video game that you: a) Throw the controller and refuse to play, b) Calmly get up and turn the game off, trying not to break theconsole, c) Just leave the room?

I'm gettin my #$% whooped by Barcelona right now in fifa 08, and I'm Man Utd. The only other time I've just straight given up at a game wasfighting M.Bison in street fighter 2, I couldn't believe how fast he destroyed Ryu.

Any similar experiences?
NBA 2k9
I broke my controller the other night missing the game tying field goal in the NFC championship in Madden.....

I threw it against the wall and when it didnt break I kept smashing it on the counter until it was good and broken....

I've snapped CDs before, snapped NBA 2k8 twice. Snapped Madden 2007.

I've went through about 5 360 controllers. For some reason I take care of my PS3 games/controllers. IDK why the bias.

Its always vs the CPU I get angered never angered when a human beats me, I guess because I've never got beaten significantly by a human before. I alwayswin big bets and what not when the pressure is on. But I absolutely hate going through franchise mode losing crucial games, I'm like Romo under pressure I am the epitome of choke....

Btw, Cowboys fans don't hold your breath on Sunday. The Eagles will put it on your sorry @*# squad, but neither team will get in. Why? Because Tampa isgoing to take the last spot in the playoffs after they put it on the Raiders....

Never had a chance anyways, did you really believe if you got to the playoffs that you'd get past the Giants?

Haven't literally thrown the controller on the floor or wall since SF2 for sega genesis. Just recently got SF2 HD though, and i can already see its gonnahappen sooner or later.
I ruined Madden and Soul Calibur for a couple of my friends
. Theysecretly only play now when Im not around.
I beat the *%$+ out of my control after any match where I lose because I did a move but it didn't come out in SF2 HD. Have it on both consoles. Bothcontrol pads suck!!! Waiting on those SF 4 arcade sticks.
NBA 2k9 is unplayable online. To many damn cheaters. Running isolation for superstar: LJ, Kobe, Wade, have 3 point shooter on the corners to throw out to ifyou close up the paint and repeat. I run plays. I bring the ball up and goto the post and run an offense. Not hold turbo the whole damn game and cherry pickand *$%*.
i remember when i had pokemon yellow and i couldnt get outta that damn cave and threw my gameboy into the pillow. my dad seen me and took it away for 2 weeks.

now, when i play, i have a "beater controller" i just go outside and beat the crap outta it. throwin it on the concrete and stuff. cant do it insidebecause i dont wanna break anything lol.

and dont get me started on mario kart 64. goin from 1st to 4th because of a blue shell right in front of the finish line ftl.
2k8 frustrated the crap out of me....i never threw my controller, but i've came real close
...i sort of "slam" it onto my couch tho.
GTA san andreas AND gta 4....i know ive been through this ALOT i just cant think of any games right now...ill post more once i remember...
I broke my headset playing my boy online on Madden. If I recall correctly he faked a field goal to win the game or something cheap like that.
Thats why I cant play sports games online. Madden, NCAA football, NBA 2K, FIFA especially. COD4 got me heated last night with the lag. First time ever. LuckilyI thought about consequences and just threw the controller into my couch pillows.
I've never gotten heated against the computer tho because I always come thru in the clutch. Best moment against comp had to be in NCAA 09, a 94 yd kickoffreturn for a TD to beat Florida in the bcs championship game, as Oregon, as time runs out... ftgdmfwoaw. /bragging.
Originally Posted by yungchris504

NBA 2k9

I SWEAR TO GOD IF U DONT GET MAD AT THE GAME WHEN U LOSE U HAVE NO EMOTIONS WHATS SO EVER! I have broken 2 controls cause of that game. Double overtime 98-98he has the ball with 1 second left Lebron half court 3 for the win threw it at my wall and the A button fell out. Then i was up by 5 with 22 seconds leftfacing the boston ray allen 3 he picks me with ray allen buzzer beater 3 i lose smashed the controller. hate that game so much (besides when i win)
On the flipside, it's really REALLY funny when you make your friends go bonkers though. I remember when my friend just got Halo since it was new. Then hewould woop me. I got my own copy, played for 2 weeks straight and I whooped him...he sat in silence then threw his controller.
Back in the day I got beat pretty badly by my friend in some racing game on PS1 so I picked up the whole thing and slammed it into the floor
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