Before myspace, Before facebook, there was............

I was on hsc heavy back then, as a matter of fact, I still know I chick from PG County that I met on there back in 2000... was that piff before myspace blew it out the water...

Don't they still have the jumpoffs crazy on there???

We need a "Blackplanet Jumpoff" thread ASAP!!!...
Blackplanet and CollegeClub were my spots...I guess this shows how old I am, they were my Myspace and Facebook of the times...Lots of hits, I mean LOTS
Cpixel was the %## in high school. Got me hella laid. I just ran into kellz a few months ago.
I had xanga back then. that *!** is still funny how I used to spells my deepest feeling on my blog.
There used to be a college baised one back in 2001...i cant remember the name.....Collegeclub or something like that

Anyone remember???
aol chatrooms back in the day...I used to get into some heated trash talking in the sports chatrooms.
i remember i met this chick in an AOL chat ... everybody didnt have a digi or scanner than

... so we describing each other and Im like ...
... shorty say she thick ... got the DDs ...

... so I done stole my mom whip in the middle of the night and this braud was sooooo beastly ... but I had to **** her face regardless. I had already wastedgas.

damn. brings back so many memories. i smashed quite a few broads from bp. it used to be so easy too. 2002 FTW!!
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