Before myspace, Before facebook, there was............

Originally Posted by young dr0

i remember i met this chick in an AOL chat ... everybody didnt have a digi or scanner than

... so we describing each other and Im like ...
... shorty say she thick ... got the DDs ...

... so I done stole my mom whip in the middle of the night and this braud was sooooo beastly ... but I had to **** her face regardless. I had already wasted gas.


Originally Posted by Yimoney23

I had xanga back then. that *!** is still funny how I used to spells my deepest feeling on my blog.

i googled my name the other day and the only thing that came up was my old Xanga page from highschool.

it was quite dissapointing to realize how much i was sprung off my ex and that i typed like teeny bopper

anyone use adultfriendfinder?
some dude wanted me to bang his wife as he watches, she look good
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This thread brought back so many memories. I remember when fb just came out at my college and it quickly took over Myspace. Also it seemed only white people used live journal and all the asians were on xanga. I was so called friends with this dude who talked ish about me on his xanga as we weren't friends there but were on AIM lol.
Asian Avenue was poppin for me.

Met a couple of chicks from Manitoba and Bakersfield lmao
MiGente was popppppiiiiiinn with the Dominican Mamis back in the easy to hook up off that ***
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