Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

Don't sweat it man...Try and socalize when it's called for.

work = talk to a co-worker
school = talk to a colleague
club = talk to (preferably) a girl

just go out and live it, cause being alone isn't cool all the time, honestly we all need a friend time to time
I think only other introverts can understand introversion. The one thing that I can think of to show 'unnappreciation' of the whole matter is the factthat some extroverts take personal offense to introversion.

Being in college (especially living in the dorms when everyone I hung around was ALWAYS ALWAYS doing stuff--- rooms stayed packed w/ people
) really broughtthat to the forefront. I have 2 older siblings (10 and 15 years older) and they're male.
I pretty much grew up alone. Never had to share anything withanyone. I'm used to being able to dip off and be by myself ...listen to a video/computer game...unwind on my own time. Then I got to collegeand realized that sometimes people don't understand that. Not only do they not understand, they take it personally. THAT'S something that sucks. Havingyour introversion on public display.

Some folks don't get that you want to be alone sometimes. Not all the time... but %$+%, let a %%+@! breathe!
I like to think of myself as a somewhat extroverted introvert. I can definitely be a loner at times's just who I am!

word. I have a decent amount of people that are like minded + my set but I like to spend alot of my time thinking/daydreaming, working on my different ideas orwatching spongebob. guess it's cause i grew up alone.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

I think only other introverts can understand introversion. The one thing that I can think of to show 'unnappreciation' of the whole matter is the fact that some extroverts take personal offense to introversion.

Being in college (especially living in the dorms when everyone I hung around was ALWAYS ALWAYS doing stuff--- rooms stayed packed w/ people
) really brought that to the forefront. I have 2 older siblings (10 and 15 years older) and they're male.
I pretty much grew up alone. Never had to share anything with anyone. I'm used to being able to dip off and be by myself ...listen to a video/computer game...unwind on my own time. Then I got to college and realized that sometimes people don't understand that. Not only do they not understand, they take it personally. THAT'S something that sucks. Having your introversion on public display.

Some folks don't get that you want to be alone sometimes. Not all the time... but %$+%, let a %%+@! breathe!

I feel you, it's kinda why i got jokes, gets folk to leave you alone sometimes. I hate when people wanna "understand" why you want to be alone. It just is what it is, i'm not shy, not anti social, (and not arrogant either)there are just times where i don't want to be bothered. You still got toget out there though, sometimes you retreat into your safe zone you forget to do simple ++#* to appease the extroverts like calling your moms.
Oh, man... that "anti-social" *%%% burns me up.
People clearly don't know what the %#$@ "anti-social" means. I mean, I get whatthey mean but...even that isn't true. Anti-socializing...sure, sometimes.

I may not WANT to socialize 24-7 but clearly...ain't nobody anti-social!
Works for me. I keep to my self and it draws more people to me. I do have to get wasted to hit the club tho too many people.

But chicks think i got "swag" cause i do me and they stay but i am 6'2 215 with manish yet gorgeous model type features Yes im kinda that dude
Introvert here. I mean I can be social and +@%%, but it's just my nature to be quiet and have thoughts to myself and not share it.

That's what some people don't understand. Like I DON'T want you give my life story to you, just deal with it. Yet, some people take offense tothat.

Thinking they can solve my problems.
not to sound racist or anything, but Americans are taught to be extroverts from kindergarten on up, I noticed this from the moment I came here. This is thereason you are often seen as appearing obnoxious and over the top when visiting Europe or Asia or conducting business with these people.

In Europe people are taught not to say #+%% if they dont know for sure what theyre talking about, but in America teachers encourage their students to bull #+%%their way out of situations or conversations they might not be clear on.

Its just different ways of bringing kids up.

The "extroverted introvert" statement makes perfect sense to me, thats exactly how I see myself.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

not to sound racist or anything, but Americans are taught to be extroverts from kindergarten on up, I noticed this from the moment I came here. This is the reason you are often seen as appearing obnoxious and over the top when visiting Europe or Asia or conducting business with these people.

In Europe people are taught not to say #+%% if they dont know for sure what theyre talking about, but in America teachers encourage their students to bull #+%% their way out of situations or conversations they might not be clear on.

Its just different ways of bringing kids up.

The "extroverted introvert" statement makes perfect sense to me, thats exactly how I see myself.

My parents aren't Europeans, but my dad always scolded me for saying stuff I didn't know what I was talking about. In school, I hear all kinds ofstupid questions, and the teachers are perfectly fine with it.
I guess I would consider myself an extroverted introvert. I love having my own free time but lately I feel like I have had to much of it, but when I do hangout with my friends I want to go back to doing my own thing. I am starting to think that I really don't even like my friends anymore cause it seems like Ihave less and less in common with them everytime we all hang out. They are on this small town small mind *@%+ and aren't open to any new things at all. Ithink I just need a big change in life, like moving somewhere else to snap me out of this introvert stage I am in.
Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

You'll never break out of this shell no matter how hard you try. It is the introvert's nature.

I've come to this realization last year. Its frustrating as hell sometimes.

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Dylishis

I think only other introverts can understand introversion. The one thing that I can think of to show 'unnappreciation' of the whole matter is the fact that some extroverts take personal offense to introversion.

Being in college (especially living in the dorms when everyone I hung around was ALWAYS ALWAYS doing stuff--- rooms stayed packed w/ people
) really brought that to the forefront. I have 2 older siblings (10 and 15 years older) and they're male.
I pretty much grew up alone. Never had to share anything with anyone. I'm used to being able to dip off and be by myself ...listen to a video/computer game...unwind on my own time. Then I got to college and realized that sometimes people don't understand that. Not only do they not understand, they take it personally. THAT'S something that sucks. Having your introversion on public display.

Some folks don't get that you want to be alone sometimes. Not all the time... but %$+%, let a %%+@! breathe!

I feel you, it's kinda why i got jokes, gets folk to leave you alone sometimes. I hate when people wanna "understand" why you want to be alone. It just is what it is, i'm not shy, not anti social, (and not arrogant either)there are just times where i don't want to be bothered. You still got to get out there though, sometimes you retreat into your safe zone you forget to do simple ++#* to appease the extroverts like calling your moms.

Yes! Exactly
but Americans are taught to be extroverts from kindergarten on up, I noticed this from the moment I came here.
Never thought of it that way.

I had never even thought much of being introverted until I got to college and was forced to examine my personality.
It had never been an issue beforethen. Honestly, introverted would have been the last thing I'd ever have used to describe myself. I used to associate introverts with shyness. I'm notshy, I'm very outspoken, outgoing, etc. ... but upon further appears that I am more than likely an introvert.
They are on this small town small mind *@%+ and aren't open to any new things at all. I think I just need a big change in life, like moving somewhere else to snap me out of this introvert stage I am in.

Ive been feeling that way for about 3 years. But I don't think it's my friends, it's the people in my life in general. They're cool to bearound but it feels like there's more out there.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

not to sound racist or anything, but Americans are taught to be extroverts from kindergarten on up, I noticed this from the moment I came here. This is the reason you are often seen as appearing obnoxious and over the top when visiting Europe or Asia or conducting business with these people.

In Europe people are taught not to say #+%% if they dont know for sure what theyre talking about, but in America teachers encourage their students to bull #+%% their way out of situations or conversations they might not be clear on.

Its just different ways of bringing kids up.

The "extroverted introvert" statement makes perfect sense to me, thats exactly how I see myself.
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