Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Biggest co-sign on this. I like to socialize, people like me, but sometimes I like to sit and listen to my music while playing 2K9.

Haha I do that too. I don't like making small talk etc with people over XBL. What I really HATE is when people send you messages like "why don'tyou have a mic it can with your xbox?"
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

I took an introvert/extrovert test (lol), and this is what I got:

Your result for The Introvert/Extrovert Test ...

Introvert Extrovert

Congratulations! You scored ###!
You're a quiet person, but not too quiet. You like your own company at times, but don't mind the company of others. Ideally, a few people is better than a lot in most situations. You'd be well suited to living in a small town and can easily handle living on your own. You know how to have a good time, but also know how to enjoy a good book. While a night on the town can be enjoyed, you don't like to go out all the time. One can get too much of a good thing. You can be irritated by extroverts sometimes. Especially if they talk a lot about non-consequential things or other people. You can sometimes be misunderstood for being grumpy and some extroverts find you a little aloof. You're probably relatively happy in who you are although something can always be improved upon.

I would say this is pretty damn close.

Where do you take this...test?
Originally Posted by pip777

JT AIR JT wrote:

On a lighter note, has anyone ever gone to the theatre to watch a movie solo?

I've done it plenty of times.

Sometimes but I like/hate going to Six Flags by myself. One reason why I like it you can get in front because most of the people in line want to sit with theirfriend etc. Then the reason I hate is I can "never" have a thought to myself or people asking you to take pictures of them. One time I said no anddude gave me a look like I just stepped on his brand new Js. I hit em with a Mac Dre thizz face you lying.
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Orange Soda Man

Introvert and proud.

I don't get why it has such a negative connotation.

But whatever. I'm just being me, all I can be.
Because, as the article says... bubbleheaded extroverts that are afraid of being alone with themselves like to make us seem like we're abnormal for not being interested in their world.
We're [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]pretty much[/color] superior so... it's all good.

But for real though, what's wrong if you're happy with being by yourself. Seriously, the "me" time that I get
There's nothing like a lazy afternoon listening to my iPod and just straight chilling.

But that being said, I don't have a SO, so I love the freedom to do whatever the hell I want, whenever I want.

Not having to answer to anybody FTW!

Damn man co-sign to the max. I have some extrovert friends. They always text each other like "where exactly are you going to be a such and suchlocation". I guess they are afraid of being alone. I espically hate it when they ask you to go with them to their car etc.
Traditional Sagittarius Traits Optimistic and freedom-loving Jovial and good-humored Honest and straightforward Intellectual and philosophical On the darkside.... Blindly optimistic and careless Irresponsible and superficial Tactless and restless I NEVER believed in this astrology stuff but I just got someinsight on it and wow all those traits listed above describe my personality.
just took this test and it came up with this...

You prefer your own company or that of your partner's. You don't have many friends, but the ones you do are the kind that are loyal. You're alwaysmisunderstood as being grumpy, but often it's that you simply don't care to talk. If people constantly question your mood, it can actually make yougrumpy and you wish they'd stop asking if you're okay. Ideally, you'd prefer to be in a vocation where you can work alone. A quiet night with abook, movie or computer is preferable to going out and battling with a crowd of people lined up at the popular nightspot in town. You're a deep thinker andthrive on analysing life, current events and your own original views. You're mature for your age. If financially viable, you'd rather live alone (orwith significant other) and don't like many visitors. Compared to an extrovert, you're cooler and probably less neurotic. You can be trusted with asecret. Change is probably something that you don't embrace a lot, as you prefer familiar and routine. You won't have nearly as many jobs as anextrovert

btw if you wanna take one of these tests just google "introvert test"
This was on an introvert test I usually think first before talking - I rarely blurt my thoughts without editing them in my head.

Read more: http://behavioural-psycho..._introvert#ixzz0Qu5qV9Zc When I readthat I was like damn. Before I even say a word I try to play out different senarios of what a person would say and what I would say in response. I spend 10minutes thinking about what exactly to say and speak for 5 minutes. There for I don't engage in meaning less convos with people.
Introvert right here...

I've been like this for as long as I could remember. Im not the most out going in public or around new people. There are times I get very quiet & justkeep to myself. I also get questioned all the time as to why Im in such a bad mood, but really im not at all. For the longest (even up to this day) I enjoyjust being by myself. Whether it would be just at home, going out to eat, anything. I enjoy it the most. Don't get me wrong, I have some close friends whoI could be myself around, but I at the same time I enjoy chillin by myself as well. I also look to keep a small circle, not the person always out to make newfriends.
I'm a loner and i hate it... I feel like i only have 2 or 3 real close friends and thats it. I'm still in high school and it sucks. I dont mind beingalone because im so used to it but i hate being alone sometimes.
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