Being a Loner/Introvert Unappreciation Thread Vol. But my Mom Says I'm Cool...

Its not really unappreciated in my case at least. I've been a loner all my life its not really a problem my girl complains but I can't really changewho I am so....
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

holy *#%#, can you be a mix of both an introvert and an extrovert?

I've been thinking the same thing and I'm assuming I have some sort of bi-polar disorder. Sometimes I don't want to talk to other people andsometimes I hate not being around people to socialize with.
yea i feel you im not really a loner but im kind of an introvert once i get to know you n feel comfortable then i'll begin to become somewhat of anextrovert
Word to this thread.

I have so many ideas in my head, especially about having a good time. I don't really like talking aloud about them because they just don't get it orwill think its weird. Im assuming their extroverted, but thats not all the case.

But when you find someone who's on the same page and understands some of your thoughts/ideas on certain things in life, its really neat. I guess anintrovert/extrovert relationship could work.
Why does being introverted have such a negative connotation?

I keep things to myself, and I don't crave attention. So what?
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

holy *#%#, can you be a mix of both an introvert and an extrovert?

I've been thinking the same thing and I'm assuming I have some sort of bi-polar disorder. Sometimes I don't want to talk to other people and sometimes I hate not being around people to socialize with.
You are probably an ambivert, someone who is right right in the middle of the introvert-extrovert scale.

One of my close friends is an introvert and in social situations I always tell him to shut up because he's talking too much, when in reality he isn'tsaying a word

I guess that's not the right thing to say.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

holy *#%#, can you be a mix of both an introvert and an extrovert?

I've been thinking the same thing and I'm assuming I have some sort of bi-polar disorder. Sometimes I don't want to talk to other people and sometimes I hate not being around people to socialize with.
dam, Im exactly the same way.. I want to be by myself sometimes but then in the back of my mind I wish I was somewhere else with hellapeople. Weird I know..

Im a Virgo too.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Man to be quite honest it is not that bad, I am a pretty shy dude, and prefer to be alone, it sucks for my relationships though, I just won't call because I just want to be alone, my boys wonder why I am just as coo with getting it crackin at the club as I am staying at the crib. I just don't see the big deal in making tons of friends when we all have a few close ones anyway. Had a ton in HS and I talk to like 3 now.

Females don't seem to like that I don't call or need to kick it: oh well.
I'm definitely an introvert. I mean I go out one day and then I decide that the next few days, I need to chill or be by myself. Happens all the time.

I have a friend that's an extrovert
I also heard introverts and shy people tend to do well with people of similar personality. If you think you're shy or introvert then you should try to findfriend with similar personality and go from there. But whatever you do , don't limit yourself from all the fun, excitement and opportunity that life has tooffer. Get out and have fun
I think ppl r afraid to b by themselves...... Nobody wants to b alone cuz that's when that voice comes n talks bout whateva u truly feeling
That article was amazing. It described me perfectly. Now, only if I could get some of my bonehead friends to understand this concept.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

I also heard introverts and shy people tend to do well with people of similar personality. If you think you're shy or introvert then you should try to find friend with similar personality and go from there. But whatever you do , don't limit yourself from all the fun, excitement and opportunity that life has to offer. Get out and have fun
Shy definitely =/= introvert. I am not shy and to be honest, shy people kinda make me uncomfortable.
admitted ex-introvert. i disliked life a lot more then. it's a lot more fun socializing all the time.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Dylishis

I think only other introverts can understand introversion. The one thing that I can think of to show 'unnappreciation' of the whole matter is the fact that some extroverts take personal offense to introversion.

Being in college (especially living in the dorms when everyone I hung around was ALWAYS ALWAYS doing stuff--- rooms stayed packed w/ people
) really brought that to the forefront. I have 2 older siblings (10 and 15 years older) and they're male.
I pretty much grew up alone. Never had to share anything with anyone. I'm used to being able to dip off and be by myself ...listen to a video/computer game...unwind on my own time. Then I got to college and realized that sometimes people don't understand that. Not only do they not understand, they take it personally. THAT'S something that sucks. Having your introversion on public display.

Some folks don't get that you want to be alone sometimes. Not all the time... but %$+%, let a %%+@! breathe!

I feel you, it's kinda why i got jokes, gets folk to leave you alone sometimes. I hate when people wanna "understand" why you want to be alone. It just is what it is, i'm not shy, not anti social, (and not arrogant either)there are just times where i don't want to be bothered. You still got to get out there though, sometimes you retreat into your safe zone you forget to do simple ++#* to appease the extroverts like calling your moms.

This describes me prefectly
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Females don't seem to like that I don't call or need to kick it: oh well.

Yeah, it's DEFINITELY a tough position to be in when it comes to dating. There's a fine line between being and introvert and just not giving a !++#when it comes to that, and I know that I come off more on the 'not giving a !++#' end more often than not.

I've never been particularly needy. I'm not clingy. I have no problem giving a guy air because I can't be all up under some dude 24/7. Sometimesthat comes off as me not giving a ++$$. I mean, oftentimes I don't give a ++$$ but that's neither here nor there.
Introvert and proud.

I don't get why it has such a negative connotation.

But whatever. I'm just being me, all I can be.
Originally Posted by Orange Soda Man

Introvert and proud.

I don't get why it has such a negative connotation.

But whatever. I'm just being me, all I can be.
Because, as the article says... bubbleheaded extroverts that are afraid of being alone with themselves like to make us seem like we'reabnormal for not being interested in their world.
We're pretty muchsuperior so... it's all good.
I can co-sign with about 95% of the things said in this thread, so I guess that makes me an introvert. Guess I always kinda knew I was one..

I'm curious though, what are your guys' eating habits like?

Me, personally, I would rather have a meal by myself, especially if I'm outside of the house...I eat what I feel like eating that day and go where I wannago and I can just eat by myself and leave...saves time having to wait for someone/a group of people and find a mutually acceptable place to eat....I guess Ijust don't like eating with people in general, call me an anti-social eater or w/e..

I only do this for lunch, but I would have no qualms doing it for dinner too (i.e. going to a spot like applebees/tgi fridays myself) but I always figured itwould look really strange and it seems socially unacceptable to eat in a sit-down restaurant by myself as a dude in his 20's lol...if i was an older dudei'm sure i could play it off by reading a newspaper at the table or somethin..

so anyway, are any of you introverted eaters as well?
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Orange Soda Man

Introvert and proud.

I don't get why it has such a negative connotation.

But whatever. I'm just being me, all I can be.
Because, as the article says... bubbleheaded extroverts that are afraid of being alone with themselves like to make us seem like we're abnormal for not being interested in their world.
We're pretty much superior so... it's all good.

You ever said that to "the others"? The look on their faces
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

I can co-sign with about 95% of the things said in this thread, so I guess that makes me an introvert. Guess I always kinda knew I was one..

I'm curious though, what are your guys' eating habits like?

Me, personally, I would rather have a meal by myself, especially if I'm outside of the house...I eat what I feel like eating that day and go where I wanna go and I can just eat by myself and leave...saves time having to wait for someone/a group of people and find a mutually acceptable place to eat....I guess I just don't like eating with people in general, call me an anti-social eater or w/e..

I only do this for lunch, but I would have no qualms doing it for dinner too (i.e. going to a spot like applebees/tgi fridays myself) but I always figured it would look really strange and it seems socially unacceptable to eat in a sit-down restaurant by myself as a dude in his 20's lol...if i was an older dude i'm sure i could play it off by reading a newspaper at the table or somethin..

so anyway, are any of you introverted eaters as well?

I can eat (in a restaurant) alone, I go to the movies alone sometimes, I go shopping alone. I've been to the damn beach alone.
There's pretty muchnothing I can't do by myself. I don't HAVE to do any of them alone but I just do and I enjoy myself.

But you know there are those folks out there that'll look at you crazy for eating alone, etc.. In the extrovert's way of needing to understandsomething... they just automatically assume that you either have no one to eat/do things with or that you feel lonelybecause you're alone.
That's hardly ever the case, people just don't get that some folks don't need to lean on others for everything.


The only thing that I find cannot be done alone is concerts. Tried it once...never again. lol Concerts just $+!$$!!suck when you're by yourself.
It's just flat out no fun. If there was some way to make them fun, I'd take them in doubt, but thereappears to be no way to enjoy a concert by myself.
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