Being Indian

Come on bro how indian are you like Apu? How u feel bout black girls, get some cornrolls and say your dominican!! Problem solved
speak for yourself
i have 0 problems (although i look nothing like anindian dude, i get mistaken for mexican or filipino so its easy for me to pull those) and neither do any of my middle eastern/indian boys. if you're hairyand smell like @#$ and spices combined, then yea theres your problem. otherwise you just need to man the hell up. ive never had any ethnicity girl have anyissue with me being indian, except that somtimes they joke around and call me saleem or jamaal
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

speak for yourself
i have 0 problems


Man, you are truly a disgrace to all Indians. Perhaps your biggest problem is that you look at being Indian as a disability, and that is very close to hatingyourself. So, that is the vibe you put out there. I am Indian and never had any problems and in a relationship with a Filipina. Get up dust your self off,straighten that turban, if you wear one, and show some damn pride.

Jsean signed with Cash money and has hit records in USA, Slum-dog Millionaire won like a thousand awards and you are still having problems? Off yourself sir !
Originally Posted by Savraj1

Somebody lock this thread.
When I started the thread, I was really feeling emo and felt like a loser. Now, I realize I just have to up my confidence and get new glasses. ahaha.

trust me get contacts and a short hair cut. right now you look like a fob.
I know some of the Indian dudes in here frontin' like they got no problem bagging dimes. Indian girls are no problem but I know a good amount of kids thathave trouble talking to/getting with girls outside their race. A lot of girls I'm cool with openly admit they're hesitant to date Indian or Paki guys.Maybe it's cuz they've never tried it before or just aren't interested, I don't know.

I'm not Indian by the way just to clarify.
Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

I know a good amount of kids that have trouble talking to/getting with girls outside their race.

Many Indian dudes are raised around only other Indian people so they find it hard to branch out. Doesn't help that many are raised in strict Asianhouseholds so their personalities suck as a result. I have liberal @#$ parents, and I was raised in a majority Mexican/Asian environment and attended amajority white high school. I have 0 problems getting with girls of other races. besides black girls, the closest I got was a half black half filipino chick
Originally Posted by shoediniDC

Come on bro how indian are you like Apu? How u feel bout black girls, get some cornrolls and say your dominican!! Problem solved

I had a friend who did this very exact thing and it worked for him!!! No lie

I like black girls myself (not only interested in them), but I had a dark Caesar going on and it worked like a charm. (I'm also not implying that blackwomen only like men with conrows or Caesars)
lol im half indian and its no problem for me.

as for yourself...... First of all u go to a big time university, where these drunk snow bunnies smash who ever so u shouldnt have an issue.

Second go up to women that your attracted too and just start a civil convo. And if they go to your school it should be more easier, You got something incommon already and you can work from there See what works and what doesnt and keep doing this until you start building confidence & being comfortable with yourself......

o n you need to get a real haircut fam .....try a ceasar see how it looks... change the gear........ and for the most part still be U
Condoms 'too big' for Indian men
By Damian Grammaticus
BBC News, Delhi
A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for amajority of Indian men.
The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms.

It has led to a call for condoms of mixed sizes to be made more widely available in India.

The two-year study was carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research.

Over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre.

The scientists even checked their sample was representative of India as a whole in terms of class, religion and urban and rural dwellers.

" It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters "
Sunil Mehra

The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture.
Doctor Chander Puri, a specialist in reproductive health at the Indian Council of Medical Research, told the BBC there was an obvious need in India for custom-made condoms, as most of those currently on sale are too large.

The issue is serious because about one in every five times a condom is used in India it either falls off or tears, an extremely high failure rate.

And the country already has the highest number of HIV infections of any nation.

'Not a problem'

Mr Puri said that since Indians would be embarrassed about going to a chemist to ask for smaller condoms there should be vending machines dispensing different sizes all around the country.

"Smaller condoms are on sale in India. But there is a lack of awareness that different sizes are available. There is anxiety talking about the issue. And normally one feels shy to go to a chemist's shop and ask for a smaller size condom."

But Indian men need not be concerned about measuring up internationally according to Sunil Mehra, the former editor of the Indian version of the men's magazine Maxim.

"It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters," he said.

"From our population, the evidence is Indians are doing pretty well.

"With apologies to the poet Alexander Pope, you could say, for inches and centimetres, let fools contend."
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by tim teufel

you need some benny lava swag.
Hell yeahhh he does...
SWAGGGGGG for dayysss kid...

Damn, didn't know who Benny Lava was, but he's not playin.
My man Kalluri Vaanil
. I'm Paki and have no problem with girls, not a problem with race, nodisrespect but confidence is all you need.
Im east indian and i dont have any problems, i do find that brown girls round my way are real stuck up.
OP like everyone said, maybe switch up the frames and try a new hair style, and just start talking to girls in your class and move
on to girls around campus.
This thread is hilarious

this fool said "get some cornrolls and say you're dominican"

the benny lava video
just be your best self and talk to a lot of women...scratch that..just talk to a lot of people...i bet you don't have a lot of game...just do you, befunny/witty...tease girls..treat em like your lil sister and they'll want gotta stop chasing girls too, your whole post is reaks ofdesperation...

you're indian son...i bet you're semi-wealthy, have your own car, go to the gym, look decent and on your way to med or law yourvalue...the problem lies with you sayin "i dress fresher" than dudes that get care too much.

im indian btw
At this whole thread. I also don't believe all these people sayingthey never had problems.
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