Ben Baller Tells The Truth About Sasha Singleton Vol. We All Knew It Wouldn't Work

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Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I feel bad for ben, but he knew what he was getting in to the second he started to date her. Why air her out now? What's the point?

As much as it might not make you a better man, it definitely feels good to get that stuff off your chest.
Understood. But there is right/wrong way to go about things following a break up. It does feel good to get things off your chest, but when yougo about it in a vindictive manner, you most definitely don't come off looking like the bigger person. Especially if you are saying things like this:

don't test me girl, I got more ether and much more ammo to destroy you.

Again...what good does that do? The girl is a mess, and this is the same chick he was to spend his life with. Now he wants to "destroy" her becausethings weren't what they seemed? Everyone else from the outside looking in knew this was a disaster from the jump.

The ironic thing about this whole situation is that dudes here on NT called this breakup the minute the dude proposed. If you're going to date a girl withquestionable character to begin with, you better be prepared when things don't go the way you hope in the relationship.

The best thing to do is find a girl who is 100% interested in you as a PERSON, opposed to finding a girl who is 100% interested in your lifestyle. I'msure Ben will bounce back, but he should chalk this up as a learning experience no matter how old he is.
that blog was crazy. keep your head up homie
I don't imagine this is the end, there will be some more stories to come of this even if they aren't together.
Its cool to get things off your chess.
At some point Ben needs to realize that a lot of the problems he's had has been due thim having all his business all over the internet.
Famn you a grown man and you making money.
Stop letting the world know what you doing and who you doing it with over the internet.

There's a reason why they call it your PERSONAL LIFE.
Including all of the cyberworld in your life will always bing you more harm than good.
Originally Posted by Diego

Its cool to get things off your chess.
At some point Ben needs to realize that a lot of the problems he's had has been due thim having all his business all over the internet.
Famn you a grown man and you making money.
Stop letting the world know what you doing and who you doing it with over the internet.

There's a reason why they call it your PERSONAL LIFE.
Including all of the cyberworld in your life will always bing you more harm than good.
The situation sucks...

But if the evidence was there that she was a "unfit" person.....Why wife her?

-Drinkin problem
-Drug problem
-GoGo dancer
-Naked all over the internet
-Bad mother
-Still talks to "old flings"

I mean, yeah...shes pretty as hell... but everything that Glitters aint Gold....It sounds Cliche, but it is what it is.....

Stay up playa!
I've always thought Ben was probably a pretty cool dude but...
mind you she's 1/2 naked and she is SCREAMING ON THE TOP OF HER LUNGS! inside a hotel... obviously security comes and they have no choice but to call the police.

Earlier post:
so we chilled out. got too drunk, me and sasha was having sex so loud that the other guests of the hotel called security thinking someone was dying
A broad's looks will definitely change, her personality probably won't...

To wife based on superficial qualities is about as silly as it gets.
Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

I've always thought Ben was probably a pretty cool dude but...
mind you she's 1/2 naked and she is SCREAMING ON THE TOP OF HER LUNGS! inside a hotel... obviously security comes and they have no choice but to call the police.

Earlier post:
so we chilled out. got too drunk, me and sasha was having sex so loud that the other guests of the hotel called security thinking someone was dying

@ son actin like he was puttin' in "work"...when inreality wifey was throwing a tempor-tantrum
"Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky"
- Chop Master Onion

Should've listened to your sensei Ben. Even he called it.
Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

smh @ grown men still wifing broads due to looks
Its not terrible to want to make a pretty baby
You sound like a bird. "Oooo my baby gonna have thatgood hair."
I feel like this was only half of the story. Shawty was probably getting that train when they were engaged.


Originally Posted by marath0n

I feel like this was only half of the story. Shawty was probably getting that train when they were engaged.


You know she was.


Ben Barra, I expected more from you.

Anybody remember, when that club promoter was saying how Sasha was messin with another dude, and Ben says NO WAY that's possible.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it happened.
I just read that whole essay....

And you shouldn't have kept taking her back....

I would've been done after the miscarriage...

But I know love is a crazy thing....
Oh man the pulled the video back out

All that glitters is not gold , and every thing that shines aint a diamond
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