Ben & Kobe Same Accusation Media Double Standard?

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

As is often times the case with any thing happening in society, there are numerous causes. Part of the difference in treatment is probably because Kobe is back and in a majority white society, black men can seem like more hostile and more menacing compared to a white man with the same stature, demeanor and criminal record. Another factor is that Kobe had many more endorsement deals to lose, he is a global icon and advertisers are always quick to pull ads when there is controversy, the concept of "guilty until proven innocent" only applies to courts of law and even then the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" only applies in criminal cases. Finally, there is also the fact that Kobe fans and Kobe detractors are very strident in expressing there feelings and many people making all of those PS's of Kobe in prison garb, were black themselves. Rothlisberger is not nearly such a polarizing figure.

Team Grammar membership REVOKED!
im pretty sure kobe admitted to having relations with her and committing adultery. criminal charges in that case-bens is just a civil suit. plus come on man...everybody knows bens accusers just looking for a paycheck... how're you going to say this nfl superstar rapes you a yearago...................................when you're ugly at that. but that's not even it, it's just pretty obvious that was the case- which is whycriminal charges never even ensued from it
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

Ben Roethlisberger wrote:
It's because I'm white.

Originally Posted by wildcard

im pretty sure kobe admitted to having relations with her and committing adultery. criminal charges in that case-bens is just a civil suit. plus come on man... everybody knows bens accusers just looking for a paycheck... how're you going to say this nfl superstar rapes you a year ago...................................when you're ugly at that. but that's not even it, it's just pretty obvious that was the case- which is why criminal charges never even ensued from it
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

As is often times the case with any thing happening in society, there are numerous causes. Part of the difference in treatment is probably because Kobe is back and in a majority white society, black men can seem like more hostile and more menacing compared to a white man with the same stature, demeanor and criminal record. Another factor is that Kobe had many more endorsement deals to lose, he is a global icon and advertisers are always quick to pull ads when there is controversy, the concept of "guilty until proven innocent" only applies to courts of law and even then the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" only applies in criminal cases. Finally, there is also the fact that Kobe fans and Kobe detractors are very strident in expressing there feelings and many people making all of those PS's of Kobe in prison garb, were black themselves. Rothlisberger is not nearly such a polarizing figure.
Interesting points...I never considered that Kobe being such a polarizing figure factored into this.
You can't really compare the two on so many levels but mainly it's cuz of the sports they play and I'm not talking popularity. Football is a realteam sport, the league has even geared it so you root for the team and not one specific player.

It's not like that in basketball. You can be the best player in the league on the ****tiest team in the NBA, be a household name all around the world. Notthe case in the NFL. Kobe's everywhere Ben is not. If Ben didn't win the SB twice and was say on the Detroit Lions and did this even you wouldn'tknow about this
unless you a die hard Lions fan.

You'd have more a point to bring up if this was getting swept under the rug with lets say a famous baseball player and the thing is it wouldn't happen.

[h1]ESPN Is Like Madonna[/h1]
ESPN is like Madonna. Back in the day they were both hip -- you felt like you were connected tothem on a personal level. Thirty years later they are talking with strange accents and disconnected from the general public. The Worldwide Leader in Sports hasproven this disconnection once again in their coverage of Ben Roethlisberger's sexual assault case.

The explanation I got was that ESPN does not report on civil cases that don't have criminal complaints. I was told that the policy has been in effectfor twenty years and, since the plaintiff did not filea criminal complaint, it was a "non-story." They sent out a memo that stated that no one in the company could talk about the story.

It may have been a good policy twenty years ago, but it doesn't apply now since ESPN is the first to jump on an athlete for almost anything, instead itappears weak.

When the Super Bowl winning QB is charged with sexual assault, even in a civil trial, that's news. As long as it is reported fairly and without bias itshould be available to the public.

Are you telling me twelve stories about Brett Favre working out at a high school are bigger than Big Ben being sued for sexual assault?

Floyd Mayweather owes the IRS -- that is reported. T.O. can't find a house in Buffalo because neighbors don't like him --that is a story. Former athletes going bankrupt -- front page story. If a player sniffs a steroid the Outside the Lines crews are in front of his house. PacmanJones at a strip club throwing money around in a case that he was never charged -- huge story.

But not Ben Roethlisberger?

I don't care about the technicalities; the woman is alleging, in no uncertain terms, that Ben Roethlisberger raped her andthere's not a whisper from the World Wide Leader in Sports? Regardless of the policy only the naive would believe that ESPN would not have reported thisstory if the name was Terrell Owens and not Ben Roethlisberger.

One of the reasons a lot of people are turned off by ESPN is the perception they protect certain players, coaches and teams. Ihonestly do not believe it is a racial issue, I just believe they slurp the bath water of certain individuals and it is very annoying.

It makes no sense that every other news/sports organization in the U.S. has this story and the #1 Sports Network does not.
The only person happy aboutthat is Ben Roethlisberger.
Originally Posted by cartune

[h1]ESPN Is Like Madonna[/h1]
ESPN is like Madonna. Back in the day they were both hip -- you felt like you were connected to them on a personal level. Thirty years later they are talking with strange accents and disconnected from the general public. The Worldwide Leader in Sports has proven this disconnection once again in their coverage of Ben Roethlisberger's sexual assault case.

The explanation I got was that ESPN does not report on civil cases that don't have criminal complaints. I was told that the policy has been in effect for twenty years and, since the plaintiff did not file a criminal complaint, it was a "non-story." They sent out a memo that stated that no one in the company could talk about the story.

It may have been a good policy twenty years ago, but it doesn't apply now since ESPN is the first to jump on an athlete for almost anything, instead it appears weak.

When the Super Bowl winning QB is charged with sexual assault, even in a civil trial, that's news. As long as it is reported fairly and without bias it should be available to the public.

Are you telling me twelve stories about Brett Favre working out at a high school are bigger than Big Ben being sued for sexual assault?

Floyd Mayweather owes the IRS -- that is reported. T.O. can't find a house in Buffalo because neighbors don't like him -- that is a story. Former athletes going bankrupt -- front page story. If a player sniffs a steroid the Outside the Lines crews are in front of his house. Pacman Jones at a strip club throwing money around in a case that he was never charged -- huge story.

But not Ben Roethlisberger?

I don't care about the technicalities; the woman is alleging, in no uncertain terms, that Ben Roethlisberger raped her and there's not a whisper from the World Wide Leader in Sports? Regardless of the policy only the naive would believe that ESPN would not have reported this story if the name was Terrell Owens and not Ben Roethlisberger.

One of the reasons a lot of people are turned off by ESPN is the perception they protect certain players, coaches and teams. I honestly do not believe it is a racial issue, I just believe they slurp the bath water of certain individuals and it is very annoying.

It makes no sense that every other news/sports organization in the U.S. has this story and the #1 Sports Network does not.
The only person happy about that is Ben Roethlisberger.

truth spoken
i still think its a racial thing
Race is a part of it, no doubt. I think it also hasn't blown up to the extent because of the complete absurdity of this woman accusing Roethlisberger. Howcan you accuse someone 1 year after the fact? The Kobe incident occurred within days. Also, civil charges v. criminal charges. There is bias and it is partlyracial but that is not the whole story. People need to COMPLETELY open their eyes.
now look whats happening with Shawne Merriman and him choking that broad Tila Tequila. On front page, already broadcast on SportsCenter. WOW SMH...
Media blew up Kobe because he is the best playee in the NBA, had huge endorsement deals, commercials, is on the most popular/hated team in america.

Mike Vick was one of the premiere faces of the NFL before his scandal. Son had the most popular selling jersey going, even moreso than Peyton Manning. Samedeal with Kobe.

Plax is gettin all the attention because of where he resides, in NY. You really think the media is gonna let that slide with him being in the media capital ofthe world?

Pacman got the media attention when Jerry Jones said he was interested in him. Beforehand espn would give a little article or so about what Pacman got himselfinto this time. But when he went to Dallas, America's Team, thats when his troubles became a media circus.

2 of these guys were the faces of their sport and the other 2 already had media buzz surrounding their teams' markets. Big Ben? He doesnt sell jerseys,he's not Top 10 at his position much less his sport, and he doesnt put up incredible stats. Plainly put, Ben Roethlisberger is a boring athlete that nobodycares for. Hell he went Top 10 in his draft but the hype was around Eli and Philip Rivers. Big Ben lost 1 game as rookie and took his squad to the AFC titlegame. But the bigger story before those playoffs even started was whether or not it was gonna be an Eli/Peyton SB.

This has a lot less to do with Ben being white and Kobe black than a lot of you think it does. Gary Payton and Jalen Rose were acquitted of rape in Toronto amonth before Kobe was even accused, but nobody remembers that because the media didnt follow it too much.
Didn't the lady who accuse Ben come out over a year later? How are they supposed to prove that?
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