Ben Roethlisberger accused of sexual assault by another woman

So until he gets charged through this corrupt system you refuse to believe his guilt? If your blaming this on the females being money hungry/attention %%%%!! why aren't these charges being brought up against any number of the hundreds more NFL players? Its just a coincidence they're all against the same guy? Like i said before its nearly impossible without any physical marks to prove someone was sexuall assaulted. Not raped, sexually assaulted. They're two completely different things. So because they didnt find any marks on this women he's innocent?

That's the way the law/courts work, if you don't like it I suggest you try to do something to save all these innocent underage chicks that attend these bars and clubs.  I guess somebody out there has got to save 'em.

You know this how? Were you in that stall with them? Of course your going to flip it and ask how do i know he's guilty....i know of things Ben has done, this is no different then his usuals.

I didn't know a person past would be the end all be all in determination on whether or not they are guilty for a current activity.  It's people like you that put alot of innocent people at times behind bars because you don't want to look at the presented facts in a currrent case and just want to go off a person's past.  You better not ever serve jury duty champ.  Or even worse yet want to take the friend of a friend of a friend opinion about somebody that YOU don't even know and who damn sure doesn't know you.......pathetic.  If you want to ASSUME Ben was guilty of rape that night, thats on you, but the local police district and accuser at the time feels differently.

So again, your telling me multiple friends of mine were lying to me when they told me these things?
I'll say this one more time champ..............."I would probably take your basis of Ben a little more seriously if you said...."Yeah man my female 3rd cousin's boyfriend has a friend who used to live 20 miles away from Ben's house was the neighbor of a friend that used to deliver the mail to Ben's house."

You act as if your friends have never lied to you in their life by chance.  Besides even if Ben went to trial he wouldn't be on trial for his past mistakes if any, he would be on trial for this current situation in the club that night. 

Again, you fall into the category you just described, the general public.
.......and so do YOU sir!!

You can act up at work or you would get reprimanded for it. Granted Ben wasn't at work,

My man just keeps running in circles and not gaining any ground.
however that doesn't take away from the fact shes still illegal
You keep missing the point, it doesn't matter if she's illegal or legal, that point has NO bearing on Ben at all.
So Fade, when you talk about "the situation that he put himself in," you're referring to drinking with females in a club? I don't see it that way. The situation that he put himself in happened when he followed a drunk girl into a bathroom for sex while a bodyguard blocked the door.
Has Goodell ever suspended someone that didn't have an arrest or charge against him? If not I think his hands are tied and it is up to the team
PacMan was suspended for the 2007 season without being convicted or making a guilty plea. he had somethin like 9 arrests, questioned like 10 seperate times and then topped it off with the whole strip club fiasco with people being shot
I didn't know a person past would be the end all be all in determination on whether or not they are guilty for a current activity.  It's people like you that put alot of innocent people at times behind bars because you don't want to look at the presented facts in a currrent case and just want to go off a person's past.  You better not ever serve jury duty champ.  Or even worse yet want to take the friend of a friend of a friend opinion about somebody that YOU don't even know and who damn sure doesn't know you.......pathetic.  If you want to ASSUME Ben was guilty of rape that night, thats on you, but the local police district and accuser at the time feels differently.

So what, your playing the "people change" card?
 Relax for one +**%$!% second Judge Judy. He was accused of sexual assault 3 times now, THREE times. Tell me where i said he raped them, champ. If you knew how to read you would have read where i said sexual assault is nearly impossible to prove guilty. In most cases no charges are filed because of this. Does that mean the party is innocent?
I'll say this one more time champ..............."I would probably take your basis of Ben a little more seriously if you said...."Yeah man my female 3rd cousin's boyfriend has a friend who used to live 20 miles away from Ben's house was the neighbor of a friend that used to deliver the mail to Ben's house."

You act as if your friends have never lied to you in their life by chance.  Besides even if Ben went to trial he wouldn't be on trial for his past mistakes if any, he would be on trial for this current situation in the club that night. 
Yeah champ, stomp your foot down stand up for what matters (apparently sexually assaulting women and getting off scotch free) and believe what you want, but its the truth. I highly doubt 5+ friends lied to me about the same exact thing. Oh wait, they called a video conference to get their lies together before they told me, your right!!

.......and so do YOU sir!!

When did i say i wasn't the general public?
 Your making up +$%! now to try and make sense.

My man just keeps running in circles and not gaining any ground.
Did you read anything? Public figures have ways they have to carry themselves, at work or not. that's just the way it is. He could have had the party boy lifestyle if he wanted to but he didn't chose that. Ben is a celebrity, being in the public eye constantly means there's just some things you cannot do. His behavior is unacceptable.

You keep missing the point, it doesn't matter if she's illegal or legal, that point has NO bearing on Ben at all.
O RLY?!?!
 So being legal or illegal makes no difference when sexually assaulting someone? 

Ben admitted having sexual contact with the woman in a public place (which incase you dont know Judge Judy that's illegal in itself). You can't just go around banging 20 year old country bumpkins in bathroom bars and even suggest that is okay behavior for a public figure to do...Are you kidding me?!?! Just the fact that these allegations alone are damaging the NFL's name is enough to suspend the guy. 

If you owned a business and one of your employees was in this same exact situation three times now, this person carries your companies name and its all over the news and papers in negative light your telling me you would take ZERO action against that employee? I hope to God you never come anywhere near having to make coherent business decisions, you will sink quicker then the Titanic.

Im also missing why your being so protective of Ben? I never said he raped them, never said he should be thrown in jail for years and years to come...all im suggesting is in order to attempt to preserve the NFL's no bull image and Ben's image, Ben needs to be suspended for his actions, guilty or not.

I'm suggesting he gets a 4 game suspension, your acting like that is completely out of the question here

JD617 wrote:
So Fade, when you talk about "the situation that he put himself in," you're referring to drinking with females in a club? I don't see it that way. The situation that he put himself in happened when he followed a drunk girl into a bathroom for sex while a bodyguard blocked the door.

Not referring to drinking with females in a club, i have no problem with that. The situation I'm referring to is in bold, i couldn't agree more with what you said here and couldn't have said it better myself.
In most cases no charges are filed because of this. Does that mean the party is innocent?
In the eyes of the law and court.............YES.

I highly doubt 5+ friends lied to me about the same exact thing. Oh wait, they called a video conference to get their lies together before they told me, your right!!

Believe half of what YOU see and NONE of what you hear.

So being legal or illegal makes no difference when sexually assaulting someone? 

When I mentioned it doesn't matter if she was illegal or legal I was referring to the drinking in regards to Ben.
I hope to God you never come anywhere near having to make coherent business decisions, you will sink quicker then the Titanic.


all im suggesting is in order to attempt to preserve the NFL's no bull image and Ben's image, Ben needs to be suspended for his actions, guilty or not.

That's exactly why you and I disagree.  I can care less about Ben and even less about the Steelers as I'm a 49ers fan.  The fact of the matters remains that Ben wasn't charged with a crime that night at the club, and the "so called' accuser herself doesn't even want to or desire to press charges against Ben.  With all that being said how in the world can Goodell lay out a suspension and based upon what grounds.
In the eyes of the law and court.............YES.
Hop off of your "in the name of the law" high horse for one damn minute. Your telling me because no charges are filed in whatever the case may be, not even this one in particular...that the party is innocent?
You don't get out much do you.

Believe half of what YOU see and NONE of what you hear.
Don't open umbrella's indoors either, that's bad luck.

I'll copy and paste my question i posed to you again since you didn't read it and just pulled up the easiest picture you could come up with. If you owned a business and one of your employees was in this sameexact situation three times now, this person carries your companiesname and its all over the news and papers in negative light yourtelling me you would take ZERO action against that employee? If you don't, even if it's just to prove a point that you won't put up with the *@!!+!#!, that's a horrible business decision and you need to grow a backbone.

That's exactly why you and I disagree.  I can care less about Benand even less about the Steelers as I'm a 49ers fan.  The fact of thematters remains that Ben wasn't charged with a crime that night at theclub, and the "so called' accuser herself doesn't even want to ordesire to press charges against Ben.  With all that being said how inthe world can Goodell lay out a suspension and based upon what grounds.
And we can agree to disagree, respectively. There is more then enough grounds to suspend Ben on is what i'm getting at here.
News conference just ended. Mr. Rooney just announced the team will take disciplinary action against Ben for his actions. The exact consequences however will not be released/finished until after the draft.
[h1]The Roethlisberger Documents: "His Penis Was Already Out Of His Pants"[/h1]

Now we know exactly what Roethlisberger was accused of doing that night: straight up, unprotected sex. Let's dig right in to the sordid details, shall we?

Since no charges will be brought, the investigation records become public; The Smoking Gun has 572 pages of them. Included are witness statements from those present in the bar, including the victim and her friends. Among the highlights:

•The encounter lasted about ten minutes, beginning from when Roethlisberger entered the back area "with his penis already out of his pants." The alleged victim repeatedly told him she didn't want to have sex, but he kept reassuring her, as they had unprotected sex. She told her friends immediately after, and they reported it to the first police officer they saw.

•According to her friend, both the girl and Roethlisberger were "noticeably intoxicated". His bodyguards "dragged" the victim to the back, and he followed two minutes later. When her friends approached the bar manager to unlock the bathroom door, he told them "Ben's an NFL quarterback, he won't do anything to ruin his reputation."

•The alleged victim had met up with Roethlisberger earlier in the night at another bar, where he called her and her sorority sisters "a tease." They ran into him again at Capital City, where the back room was roped off to everyone but Roethlisberger and "10 to 15 girls." One of her friends told police afterwards that she thought the whole thing was a "set-up," and that Roethlisberger had selected the alleged victim earlier in the evening.

•The alleged victim was wearing a nametag labeled "DTF" When asked, she said it stood for "down to @%#!." Roethlisberger replied, "I'm not down to @%#!, but I like to @%#! girls."

•One of the girls in the group left the bar angrily after Roethlisberger purchased a round of drinks, saying "all my %!@%*$@, take some shots."

•Roethlisberger's bodyguards were deleting photos from people's cameras and phones that depicted Roethlisberger drinking.

•When they got home, one of Roethlisberger's friends asked him what had happened in the bathroom. Roethlisberger told him nothing had happened, and that they were just "messing around." He said that she had slipped, and once he had helped her up, he told her they were not going to continue.

•On March 17, 12 days after the incident, a lawyer for the woman requested that the rape probe be dropped, because "a criminal trial would be a very intrusive experience."

So there you have it. By avoiding charges, Roethlisberger escaped potential jail time. But he didn't escape having the sleazy details of his night in Milledgeville splashed all over, for everyone to judge.
that behavior is bound to continue.. He's doomed. maybe not now or in 2 years but down the line, he'll be in jail.
•One of the girls in the group left the bar angrily after Roethlisberger purchased a round of drinks, saying "all my %!@%*$@, take some shots."

Its a celebration....


yea tho, he's gonna take 4 games for this **@@....
•According to her friend, both the girl and Roethlisberger were "noticeably intoxicated". His bodyguards "dragged" the victim to the back, and he followed two minutes later. When her friends approached the bar manager to unlock the bathroom door, he told them "Ben's an NFL quarterback, he won't do anything to ruin his reputation."

All bad.
wait so did they have intercourse or not?

didnt Ben say to investigators that they did not have intercourse? just curious.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

wait so did they have intercourse or not?

didnt Ben say to investigators that they did not have intercourse? just curious.
She claims they *++$#+; Ben says they didn't.
the Commissioner can't let him skate... thats messed up if he does.. I feel like most of the league 70% black would be a lil bothered if he just gives him a "stern talk"...

but u already know what time it is in the NFL.... I hope he misses 4 games tho at least. All players including my man Rogers should be held accountable for their actions...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

dragged to the bathroom... ridiculous

I cant +#*@ with Ben

i was coming in here specifically to ask you what you think ... we all knew that this was grimey ... and we don't need charges to warrant a suspension ... 
i think some in here were hoping for the best ... but when you have this kind of history ... 

like i said he should get 4 games ... anything less would be absurd and anything more would be warranted ... 

@ dragging her ... since when do athletes have to force girls ... #where they do that at 

This is from SbB....

if this is goodness.  Makes you wonder how many other women he's done this to.  4 games ain't enough....
One witness, Ann Marie Lubatti, told investigators that she saw one of Roethlisberger’s bodyguards guide the alleged victim to a side door. Lubatti said that she immediately approached another bodyguard and said, “This isn’t right. My friend is back there with Ben. She needs to come back right now.
i was coming in here specifically to ask you what you think ... we all knew that this was grimey ... and we don't need charges to warrant a suspension ... 
i think some in here were hoping for the best ... but when you have this kind of history ... 

like i said he should get 4 games ... anything less would be absurd and anything more would be warranted ... 

@ dragging her ... since when do athletes have to force girls ... #where they do that at

I feel u fam. I really do feel u...
I still dont think there should be suspension from Goodell

 but on the flipside,  If I was on a jury on this case, I would convict Ben without a doubt just off using my common sense.

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