Ben Roethlisberger accused of sexual assault by another woman

Has he ever suspended someone that wasn't charged with a crime though in a case like this?
Just reading that $#%$ makes me feel dirty. All I gotta say is that Ben is gonna get his eventually. Dude is the epitome of a scumbag.
So what, a few stories from the papers now all the sudden ya'll believe me and are calling for suspensions? 

I told you dude is scum. But apparently living in Pittsburgh and having friends who know Ben and have dealt with him first hand wasn't enough, you had to wait for TMZ to report 

Uptown knows exactly what im talking about, burgh wise 
All I gotta say is that Ben is gonna get his eventually.
True indeed.

 Dude is the epitome of a scumbag.
  Doesn't mean he should be suspended by the league though.

you are mistaken...Vick was told not to attend falcons camp while the investigation was ongoing, he was charged, but he was not found gulty at that point.
  Okay, Vick was charged, which is something concrete to fall back on from Goodell's point of view.  Like I've been saying though, unless Ben was or gets charged with something soon Goodell shouldn't be able to suspend him.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I still dont think there should be suspension from Goodell

Agreed.  At this point, I think Goodell would be putting himself in a bad spot if he were to suspend Ben.

If Goodell doesnt the Steelers are going to.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Does Godell tack on, or just leave it in the hands of the Franchise?  So if Pitt suspends for 4, will Roger add games, or leave that as the total punishment? 
The way I understood it was that Goodell and the team would work together to decide the punishment. They would decide together how many games he would miss and that would be the only punishment. They werent going to hand one down from the team and another from the league, it was just going to be combined.
I don't know what to make of this. I think the Steelers would be stupid to try to move him before any charges are brought up, but I also think the league has to be careful here. If you start setting a precedent of suspending people without being charged, what's to stop people from just bring up all kinds of cases against star players to help their team beat them the next week, ya know?

It's a slippery slope to me, you don't have a case than you really shouldn't be able to suspend - I realize he's hurting the league's image, and there's something to be said for that... but it's not entirely his fault his name is in the news like it is, either. There's only so much he can do to help that.

As far as Ben himself - well, I won't lie that I'm losing a bit of respect for him. You want to be a filthy dude then at least be smart about it, pay some **%$!# to come and mess around with - don't be trying to feel up regular old girls for no reason. Mostly though, I just don't respect somebody that can't be more professional as a representative of a city like he is. He's entitled to live his life and @+#$, but he's got to realize that he's not a normal dude and he's got an image to uphold to protect his career.

All that being said - two cases come up and don't go anywhere? I have to wonder if there's something up there also. Surely he's not a completely innocent dude by the sounds of it, but it also sounds like he's got some money-chasing women coming after him hard... why him? Because he's dumb enough to fall for their games? I don't know. Just something fishy about it to me.
I don't know why people keep saying Goodell shouldn't suspend or shouldn't be able to suspend.

He's had this all-inclusive personal conduct policy for years and can pretty much do whatever he wants under it's umbrella, this isn't anything new.

And like I said before, not being charged shouldn't or doesn't apply at all because what Ben is accused (and by "accused" I mean what he did but they just don't have the DNA to convict him) of doing is exponentially worse than what guys have been suspended for being convicted of doing like having guns, drugs, etc.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I don't know why people keep saying Goodell shouldn't suspend or shouldn't be able to suspend.

He's had this all-inclusive personal conduct policy for years and can pretty much do whatever he wants under it's umbrella, this isn't anything new.

And like I said before, not being charged shouldn't or doesn't apply at all because what Ben is accused (and by "accused" I mean what he did but they just don't have the DNA to convict him) of doing is exponentially worse than what guys have been suspended for being convicted of doing like having guns, drugs, etc.

Exponentially worse?  And I didn't realize you were in the bathroom with he and girl to know he did it, pretty cool man.. you should probably call the police and let them know so they can wrap that case up.
If Goodell doesnt the Steelers are going to.
  No doubt, I can see that happening and I think the Steelers would have more leeway to suspend rather than Goodell.

And like I said before, not being charged shouldn't or doesn't apply at all because what Ben is accused (and by "accused" I mean what he did but they just don't have the DNA to convict him) of doing is exponentially worse than what guys have been suspended for being convicted of doing like having guns, drugs, etc.
  the person before you gave a rebuttal for your point even before you spoke of it.........

If you start setting a precedent of suspending people without being charged, what's to stop people from just bring up all kinds of cases against star players to help their team beat them the next week, ya know?

Perjury and conspiracy to...trap a star player (couldn't think of the word) is pretty serious. And Goodell has only suspended w/o waiting for a charge
on repeat offenders: Pacman and Chris Henry right?

I'm sure at this point Ben is on very thin ice now, as far as being suspended at the accused stage now.
Yes, exponentially worse.

Goodell has consistently said that the conduct policy is more than just avoiding law enforcement. I'm not saying that's right, but that's how it is.

Considering that Ben has the lawsuit already pending, and that it has come to light that other girls have accused him of similar acts, he really should be watching what he does when he goes out. Instead, this idiot has his bodyguards blocking off hallways and is taking really drunk 20 year olds into bathrooms and then having sex with them. Words can't describe how much judgment you have to lack to be one of the biggest faces of the NFL and do continually do stuff like that. For that alone you could probably make a case for a fine, suspension or some kind of counseling.

But that's under the assumption that you guys are making that Ben didn't really do anything. It's really ridiculous to me to make the comments like "Because he's dumb enough to fall for their games?" because Ben's the one who needs to be responsible for his actions.
If you start setting a precedent of suspending people without beingcharged, what's to stop people from just bring up all kinds of casesagainst star players to help their team beat them the next week, yaknow?
I think the odds of this happening are very slim, but either way, unless you could prove that this is what's happening with Ben then using that consideration as the reason to not suspend him isn't sound reasoning at all.
I'm with PMAC. I agree with pretty much everything he has said......AND hes a Dodger fan. Just sayin.
Bottom line.....Playing in the NFL is a privlege not a right, so if Goodell thinks its okay to suspend Big Ben, Pacman etc than thats his choice.
I wish everybody would smarten up from Ben to these chicks. I get a little tired of chicks getting off with not too much said about their behavior. Don't get plastered where you find yourself in that position. For the athletes yall making too much money to mess with these regular chicks anyway get a pro that already knows what it is and you'll avoid alot of this garbage. Just don't understand it.
Agree mistakes made on all fronts. As I said if my friend was taken to a bathroom with him and couldn't get out and some bouncers didn't let me help her, I wouldn't just ask the manager or bouncers I would raise absolute hell. It is hard to get the full story though, seems like everyone was jacked up and being creepy
Craftsy21 wrote:
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

What Ben is accused of doing is exponentially worse than what guys have been suspended for being convicted of doing like having guns, drugs, etc.

Exponentially worse?
Most people consider rape to be exponentially worse than gun/drug possession. Shocking, I know.
Craftsy21 wrote:
And I didn't realize you were in the bathroom with he and girl to know he did it, pretty cool man.. you should probably call the police and let them know so they can wrap that case up.

A childish, overly defensive post by Craftsy about a Steeler? Nah, couldn't be.
I think the odds of this happening are very slim, but either way, unless you could prove that this is what's happening with Ben then using that consideration as the reason to not suspend him isn't sound reasoning at all.

The only way to prove this is would be to take it to trial, which is what the accuser for whatever reason doesn't/didn't want to do. Either way it's still granting the league un-necssary attention, which is what the player conduct policy is all about.  Bottomline is, it's not Roger Goodell's National Football League, it's the National Football Legue, Roger Goodell just happens to preside over it for now. 
Originally Posted by JD617

Craftsy21 wrote:
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

What Ben is accused of doing is exponentially worse than what guys have been suspended for being convicted of doing like having guns, drugs, etc.

Exponentially worse?
Most people consider rape to be exponentially worse than gun/drug possession. Shocking, I know.
Craftsy21 wrote:
And I didn't realize you were in the bathroom with he and girl to know he did it, pretty cool man.. you should probably call the police and let them know so they can wrap that case up.

A childish, overly defensive post by Craftsy about a Steeler? Nah, couldn't be.
He wasn't accused of rape - it was sexual assault from what I understand:

In the United States the definition of sexual assault varies widely between the individual states. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network defines "sexual assault" as
unwanted sexual contact that stops short of rape or attempted rape. This includes sexual touching and fondling.[sup][7][/sup]

Not good, but not rape either.  It's not like he mugged some perfectly sober chick in the street, threw her in an alley and forced himself on her.  There was very likely intent to be physical on her part also, or the situation never would've occurred.  If you can't see how that's far different from the "rapist" tag that's being thrown on him, well I don't know what to tell you.  But it's not the same thing, and you shouldn't just lump it together as if it were.

And how was my response childish?  Sarcasm != immaturity, it's generally the only effective way to deal with half-wits on the internet who speak out of their #%!$% on the regular.  pardon me for acting like everyone else on this board.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I think the odds of this happening are very slim, but either way, unless you could prove that this is what's happening with Ben then using that consideration as the reason to not suspend him isn't sound reasoning at all.

 Bottomline is, it's not Roger Goodell's National Football League, it's the National Football Legue, Roger Goodell just happens to preside over it for now. 

No its not but again .....Playing in the NFL is a privlege not a right, so if Goodell thinks its okay to suspend Big Ben, Pacman etc than thats his choice.

Its no different as if you're in normal job and they fire you for getting arrested or doing some other questionable behavior. This isnt violating his civil rights or something, he plays in the NFL and makes lots of money and should act accordingly.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I think the odds of this happening are very slim, but either way, unless you could prove that this is what's happening with Ben then using that consideration as the reason to not suspend him isn't sound reasoning at all.

 Bottomline is, it's not Roger Goodell's National Football League, it's the National Football Legue, Roger Goodell just happens to preside over it for now. 

No its not but again .....Playing in the NFL is a privlege not a right, so if Goodell thinks its okay to suspend Big Ben, Pacman etc than thats his choice.

Its no different as if you're in normal job and they fire you for getting arrested or doing some other questionable behavior. This isnt violating his civil rights or something, he plays in the NFL and makes lots of money and should act accordingly.

/ THREAD ... 
def. a privilege ... if you don't know how to act ... you don't deserve to play 
Originally Posted by dland24

I'm with PMAC. I agree with pretty much everything he has said......AND hes a Dodger fan. Just sayin.

Bottomline is, it's not Roger Goodell's National Football League,it's the National Football Legue, Roger Goodell just happens to presideover it for now. 
Well, as far as disciplining players goes he is the judge, jury and the appeals court ... so it might as well be Roger Goodell's NFL.
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