Bench press

im 19

beginning of 07- i was 5-6 and weighed 210 and i was benchin 295 ( i was so close to 300 haha)
now- 5-8 150 and maxin around 230 haha ...but i swear ill get my bench back up there ASAP

yess i lost alot of weight..

no it wasnt because of drugs haha
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07


Wow I actually have this book in the other room.
Last time I tested my max it was 335lbs. No ducktales. I been in the gym since my teen years btw. 22 now.
during summer when i was consistently hitting the gym i could put up like 240 i think. now like 155
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Max Bench means absolutely nothing by the way.'s all about squats.
But on the topic of bench, how do y'all warm up? I always find myself doing WAY too many warm-up sets and thus, bythe time I'm doing my "real" sets (heavy), I've already worn myself out.
i can put up 155 with ease 3 sets of 10
havent maxed out since august
but back then it was 185
should be around 205 or so
^cosign. Max bench usually leads to horrible form, which then can lead to serious injuries.

Stay away from 1 rep bench presses (unless you have no self-confidence and need an ego booster), and stick to sets/reps.
Krisp Kicks youre right but it is a sign of strength. I can put up 315 a good 6-8 reps. Might need a lil help on the last. Damn between this and do you getcompliments on your body thread make me wanna post pics but like I said this isnt Also I know for fact I can do 10 reps of 405 for squats butI dont know max on that. 6'1" 205lbs 11.1 bf %
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Max Bench means absolutely nothing by the way.'s all about squats.
But on the topic of bench, how do y'all warm up? I always find myself doing WAY too many warm-up sets and thus, by the time I'm doing my "real" sets (heavy), I've already worn myself out.

I warmup with 2 or 3 sets of 135lbs with like 10-12 reps.
My max bench was 240lbs
no max but i have thrown up 225 a rough 3 times so somewhere around 240 im guessing i have a terrible bench , but on dumbbells im comfortable with 80's forlike sets of 8
It depends on form as well...a lot of people bounce the bar off their chest hard, others go half way, a couple inches off their chest, etc.

I do 4 seconds down, explode up...when i worked out on the regular, I think I could hit 245 using that form about 3 times. Not rushing it, but honest,controlled presses. After not working out for a year, and finally getting back into it, I'm so much weaker

I think the last time I went out I did 195 7 times
last time i tried benching was senior year of high school and could only do like 115 i think... since then i've joined gyms mult times but i never actuallygo lol
I like to do push-ups/pull-ups as a general warm up depending on what I'm lifting that day, before benching I will usually do a couple sets of push-ups toloosen up and get the blood flowing into the area. And I personally don't put much value in max bench as a sign of strength. There's a huge differencebetween real/useful strength and "gym" strength.

I've been lifting for years and years, now, since my mid-teens and I'm in my early 20s now. As an athlete I have never had a high max bench AT ALL, butwhen some of these meatheads come onto the court, I push them around like lightweights. It's pretty funny, and their ego takes a big hit. Big ol'muscles serving NO purpose
I love dumbell benchin cuz I get to show off. I can do full 10 reps with 100lbs. I prefer dumbells over bench actually because i bring it real like and itlocalizes each pec more. I do 135 for quick warm up. Then 225 is my start weight for bench always. All i know is anybody wanna talk about the gym holla at meill even tell you my current stack. Ive had great success with the product im on now. (No steroids) I use ON whey and Muscle Milk for before bad for my proteinpowders.EDIT: always my max not like it matters for dumbells are 110. My gym only goes up to 120. Ive tried many different products on the market from bars,powders to Nitric Oxide products. So I know whats crappy to whats good. Diet beats all though at the end of the day. Supplements do that Supplement.(Real lowwith dumbells*, before bed for muscle milk* sorry for the typos postin from BB)
175 max i weigh 165 and i'm 5'9
i don't really ever max out though, not brolic like the rest of nt.
Just started doing summer workouts for basketball. I max at out 345lbs.

Just keeeeding.

I rep 125 ten times in 3 sets.
225 once, about 2 years ago
that was when i was in the best physical condition of my life
i had knee surgury the day after i did that.
and i never really got back into working out after 3 months of doing nothing
damn wish i would have never done that
tried to lift about 2 months ago, could barely do 135 3 times
ima get off the computer and hit the gym
Also creatine is great. There is only one I trust. Ive had no problems with bloat either and Drink water all day easy. Ill cycle then get off for a while. Andanyone who says they got fat off muscle milk that is they fault. If your diet is right to begin with that wont happen. Just wanted to throw that in because alot of folks dont understand creatine is a great product.
your benchpress is of so little importance, it is a far overhyped stat. I mean do it, but core muscles and legs are at least as important but people act likebench is it. I benched 360 early in college and I doubt I could do 200 now (10 years later) but my leg press and squat was my isht.
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