Bench press

I'm 6' even..when I'm trying to max out I usually press 400 4-5 times.

Usually I train at 250 10-12 times. I've come along way in terms of strength because of my military background and conditioning program....and I weigh 215.
I'm trying to get back into serious lifting again. It's been tough the last two years with my schedule.

But I'm back to 245x4 as my last flat bench set. I'm at 205x3 for my last incline set. Pretty bad for 195 pounds. My goal is to get to 300 max bench,400 max squat, 300 max deadlift by the end of the summer.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Last time I tested my max it was 335lbs. No ducktales. I been in the gym since my teen years btw. 22 now.

thats very bad than. if i would've been lifting since my "teen years" (soemthing i maybe did about 3-5 times during my teen years in highschool) i would've been in the 400s by now.I always hated lifting weights and went off my genetics and talent
silly me.

Originally Posted by patent leather

Stay away from 1 rep bench presses (unless you have no self-confidence and need an ego booster), and stick to sets/reps.

ignorance. your 1 rep max is very important on not just the bench press, but compound lifts like the squat, DL, and cleanns. You say stick to sets/reps,right? Well the only way to ideally know how much you need to rep and how many sets you need to do for muscle gains and strength gains is by basing a programaround your 1 rep max. With the 1 rep max, you know exactly what's too little (too far from your rep max) and too much (close to or over your rep max) whenperforming that particular exercise. Lesson learned: don't give fitness tips if you dont put in work in your gym. outro
My bench has always been a joke. One rep was 355 last time I maxed but it's been about a year. Squat and power cleans were my !!!% tho, I squatted 495 andpower cleaned 315 at 195lbs. The stats have fallen off tho since I got off of the college weight program.
On chest day, I start off my workout with:

205 x 15 reps (warm up)

245 x 6-8 reps

275 x 2-3 reps

I'll do 4-5 different chest exercises, but sometimes 4 is enough because its strictly heavy lifting and by that time I can barely lift anything.

I'm 5'8-5'9, 165lbs.
Wow, there are so many liars in here.

Anyway, as for me:
- Age: 18 (in three weeks).
- Height: 5'8" or 5'9"
- Weight: 156 @ 7.7% body fat last time I measured. I usually stay a little above that at around 160, though. Still no abs at all.

- Bench: 170 x 5 last time I did barbell bench. I usually rep 70 lb. dumbbells. I may be able to max 225 on a good day.
- Squat: 275 x 5. And yes, I go down to parallel, not BS squats.
some of these #'s are crazy.

I had a friend who imo, and everyone else who knew of him was diesel"
he did 345 4-6 times and would have a lot of folks watch him lift. he weighed 215 or so.

Now i wouldnt call out peeps cause the only folks who actually told the truth would respond but some of these stats are rediculous sp?

ima try and find a pic...
i'm 130 and i can bench 285, 15lb

yeah...ok! :lol:

didnt know they had bench press simulations for Nintendo wii

Just caught that. :lol:

Some of ya'll are posting pure BS. :wow:

Some people may lie about their #'s, but I don't see the point IMO.

Also (seeking advice) regards to my chest day workout, is there any way I can mix in my workout without feeling TOO burnt out in the end, this is how mychest day would go normally:

1) Bench Press
205 x 15 reps (warm up)
245 x 6-8 reps
275 x 2-3 reps

2) Incline Bench Press (would like to increase, for some reason I can't)
155 x 12 (warm up)
185 x 6-8
185 x 6-8

3) Dumbbell Press Flat Bench
90lb (each arm) x 8
90lb x 8
100lb x 5-6

4) Incline Dumbbell Press
75lb (each arm) x 8
75lb x 8
80 x 6

Sometimes I'll mix in some cable crossovers instead of a dumbbell press just to mix things up. Its a heavy lifting regimen for chest (I do it once a week)and am always crazy sore afterwards, but was just wondering if there were any other ways to mix it up and increase my strength. I feel like I hit a plateauwith those weight increments. Not to mention, that depending on my energy level that day, by the time I hit the dumbbell preses I sometimes end up staying withthe same weight all 3 reps, instead of increasing for the last one.

For the record, I do NOT mess with workouts like dead lifts, or HEAVY squats because I don't like to mess with my knees too much since Ihad surgery 2 years ago. Everything I do for legs is reasonably a good amount of weight (8-12 reps), and I try to emphasize good technique and slow reps.
So many liars in here. Dudes weighing 160 and saying they can bench250 pounds with ease

Other dudes weighing 200 saying they can bench 400+ pounds for reps

I'm 5'9 160, I've never lifted to get big and dont ever plan on bulking, I just lift to stay in shape, prevent injuries when playing sports. I've never tested my maxes (dont see a point) but here are my current lifts...

Bench 175 x 4
Squat 265 x 5
Deadlift 260+ x 5 (my new gym doesnt have any chalk and my grip is garbage so I just do 225 pounds now-a-days)
205 x 15 reps (warm up)
damn. that's a crucial "warm up." i'd take it down some if i were you, especially since you say you feel so burnt out. theysay anything over 6-8 reps is overkill and you just end up fatiguing your muscles more than getting that "overload" that really helps build newmuscle. ideally it's 4-6, so you might wanna up the weight. i'd come up with a cycle where you only do 3 out of those 4 workouts per day that youworkout your chest, because with your current workout you're doing almost 100 reps which is OD. do you only do 1 muscle group per day, or do you match themup like biceps/shoulders, chest/forearms, etc.?
Only reason that warm up is that high is because I jump right into heavy lifting right afterwards, so I want to be "close" to the next level ofweight, but not too "low" at the same time, you know?

So my warm up should only be 8 reps and my sets should be 6 max? When I say burnt out, I mean the time I reach the dumbbell presses (incline or flatbench), I SOMETIMES can't do the set number of reps that I aim for in my last set (may fall short by 1 or 2 which pisses me off). Do you think that 3rd setof bench where I basically MAX (2-3 reps) is something I should keep doing in hopes of increasing my strength, or something I should avoid so early in theworkout? I know that I def would not be able to do my max in ANYTHING at the end of my workout.

Sorry for all the questions, just looking for some insight.

do you only do 1 muscle group per day, or do you match them up like biceps/shoulders, chest/forearms, etc.?

Right NOW this is pretty much my regimen:

Monday- Chest
Tues- Legs (light)/Cardio
Wed- off
Thurs- Back/Shoulders
Fri; Arms (biceps and triceps)
Saturday- B-Ball (cardio)

But I've def been slacking A LOT (working out 3 days a week), not feeling energetic or motivated. After seeing this post though I feel a bit more motivatedto go to the gym tomm (start my training a day early).
Are you mad that I'm out doing you at the age of 15 my football coaches brag on me all the time but I'm not mad I get that all the time atschool.
Mez, why barbell and dumbells in the same workout? I either do DB or BB, and rotate after three workouts. I do flyes and dips as my other two exercises.

By the way, there is nothing better than weighted dips. I hit 115x3 two days ago
honestly, like 130lbs once or twice.
but i dont work out. im about to start monday
and get serious as hell about it.
^ how the hell do you strap on 115lbs? do you just hang weights from a belt or do you have one of those expensive @*@ weight vests? i've got a cheap 20lbweight vest (i need to upgrade) and i'll crank out like 25-30 dips, but damn, i'd be scared to try dips with that much weight. weighted pull ups anddips ARE the truth though, i try to tell my friends but they're too worried about #'s.
Are you mad that I'm out doing you at the age of 15 my football coaches brag on me all the time but I'm not mad I get that all the time at school.

you could at least come up with a reasonable lie. you're 15, weigh 130 lbs and you're benching over 2 times your weight? yeah, okay

Only reason that warm up is that high is because I jump right into heavy lifting right afterwards, so I want to be "close" to the next level of weight, but not too "low" at the same time, you know?

So my warm up should only be 8 reps and my sets should be 6 max? When I say burnt out, I mean the time I reach the dumbbell presses (incline or flat bench), I SOMETIMES can't do the set number of reps that I aim for in my last set (may fall short by 1 or 2 which pisses me off). Do you think that 3rd set of bench where I basically MAX (2-3 reps) is something I should keep doing in hopes of increasing my strength, or something I should avoid so early in the workout? I know that I def would not be able to do my max in ANYTHING at the end of my workout.
i'd up the weight on your first set to like 225 (or whatever you're comfortable with) and cut the reps down to 5 or 6. same with all yourother workouts. up the weight and drop the reps. i'd also cut your stations down to 3 per workout, but do 4 or 5 sets per station instead of 3, and justrotate the stations that you hit every few workouts. you're killing yourself with that many different exercises IMO. just hit 3 really hard and rotatethem.

so for your bench, i'd say something like
225x5 (2 sets)
245x5 (2 sets)
275xMax (if you're getting more than 4, i'd up the weight)

and then similar changes to your other workouts.
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

^ how the hell do you strap on 115lbs? do you just hang weights from a belt or do you have one of those expensive @*@ weight vests? i've got a cheap 20lb weight vest (i need to upgrade) and i'll crank out like 25-30 dips, but damn, i'd be scared to try dips with that much weight. weighted pull ups and dips ARE the truth though, i try to tell my friends but they're too worried about #'s.

I just use a normal weight belt. It's a little uncomfortable, but if you position it right it's bearable.
On the subject of lifting, what is the point of going to the gym if you aren't going to do anything right? I see dudes looking like the hunchbackwhen they're deadliftin, going half way down on squats, swinging their arm about an inch while doing dumbbell kickbacks, doing dips while not going all theway down or coming all the way back up, etc. YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, take off some of the weight and do it right. You'regoing to get a lot further that way.
Mez, why barbell and dumbells in the same workout? I either do DB or BB, and rotate after three workouts. I do flyes and dips as my other two exercises.

I'll take that into consideration, so if I do 3 exercises x 4 sets each, should I rotate something like:

Week 1:
a) Bench Press (5 sets)
225 x 8 (2 sets)
245 x 6 (2 sets)
275 x 2-3 (max)

b) Incline Bench Press (4 sets)
185 x 6 (2 sets)
205 x 4 (2 sets)

c) Decline Bench Press (4 sets)
**i'll look into a weight

Week 2:
a) Flat Dumbbell Press
90lb x 6 (2 sets)
100lb x 4 (2 sets)

b) Incline Dumbbell Press
80lb x 6 (2 sets)
90lb x 4-5 (2 sets)

c) ?

* and alternate the two?

PS: As for weighted dips on arm day, I normally just throw a 45lb dumbbell hanging from the bottom of my legs (I fold them so the dumbbell is secured thatway), and I'll do about 15 slowly. Probably the best exercise you can do.
why do people make these threads?

full of liesssss

sup im 13 and i bench 235 2-3 times!!!!!!1111111111111
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