Berenstein Bears Vol. Parallel Universe

The other thing they were saying is why people seem to be creeped out by this. Like a sense of dread comes over you when you realize. Normally you would think you would just write it off to bad memory or at most be intrigued at the mystery. But to have a sense or creepiness or scariness seems odd.
I have a vivid memory of seeing a berenstein bears themed ride and thinking to myself that something was odd about them. Random I know.

It was def Bernstein though. I vividly remember me trying to stunt in class because our teacher said I before E except after C. 
Legit confused :lol:

Before this thread I would have confidently bet anyone it was 'stein. I need answers Sway!!!!
im so tired of these parallel universe nuts ruining credible theories, especially ones on extraterrestrial life ... these arrogant people have the nerve to say that ET and UFO encounters are with time travelers from other dimensions, instead of alien beings from elsewhere in the universe...sorry just wanted to get that out there /endrant

I just quit work and slapped my mom..

My whole life is a lie.

Who can I trust?
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I volunteered at a library for high school and I used to stack books. And when I stacked books in the children's section I remember it as Berenstein

As somebody said. It can't be time travel because either we wouldn't have any recollection of it being stein, or a separate universe/timeline would've been created where it was always stain and out timeline would still be stein

This would be a glitch in the matrix that everybody remembers
Dr.Seuss was a good friend of both the authors,in fact he was the one of their first editors.Dr.Seuss wrote the book "Oh' the things they invented" which involved the Cat In The Hat traveling back in time to meet famous inventors.....Just saying ::nerd: IS Berenstein.

They trying to pull a fast one..

I feel like Disney is behind this...
It all makes sense now.

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Sam Berenst*in was born and raised in west Philadelphia.

Who else was born in west Philadelphia?

The Fresh Prince.

His name on the show was will....or William.

WILLIAM as in William Ernest Henley.

WEH was an editor in the 1890s.

There was a book he edited to add things to and also take things out.

That book

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