Best Buy vol. Best Job to Take

I worked Inventory. Somehow they switched truck days just as they hired me, so I was pretty much useless in the back. So they decided to move me into CarAudio. I think all I did was dust and scan tags. The thing is, nobody wanted to teach me how to do anything. I think they only kept me on just to cover thehours when nobody was in that department. Super boring job.
Supposedly our store is going down to 2 supervisors... sadly I already know my worthless POS supervisor will keep a supe spot... but there are others whodeserve it WAY more than him
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

ok by more fun i mean less boring

and yes...unless its the big breast appreciation, once a thread goes off of page 1 on NT it fades into bolivian

Fades to bolivian
Sonic the HEADchog
Irv Gotti in the club gettin tipsy
Lamborgenie Marcylago

There are more, but the list continues to grow every year and I keep forgetting the latest and greatest. NT keep it up
yay now ppl will stop trying to sound smart by correcting me, and will focus more on the topic at hand. but i'll give ebw permission todiscuss everything that he hates about me here too
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Supposedly our store is going down to 2 supervisors... sadly I already know my worthless POS supervisor will keep a supe spot... but there are others who deserve it WAY more than him
Yea, unfortunately there are people that do not deserve to be with the company that will stay in charge. This is when Wal-Mart needs tomake a charge..
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

I heard the people in Best Buy Mobile gross 50K+, any truth to that guys?

After ten years maybe?

Well, no. The highest place to work in BB right now besides holding a manager or supervisor spot is either working in Magnolia or Best Buy for Business. Thefull-time workers can max out at $28 an hour. Then again, this is speaking for store in large cities such as NYC, Chicago and L.A.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

I heard the people in Best Buy Mobile gross 50K+, any truth to that guys?

After ten years maybe?

Well, no. The highest place to work in BB right now besides holding a manager or supervisor spot is either working in Magnolia or Best Buy for Business. The full-time workers can max out at $28 an hour. Then again, this is speaking for store in large cities such as NYC, Chicago and L.A.

Not just Full-time workers..but other than that, yea pretty accurate.
I currently work there, in the media department and it's an alright job. I don't get many hours a week cause labor has dropped a lot since christmasbut i don't really mind. Still doing the school thing so my availability isn't too open so working my 10 hours a week is fine for me. Discount is niceand it's close to my house. I'm planning on leaving there in July to start off my career so a few more months and it looks like i'm out of there.Only thing i hate is the managers there. We had a few cool ones but they transferred and pretty much all but one of them suck.
Originally Posted by daemacho

i had a Hate/love relationship with bb. i started out in computers and moved over to pc repair around the same time they first rolled out the geek squad.
.. I loved that place because i was running shop. Stealing everything, hard drives- a laptop, dvds, couple mp3 players and games. even had a gift card scheme with the dude at customer service. but hated that place with a passion, they push you to work non stop with minimal pay. also you have to sacrifice to come in every other weekend to do shipment .

if you can deal with the all managers bs then the discounts are worth it.
Sounds like you made up for the minimal pay...
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

ok by more fun i mean less boring

and yes...unless its the big breast appreciation, once a thread goes off of page 1 on NT it fades into bolivian

Fades to bolivian
Sonic the HEADchog
Irv Gotti in the club gettin tipsy
Lamborgenie Marcylago

There are more, but the list continues to grow every year and I keep forgetting the latest and greatest. NT keep it up
NT not getting a Mike Tyson reference? For shame. What has this world come to?
yeah i guess its a company wide mtg this sat. cuz my store has one. i was thinking about playing hooky but i guess ill go. 730 am is not whats up tho. thereare a lot of perks with working for bbuy...ppl always need electronics so remember that. and i swear dudes be lying...the customer experience mgr told me hewas making like 100k...but yet he asked me for a job. I wonder how much those mgrs really are making...
I work in computers, it sucks. I'm just not a people person. The job sucks, but the discount and employee deals are sweet.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

yeah i guess its a company wide mtg this sat. cuz my store has one. i was thinking about playing hooky but i guess ill go. 730 am is not whats up tho. there are a lot of perks with working for bbuy...ppl always need electronics so remember that. and i swear dudes be lying...the customer experience mgr told me he was making like 100k...but yet he asked me for a job. I wonder how much those mgrs really are making...
No offense, but you must be young to say something like that. What people dont realize is that everything at BBY is aluxury. The only thing you can really argue is a must have is a washer/dryer[maybe even a computer]..but even that is not a must have. No body needs a FlatPanel, Video game consoles, PC's, Car Radios, Camera's, et.....if you really wanted to work around not having that stuff and saving some money youcould. Thats a huge reason many people are in debt today[buying things they cant afford/ and in this case dont 'need'], and its a huge reason businesshas slowed down at BBY...

Also, the only Mgrs that hit the 100K mark for the most part are GM's. Obviously cost of living in your area is very important, andwill determine alot of what your pay is. This is why many employees when they transfer from one region of the country to another are either happy or upsetabout thier pay.... You could be starting at $10 in Seattle but start at only $8 in Austin, Tx..
But also alot of the Mgr's pay is made by bonuses, so that is why they are constantly pushing people to hit more than asked of you, the higher youcomp over the year, the bigger thier bonuses are. Most Mgrs make about 40-60K, but every salary is independent of the Mgr....
Originally Posted by MHT214

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

yeah i guess its a company wide mtg this sat. cuz my store has one. i was thinking about playing hooky but i guess ill go. 730 am is not whats up tho. there are a lot of perks with working for bbuy...ppl always need electronics so remember that. and i swear dudes be lying...the customer experience mgr told me he was making like 100k...but yet he asked me for a job. I wonder how much those mgrs really are making...
No offense, but you must be young to say something like that. What people dont realize is that everything at BBY is a luxury. The only thing you can really argue is a must have is a washer/dryer[maybe even a computer]..but even that is not a must have. No body needs a Flat Panel, Video game consoles, PC's, Car Radios, Camera's, et.....if you really wanted to work around not having that stuff and saving some money you could. Thats a huge reason many people are in debt today[buying things they cant afford/ and in this case dont 'need'], and its a huge reason business has slowed down at BBY...

Also, the only Mgrs that hit the 100K mark for the most part are GM's. Obviously cost of living in your area is very important, and will determine alot of what your pay is. This is why many employees when they transfer from one region of the country to another are either happy or upset about thier pay.... You could be starting at $10 in Seattle but start at only $8 in Austin, Tx..
But also alot of the Mgr's pay is made by bonuses, so that is why they are constantly pushing people to hit more than asked of you, the higher you comp over the year, the bigger thier bonuses are. Most Mgrs make about 40-60K, but every salary is independent of the Mgr....
nah im not young. im 23 work pt. but what i meant by that statement is that you can use ur discount for a hustle. and i knew that mgr was offense taken.
Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

I heard the people in Best Buy Mobile gross 50K+, any truth to that guys?

Managers ARE making over 50k a year. But like everybody said, it depends on your location. I worked in BBY Mobile, quit last tuesday actually. But my managerwas making at least 70k. He made 35k in bonuses. My GM is making over 100k. has 2 67 corvettes, own box at heinz field, etc. He's caking. If you want towork at Best Buy, you have to work in the mobile dept. It's the easiest, and if you make budget you get the monthly bonus. My highest bonus was $500. Eventhough my dept ran the district every month and nobody in our store could tell us what to do besides my manager and the GM. It was a cool job. But the hourswere decreasing every week and i decided to say goodbye. My pockets will be looking better now.. because working there you just spend money on stupid thingsyou dont need. Also.. dont work media.. you will be stuck in that store for HOURS afterwards stocking games,price tags. etc. SLAVE WORK.
As far as what is a necessity as BBY... IMO Computers have become a necessity into todays world... thats another reason working in comps sucks... its ALWAYSbusy. At our store the economy really hasn't effected our business at all... at least not in my department.. we are always hitting budget by like 5 PM.

Also SOME managers make bank... IDK about 100 k.... but around 80. Not all but SOME
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Also.. dont work media.. you will be stuck in that store for HOURS afterwards stocking games,price tags. etc. SLAVE WORK.
good looks on that warning
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by MHT214

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

yeah i guess its a company wide mtg this sat. cuz my store has one. i was thinking about playing hooky but i guess ill go. 730 am is not whats up tho. there are a lot of perks with working for bbuy...ppl always need electronics so remember that. and i swear dudes be lying...the customer experience mgr told me he was making like 100k...but yet he asked me for a job. I wonder how much those mgrs really are making...
No offense, but you must be young to say something like that. What people dont realize is that everything at BBY is a luxury. The only thing you can really argue is a must have is a washer/dryer[maybe even a computer]..but even that is not a must have. No body needs a Flat Panel, Video game consoles, PC's, Car Radios, Camera's, et.....if you really wanted to work around not having that stuff and saving some money you could. Thats a huge reason many people are in debt today[buying things they cant afford/ and in this case dont 'need'], and its a huge reason business has slowed down at BBY...

Also, the only Mgrs that hit the 100K mark for the most part are GM's. Obviously cost of living in your area is very important, and will determine alot of what your pay is. This is why many employees when they transfer from one region of the country to another are either happy or upset about thier pay.... You could be starting at $10 in Seattle but start at only $8 in Austin, Tx..
But also alot of the Mgr's pay is made by bonuses, so that is why they are constantly pushing people to hit more than asked of you, the higher you comp over the year, the bigger thier bonuses are. Most Mgrs make about 40-60K, but every salary is independent of the Mgr....
nah im not young. im 23 work pt. but what i meant by that statement is that you can use ur discount for a hustle. and i knew that mgr was lying. no offense taken.

You're young
(compliment). And im glad you took no offense,just had to say it because after all this is NT, sometimes props translate to insults...
*And ALL BBY will be effected this summer, whether directly or indirectly....
BBY is pissin me off so much lately... once again we had like 4-5 buying groups in computers ALL night long... with 2 people working in computers.. oh person... since our POS supervisor refuses to sell anything... and gets away with it. Why is our labor so terrible... yet we are always 4:1 Customer toworker ratio.

Oh we had one CA working too.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

BBY is pissin me off so much lately... once again we had like 4-5 buying groups in computers ALL night long... with 2 people working in computers.. oh wait.. one person... since our POS supervisor refuses to sell anything... and gets away with it. Why is our labor so terrible... yet we are always 4:1 Customer to worker ratio.

Oh we had one CA working too.
Your Mgr probably just doesnt care anymore...
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