Best Digital SLR camera?

Aug 21, 2006
Hi I was looking into purchasing a Digital camera as a Christmas gift for my gf.  I was hoping that someone could suggest me the best choices. 
She had shown me the Canon Rebel T2i at Costco. Here is the link.;Ne=4000000&eCat=BC|90607|83|87150&N=4047261&Mo=8&pos=0&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=87150&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC10604-Cat83&topnav=

Is this a good choice in terms of price and quality?  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 
Hi I was looking into purchasing a Digital camera as a Christmas gift for my gf.  I was hoping that someone could suggest me the best choices. 
She had shown me the Canon Rebel T2i at Costco. Here is the link.;Ne=4000000&eCat=BC|90607|83|87150&N=4047261&Mo=8&pos=0&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=87150&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC10604-Cat83&topnav=

Is this a good choice in terms of price and quality?  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 
Suzy Love Ricky.

Just go to the photography thread and ask over there. And -yeah the rebel is good, it is a cannon. 
Suzy Love Ricky.

Just go to the photography thread and ask over there. And -yeah the rebel is good, it is a cannon. 
Anything Canon is a good choice but is she going to use it regularly? Any SLR -Canon or any other brand- will cost you quite a bit and you don't want to spend a few hundred bucks on something that will only be toyed with a few times.
Anything Canon is a good choice but is she going to use it regularly? Any SLR -Canon or any other brand- will cost you quite a bit and you don't want to spend a few hundred bucks on something that will only be toyed with a few times.
She def will be using it often to document every conceivable moment of our baby daughter. Any chance the prices go down during Black Friday?
She def will be using it often to document every conceivable moment of our baby daughter. Any chance the prices go down during Black Friday?
It depends on where you buy it from. If you're looking at Walmart or Costco's, it's entirely possible. I buy all my camera gear from B&H and I don't think they have sales (though I could be completely wrong). Just keep checking around. might have some good deals as the holidays draw closer.
It depends on where you buy it from. If you're looking at Walmart or Costco's, it's entirely possible. I buy all my camera gear from B&H and I don't think they have sales (though I could be completely wrong). Just keep checking around. might have some good deals as the holidays draw closer.
In that case you'll want a dslr that shoots really good in auto mode. Some are better than others, to what degree im not sure.
In that case you'll want a dslr that shoots really good in auto mode. Some are better than others, to what degree im not sure.
keep an eye on slickdeals for t2i deals. amazon routinely has the t2i + 2 lenses + uv filter + printer for ~800 after rebate.
keep an eye on slickdeals for t2i deals. amazon routinely has the t2i + 2 lenses + uv filter + printer for ~800 after rebate.
I feel like a high-end point and shoot would be more fitting because your gf will likely want to use it in auto-mode anyway. A SLR isn't necessarily good at capturing fast moving subjects like a baby and the manual mode is basically what an SLR is good for.

Being a Nikon guy, i'd recommend a D3100. It records in full 1080p, comes with a pretty versatile lens, and is cheaper than the canon you posted up
I feel like a high-end point and shoot would be more fitting because your gf will likely want to use it in auto-mode anyway. A SLR isn't necessarily good at capturing fast moving subjects like a baby and the manual mode is basically what an SLR is good for.

Being a Nikon guy, i'd recommend a D3100. It records in full 1080p, comes with a pretty versatile lens, and is cheaper than the canon you posted up
Yea.. unless she's gonna be using it ALL the time.. I wouldn't get an SLR... Go with the a point & shoot.  Check out the Canon sd1400.  I love mine.  It's on sale at bestbuy for 179 right now.  But if ur still looking at the SLR... It is a lot of money to shell out, but the quality the camera shoots, is well worth the price.  The Canon 7d shoots great pictures and has AMAZING video capture.  Just youtube Canon 7d and it'll show you a bunch of vids testing it out.  Looks like movie quality.  I was able to play with my friend's camera and I love it.  Saving to get one for myself. 
Yea.. unless she's gonna be using it ALL the time.. I wouldn't get an SLR... Go with the a point & shoot.  Check out the Canon sd1400.  I love mine.  It's on sale at bestbuy for 179 right now.  But if ur still looking at the SLR... It is a lot of money to shell out, but the quality the camera shoots, is well worth the price.  The Canon 7d shoots great pictures and has AMAZING video capture.  Just youtube Canon 7d and it'll show you a bunch of vids testing it out.  Looks like movie quality.  I was able to play with my friend's camera and I love it.  Saving to get one for myself. 
If you don't want an SLR, get the Canon s95. One of the best point and shoot cameras out there. It has all the functions that beginner SLRs have, just compacted into a smaller, easy-to-use and convenient-to-carry size. It takes great pictures too. Retails $399.00
If you don't want an SLR, get the Canon s95. One of the best point and shoot cameras out there. It has all the functions that beginner SLRs have, just compacted into a smaller, easy-to-use and convenient-to-carry size. It takes great pictures too. Retails $399.00
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