Best Fighting Game? Vol: Ever?

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

BostonThreeParty wrote:

mortal kombat arcade

SMH @ this and anyone who says Mortal Kombat. It's the most overrated piece of trash ever. All characters are basically the same character except for 3-4 special moves.

My personal favorites:

Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 4
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Killer Instinct 1 (Arcade)
Samurai Shodown 2
Tekken 4 - People think this is the worst Tekken, but I think it's the best

Killer Instinct arcade might hit Xbox Live Arcade at one point.
You were doing so well until you got to the last 3 on your list....

Killer Instinct is fun but is a 1 player game - Eyedol & Cinder beat everyone else for free

Samurai Showdown 2 is miles better, until you fight a good Ukyo then you'll never win a game

Tekken 4 is TRASH, anyone who plays Tekken knows this is the worst one....terrible game play, broken unpunishable moves and Jin is practically unbeatable in expert hands (JFLS was the best move in Tekken existence, he has the best parry, wall game and ground low attack in D+4).
In one tournament the top 8 placings were Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Steve, Nina, Jin...c'mon now

On a side note.....Street Fighter 3 Third Strike >>>>>>>>>Street Fighter 4, its not even close

Come on man, all games have some cheap characters. For example, in MvC2 if someone good picks Cable and Juggernaut to do the cheap assist for him and someone else cheap as the third player, and just camps in the corner with Cable and fires at you and uses the cheap Juggernaut assist, you don't have a chance. It's mad annoying.

Tekken 4 is definitely not trash and for me, personally it's way more fun with the environment/backgrounds being a factor than the flat endless backgrounds in other Tekken games.
My friend theres a difference between annoying yet solvable gameplay and broken with no answers, walkaway from the arcade / throw the controller out the window type gameplay. No-one, I repeat NO-ONE plays Tekken 4 anymore, its filed under 'Do NotPlay - playing against Jin Kazama damages your health'. Heck, dont take my word use google or Shoryuken forum. I've wasted the best part of my yearsplaying fighting games in arcades (not crappy scrubs online), and playing Japanese and Korean players.

I think you play this game just for fun which is cool but as a viable tournament worthy or 2 player game with a good engine, it most certainly is NOT and is avery poor follow up for TTT, which is why all its 'innovations' got binned shortly afterwards...

Tekken 6 is a TRILLION times better than Tekken @ the 7/10 rating

Found this after 2 seconds on google:
What makes Tekken 4 crap thread
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

ittakesalittlebitmore wrote:

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

BostonThreeParty wrote:

mortal kombat arcade

SMH @ this and anyone who says Mortal Kombat. It's the most overrated piece of trash ever. All characters are basically the same character except for 3-4 special moves.

My personal favorites:

Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 4
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Killer Instinct 1 (Arcade)
Samurai Shodown 2
Tekken 4 - People think this is the worst Tekken, but I think it's the best

Killer Instinct arcade might hit Xbox Live Arcade at one point.
You were doing so well until you got to the last 3 on your list....

Killer Instinct is fun but is a 1 player game - Eyedol & Cinder beat everyone else for free

Samurai Showdown 2 is miles better, until you fight a good Ukyo then you'll never win a game

Tekken 4 is TRASH, anyone who plays Tekken knows this is the worst one....terrible game play, broken unpunishable moves and Jin is practically unbeatable in expert hands (JFLS was the best move in Tekken existence, he has the best parry, wall game and ground low attack in D+4).
In one tournament the top 8 placings were Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Steve, Nina, Jin...c'mon now

On a side note.....Street Fighter 3 Third Strike >>>>>>>>>Street Fighter 4, its not even close

Come on man, all games have some cheap characters. For example, in MvC2 if someone good picks Cable and Juggernaut to do the cheap assist for him and someone else cheap as the third player, and just camps in the corner with Cable and fires at you and uses the cheap Juggernaut assist, you don't have a chance. It's mad annoying.

Tekken 4 is definitely not trash and for me, personally it's way more fun with the environment/backgrounds being a factor than the flat endless backgrounds in other Tekken games.
My friend theres a difference between annoying yet solvable gameplay and broken with no answers, walk away from the arcade / throw the controller out the window type gameplay. No-one, I repeat NO-ONE plays Tekken 4 anymore, its filed under 'Do Not Play - playing against Jin Kazama damages your health'. Heck, dont take my word use google or Shoryuken forum. I've wasted the best part of my years playing fighting games in arcades (not crappy scrubs online), and playing Japanese and Korean players.

I think you play this game just for fun which is cool but as a viable tournament worthy or 2 player game with a good engine, it most certainly is NOT and is a very poor follow up for TTT, which is why all its 'innovations' got binned shortly afterwards...

Tekken 6 is a TRILLION times better than Tekken @ the 7/10 rating

Found this after 2 seconds on google:

What makes Tekken 4 crap thread

I don't understand what you mean by "yet solvable gameplay". Every game has cheap characters, but if you're good enough you will beat them.Why does Daigo use Ryu in SFIV and not El Fuerte or Rose? You can tell me that it's impossible to beat a good Jin player in Tekken 4, but it's not anymore impossible than beating Daigo when he uses Ryu in SF4. And even if Jin in Tekken 4 is so extremely overpowered and moreso than a character in any othergame ever, it's still no reason not to hate the game. Besides, if he is SO overpowered, then he must have a reputation as being overpowered.. And thenbeating someone with Jin always has an asterisk next to it..unless you beat another Jin. So the guy can't really brag if he beats you with Jin and youshouldn't feel bad. My point is that you shouldn't hate the entire game just because it has balance issues. I think it's ridiculous when I'mplaying COD4 and I CLEARLY start shooting at the guy first, but he just presses his shooting button once (after I started shooting at him) and kills me withM16's 3-shot burst. What am I supposed to do? Hate the entire COD4 just because M16 is so cheap and unfair? No. If you were judging games in terms ofbalance between characters, then Mortal Kombat would certainly rank higher than MvC2, because as I mentioned, besides a handful of special moves, all thecharacters in Mortal Kombat are identical and therefore about equally strong. But in the end MK isn't even close to MvC.

And since it got 7/10, I'm guessing Tekken 6's rating average won't be sky high, even if this magazine was harsh. It gave SFIV 9/10 BTW.
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Damn Blazblue looks ill.
it is ill..
Atleast someone out there knows the greatness of Guilty Gear and Blazblue

me + = you dead

I only played GGAC+ for a couple months but I gave people 4 ways to die

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid


This is definitely it for me as of right now. It's pretty much flawless, from the music to the graphics to the gameplay. All perfect.

I dont even think about Dead or Alive when fighting games are mentioned, so I couldnt say it would even be in my top 5. After Street Fighter IV would eitherbe Soul Calibur IV or Tekken Tag Tournament. TTT was my first PS2 game and I can still remember the first time I fired that #%%$$ up!

Also, I had Guilty Gear X for the Xbox, but that controller made it way too hard to really get into and play. I see it's potential though. Definitely anexcellent fighter. Still hesitating on Blazblu due to $ issues.
Originally Posted by bigtomgetsgwap

MvC 2 and its not even close

I dont know why, but I feel like the people who say MVC2 are casual players who were, for the most part, wow'd by the whole Marvel characters in a fightinggame thing rather than looking at the entire picture. I bet if it were Capcom vs. Guilty Gear and had just as good gameplay or even better, there wouldnt behalf as many people playing and backing it up. I'm not calling it a bad game, I'm just saying...
marvel vs capcom 2 i stay on it^^^aite if i had to pick a fighting game without all specials and all it would be virtua fighter 4 for the ps2
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

ittakesalittlebitmore wrote:

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

BostonThreeParty wrote:

mortal kombat arcade

SMH @ this and anyone who says Mortal Kombat. It's the most overrated piece of trash ever. All characters are basically the same character except for 3-4 special moves.

My personal favorites:

Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 4
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Killer Instinct 1 (Arcade)
Samurai Shodown 2
Tekken 4 - People think this is the worst Tekken, but I think it's the best

Killer Instinct arcade might hit Xbox Live Arcade at one point.
You were doing so well until you got to the last 3 on your list....

Killer Instinct is fun but is a 1 player game - Eyedol & Cinder beat everyone else for free

Samurai Showdown 2 is miles better, until you fight a good Ukyo then you'll never win a game

Tekken 4 is TRASH, anyone who plays Tekken knows this is the worst one....terrible game play, broken unpunishable moves and Jin is practically unbeatable in expert hands (JFLS was the best move in Tekken existence, he has the best parry, wall game and ground low attack in D+4).
In one tournament the top 8 placings were Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Steve, Nina, Jin...c'mon now

On a side note.....Street Fighter 3 Third Strike >>>>>>>>>Street Fighter 4, its not even close

Come on man, all games have some cheap characters. For example, in MvC2 if someone good picks Cable and Juggernaut to do the cheap assist for him and someone else cheap as the third player, and just camps in the corner with Cable and fires at you and uses the cheap Juggernaut assist, you don't have a chance. It's mad annoying.

Tekken 4 is definitely not trash and for me, personally it's way more fun with the environment/backgrounds being a factor than the flat endless backgrounds in other Tekken games.
My friend theres a difference between annoying yet solvable gameplay and broken with no answers, walk away from the arcade / throw the controller out the window type gameplay. No-one, I repeat NO-ONE plays Tekken 4 anymore, its filed under 'Do Not Play - playing against Jin Kazama damages your health'. Heck, dont take my word use google or Shoryuken forum. I've wasted the best part of my years playing fighting games in arcades (not crappy scrubs online), and playing Japanese and Korean players.

I think you play this game just for fun which is cool but as a viable tournament worthy or 2 player game with a good engine, it most certainly is NOT and is a very poor follow up for TTT, which is why all its 'innovations' got binned shortly afterwards...

Tekken 6 is a TRILLION times better than Tekken @ the 7/10 rating

Found this after 2 seconds on google:

What makes Tekken 4 crap thread

I don't understand what you mean by "yet solvable gameplay". Every game has cheap characters, but if you're good enough you will beat them. Why does Daigo use Ryu in SFIV and not El Fuerte or Rose? You can tell me that it's impossible to beat a good Jin player in Tekken 4, but it's not any more impossible than beating Daigo when he uses Ryu in SF4. And even if Jin in Tekken 4 is so extremely overpowered and moreso than a character in any other game ever, it's still no reason not to hate the game. Besides, if he is SO overpowered, then he must have a reputation as being overpowered.. And then beating someone with Jin always has an asterisk next to it..unless you beat another Jin. So the guy can't really brag if he beats you with Jin and you shouldn't feel bad. My point is that you shouldn't hate the entire game just because it has balance issues. I think it's ridiculous when I'm playing COD4 and I CLEARLY start shooting at the guy first, but he just presses his shooting button once (after I started shooting at him) and kills me with M16's 3-shot burst. What am I supposed to do? Hate the entire COD4 just because M16 is so cheap and unfair? No. If you were judging games in terms of balance between characters, then Mortal Kombat would certainly rank higher than MvC2, because as I mentioned, besides a handful of special moves, all the characters in Mortal Kombat are identical and therefore about equally strong. But in the end MK isn't even close to MvC.

And since it got 7/10, I'm guessing Tekken 6's rating average won't be sky high, even if this magazine was harsh. It gave SFIV 9/10 BTW.

I really dont think you understand how to plat Tekken 4 to a high degree. When I say its virtually impossible to beat an expert player I mean so. Its justbecause he's cheap, its because he's clearly badly designed in a way that invalidates the need for a character select screen.

If you know about tiers...Jin is GOD TIER (SSS class) meaning that he's virtually untouchable no matter who else you pick, he has need bad matchups andadvantages over everyone else to a STUPID degree.

Ryu in SF4 is probably the 2nd best character in the game, of course Daigo is gonna be beast with him. But he's not unbeatable because Sagat for one is amonster and the game engine in that provides a way to countering some of the BS. Plus he has matchups that are pretty close.

In Tekken 4 THERE IS NO counters to Jins element within the game engine that allows you to compete or even the score.....thats thecrucial difference.

I like discussing stuff like this but you really need to do your homework and provide example of why T4 is good rather than defend this pitiful game. Itslegacy is set in stone and its universally hated by everyone with a modicum of interest in the series
overall favorite series is tekken ... the hours put in tekken 2-5
but still < street fighter 2 turbo alone

my order

street fighter 2 turbo
tekken 3
soul calibur 2

my favorites

sf2 turbo
tekken 2
@ jun
killer instinct gold
lol @ dude above sayin 3rd strike being better than sfiv. ask around when 3rd strike came out, the arcades were DESSERTED cuz folks couldn't adjust to themechanics and the new characters are wack. it wasn't as hot or hyped up as sfiv. when sfiv came out, everyone and their mamas were playing it, explains whycapcom sold 2 million copies.

iv blends old and new techniques which makes it a classic. 3rd strike is all about tier-whoring as only 3 or 4 characters can be used effectively to win attourney level.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by RetroXIII


This is easily the best fighting game together with...


These 2 games require years of skill, dexterity, reaction timing and other character a noob CANNOT beat an expert whatsoever at either of these. Anyone whos been to the arcades in Japan knows whats up....

I'd arguably put the King of Fighters 98 in the top bracket beast at high levels.

word. game is so simple yet it'll take at least a decade to master it. timing, preciseness and execution are key in ST. only thing i dont like about STare the tick command grabs which can be spammed to death ie. t-hawk and zangief.
toss up with MK 1-3 or Killer instinct. I remember someone at the arcade got me with like a 60 hit combo with that damn werewolf..I was so embarrassed
Blaz Blue is terrible. You got like 12 characters to choose from, and usually everyone pics the same person. I was so hype when I bought Blaz Blue, it was sucha let down. I really love DOA4 though, I still play it until this day. Besides Marvel Vs Capcom 2, the most fun I've had on a fighting game ever, wasprobably Project Justice, the sequel to rival schools. I hate Mortal Kombat with a passion, I don't know why, but I feel it tries to hard to be cool. Also,King of Fighters 2002 was an awesome game that I still play a lot. I am a big SNK supporter. Garou: Mark of the Wolves was nice as well. I'm not thebiggest Street Fighter fan, I got bored with IV when it came out.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Damn Blazblue looks ill.
it is ill..
Atleast someone out there knows the greatness of Guilty Gear and Blazblue

me + = you dead

I only played GGAC+ for a couple months but I gave people 4 ways to die

wanna try that Jin against my Tager?

my gamertag is in the sig > we can get a couple casual games in
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Blaz Blue is terrible. You got like 12 characters to choose from, and usually everyone pics the same person. I was so hype when I bought Blaz Blue, it was such a let down. I really love DOA4 though, I still play it until this day. Besides Marvel Vs Capcom 2, the most fun I've had on a fighting game ever, was probably Project Justice, the sequel to rival schools. I hate Mortal Kombat with a passion, I don't know why, but I feel it tries to hard to be cool. Also, King of Fighters 2002 was an awesome game that I still play a lot. I am a big SNK supporter. Garou: Mark of the Wolves was nice as well. I'm not the biggest Street Fighter fan, I got bored with IV when it came out.

at the first two sentences..
Someone who even considers, or puts Dead or alive and "the best" in the same sentence lets me know they aren't serious gamers lol.

To answer your question:

Street Fighter 2
Super Street Fighter 2
Tekken 2
Tekken 3
King Of Fighter 98
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Mortal Kombat 2
Virtua Fighter 2

are all candidates IMO.
1. Marvel VS. Capcom 2
2. Street Fighter 3th Strike

I cant stand games where there is no combos and are slow as hell!
Hate if yall want to hate
Some of my favorites would def be:
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike
King Of Fighters 11
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Used to be an MK fan until my friends put me on Street Fighter. IMO, there isn't even a comparison.
When I think best ever first thing that comes to mind is Virtual Fighter on the dreamcast

but DOA is
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