Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

[table][tr][td](7455) RBC[emoji]8482[/emoji][/td] [td]Trying to hack in to TensaZangetsu's Bank One account.[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]Pay Bail[/td] [/tr][/table]
am i late?
52 ebars for free... hit me up if you want them all... Hit me up in lost power and I will give them to you, the first person that email me this message in LPCgets it.
whats the deal when using grenades.. would a difference of a few million still matter? a gap of about 3-4 million in stats.

would i be able to kill him.

i know for sure i will lose if i use a battle axe. he also has swat armor. plus i dont have a gun.

that's not surprising, a lot of people could afford a moon. it's mars that everyone's trying to shoot for.
i say we each chip down on a few million and someone who is a high level like rawe bomb his#@%%
for donation so much
anyone see this?

You currently work for Mother#$%##%!.
You are payed $50,000 each day at midnight.
You also gain 250 job skills, 0 computer skills, 100 driving skills and 0 strength each day.

Weak IMO...EDIT....

Job isnt there anymore.
their was 4 people who emailed me so I divided 5 to the 3 people and the 1st person got 37 ebars. Who wants what is left in my bank account?
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