Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

[table][tr][th=""]Delete All Events?[/th] [th=""]Delete ALL[/th] [/tr][tr][td]New! November 21 2007, 2:30:16 pm[/td] [td]JimmyDogs beat you with their Battle Axe and stole 63, and 0 crystal(s).[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 21 2007, 2:25:18 pm[/td] [td]JimmyDogs beat you with their Battle Axe and stole 0, and 0 crystal(s).[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 21 2007, 2:24:36 pm[/td] [td]JimmyDogs attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 21 2007, 2:22:19 pm[/td] [td]JimmyDogs beat you with their Battle Axe and stole 0, and 0 crystal(s).[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 21 2007, 1:06:37 pm[/td] [td]JimmyDogs attacked you and FINISHED you with his M-870 12 Gauge Riot Shotgun.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]
if anybody could get him, id appreciate it.
1. Using your Battle Axe you hit JimmyDogs doing 80010 damage (-64910) HEADSHOT!
You beat JoJo and stole $0, 0 crystal(s), and gained 10% EXP!
You gained some respect for your gang!
November 21, 2007, 2:34:46 pm King wrote: The IMA gang harrassed imadinosaur we were seeking justice....
November 21, 2007, 2:34:04 pm King wrote: Jules come on you gotta be on our side bro...
You successfully hacked JoJo's Lost Bank account and stole $272,614!
You successfully hacked JoJo's Lost Bank account and stole $507,276!
You successfully hacked JoJo's Lost Bank account and stole $393,638!
You successfully hacked JoJo's Lost Bank account and stole $282,259!
You successfully hacked JoJo's Lost Bank account and stole $546,678!
You successfully hacked JoJo's Lost Bank account and stole $250,824!


You beat Sc0ttL33 and stole $9727, 0 crystal(s), and gained 6% EXP!
You gained some respect for your gang!

You beat IMADINOSAUR and stole $35567, 0 crystal(s), and gained 9% EXP!
You gained some respect for your gang!
NNLB in full effect

Butters: [talking on a walkie-talkie] Just walk away! You can put astop to all this! Just walk away and we will spare your lives! Just walk away!
Your last 5 mails to/from this person:
November 21, 2007, 2:49:17 pm BwooDFolkGD74 wrote: harras imadino? i dont care honestly. you harrased that gang for a while already, even after i asked you notto, i let that go tho, not one to send emails back in fourth. im pretty tired of ya declaring war on them, your entire gang can eat a sack of baby**%%%@.

November 21, 2007, 2:41:35 pm King wrote: One of their members was verbally harasing dinosaur, I will not tolerate harasment... and can you prove the kidwasn't using scripts.... def will be able to tell, whenever I see something fishy I report it to def; however, I never threaten the person I just report itand see what happens.

November 21, 2007, 2:40:10 pm BwooDFolkGD74 wrote: i try to keep it cool with ya, but ya stay declaring on them. i asked you to let them be yes ifeel that way.

then you have members of your gang making up lies about this one dude using scripts.

ya on some funny style %*$%
November 21, 2007, 2:37:07 pm King wrote: Is that how you really feel about me

my id is 8856

and eff them dudes, "our gang" stay asking for our help, yet my one request was for them to leave ya alone and the declare again? soft%%** cowardtype females.

Your boys are the ones that started it by harrassing IMAdinosaur.



ride or die.
Originally Posted by Jules300

November 21, 2007, 2:34:46 pm King wrote: The IMA gang harrassed imadinosaur we were seeking justice....
November 21, 2007, 2:34:04 pm King wrote: Jules come on you gotta be on our side bro...

Thats a damn lie, i already talked to IMADINOSAUR and she said that she didnt have a problem with it and none of made her mad.


Time: 12:12:18 pm
Date: November 21, 2007

User Info:
Status: Offline (1 hours)
Location: The Wastelands


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i really not understand about all of this... icant answer it, cause i dont know...

[table][tr][td] (13452) IMADINOSAUR

Time: 12:08:16 pm
Date: November 21, 2007

User Info:
Status: Offline (1 hours)
Location: The Wastelands


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Report User
[/td] [td] Subject:


he ignore me... [/td] [/tr][/table]
They called for some help.

November 21, 2:53:49 pm (2996) Bones attacked and mugged (8856)BwooDFolkGD74 with their Battle Axe.
November 21, 2:53:13 pm (9126) IMASEXYBOY attacked and mugged (2996)Bones with their MK3A2 Concussion Grenade.
Their gang was always weak, thats why I left them long time ago. They could never fight their own battles.
paging RCDP and Voltron. We need a NT signal/alert were all the goons come out from the woods and start a frenzy on these suckers
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