Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

Relax mang I get hacked by NTers all the time

just wait till he gets back online..
Jules, grenades can only be used for finishes now. Guess I can't level off you anymore.

dEf just posted some new announcements:

When the new car system is released, everyone will lose their cars. There will be no refunds.

This has to happen in order to get the multiple car section in order and functioning correctly.

Be prepared..


The total stats page is currently being updated to show the REAL amounts of everything in the game.

Check it out!


Due to multiple requests and the good of the game...

MK3A2 Concussion Grenade is now strictly a Finishing weapon. Smile


But it's my fault.... partially.
[h3]Lost Power City Statistics[/h3]You step into the Town Records office and log in to the system.
You see some stats that interest you.

Lost Power City Population: 16,039
There are 14,518 males and 1,517 females.

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Money and Crystals:
Amount of cash in circulation: $763,911,657
Amount of crystals in circulation: $145,264
The average player has $47,628 and 9 crystals.

Amount of money in banks: $79,144,480,979
The average bank has $4,934,502.

Amount of money in safe deposit boxes: $58,862,082,171
Amount of crystals in safe deposit boxes: $2,287,568
The average safe deposit box has $3,669,934 and 142 crystals.
Total Money in City: $138,770,474,807
Total Crystals in City: 2,432,832

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Mails/Events:
There have been 113,987 mails and 210,921 events have been sent since the last log reset.

[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Items:
There are currently 13,346,136 items in circulation (Inventory and Home).[/td] [/tr][/table]

$138 bil total and someone just bought a bomb for $10 bil?
What the !++@ I lose my car.....Def=

Yo Jules you should take down the pics.....they'll find out easily especially with those effects and font.

I was reading the first few replies and laughing, and then I scroll down and see the gif that jblack and I just lost it.
Word to me giggling like an idiot whenever I watch Tay Zonday.

Oh hell nah.

btw, jblack, is there a post limit?


Kudos 101

I'm not believing it until I have to read something it says 5 times before understanding it.
Originally Posted by Balla96

Originally Posted by Cassie Problem


I quit.

thatresponse is already funnier than my .gif

Anyways I think it's a fake account. Someone probably signed off on their real name, then signed in to that name, posted, signed off again, and so on.

Wally I haven't hit the post limit on Yuku yet.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin


I was reading the first few replies and laughing, and then I scroll down and see the gif that jblack and I just lost it.
Word to me giggling like an idiot whenever I watch Tay Zonday.

Oh hell nah.

btw, jblack, is there a post limit?


Kudos 101

I'm not believing it until I have to read something it says 5 times before understanding it.
why you think this not me? i see you guys made fun and join see fun still made
not alot, but its still something

You successfully hacked danhulme07's Lost Bank account and stole $582,775!
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