Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol.9

Originally Posted by Just BOB

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by Just BOB

Let me ask yall something (im not trying to offend anyone neither).......

but why the !#%@ yall play this game? This @%+$ been going on foreverr fo everever fo everever.

It's not the game; it's the people.
At the same time, the game is mildly entertaining once u get past the "no moving people" factor.


so if I join this LPC game will you guys be my mate?
Who the hell is this fool anyways?
Originally Posted by ripfan816

Who the hell is this fool anyways?
Just BOB duh


[h4]Using Suicide Bomb:[/h4]You walk in to a croud of people wearing your Suicide Bomb. No one suspects anything.
You start to fake a heart attack. As everyone runs to help you, you detonate...
They will feel your wrath.

Mr_Rogers was killed.
Ichi was killed.
DJ_Ironik was killed.
pit_80 was killed.
TonyG was killed.
McMasTeR was killed.
Djangoman2k was killed.
r3ggin was killed.
allysse was killed.
NT_Crazynigga was killed.
Jubby was killed.
dickberger was killed.
sexygirl was killed.
River10002 was killed.
B@nGoUt was killed.
vattunen was killed.
SneaksRevenge was killed.
ownage was killed.
flash was killed.
deathwish226 was killed.
M_D was killed.
man1 was killed.
bighawaiian was killed.
FATLIFE1623 was killed.
hitsugaya was killed.
larter03 was killed.
x0_bbyxface_0x was killed.
113 was killed.
kava1 was killed.
JayX was killed.
korri was killed.
chashew was killed.
Nyeeega was killed.
ShaSha5 was killed.
BigJim was killed.
Rawrzorb was killed.
lostpower was killed.
TylerCodex was killed.
Paigeisperfect was killed.
Alien was killed.
Gehasst was killed.
esatchel was killed.
freak070 was killed.

Back to Inventory.

[h4]Using Suicide Bomb:[/h4]You walk in to a croud of people wearing your Suicide Bomb. No one suspects anything.
You start to fake a heart attack. As everyone runs to help you, you detonate...
They will feel your wrath.

Mr_Rogers was killed.
lil-flip was killed.
korri was killed.
Celtics#1 was killed.
McMasTeR was killed.
snoopdog was killed.
Sh0RtYxL0W was killed.
allysse was killed.
breakinankles was killed.
Skeletor was killed.
vattunen was killed.
lostpower was killed.
flash was killed.
Pro_snipeMag was killed.
Kito was killed.
DJ_Ironik was killed.
ajkamikaze was killed.
Jubby was killed.
vidona was killed.
RichieRich was killed.
☼Wit3[emoji]8596[/emoji]b0i� was killed.
Ichi was killed.
bugsbuuuuu was killed.
NT_Crazynigga was killed.
DevilsOwn was killed.
IcedOutPhilly was killed.
cjbarr was killed.
DarknessS3 was killed.
ShaSha5 was killed.
deathwish226 was killed.
ginge88 was killed.
Encinoman was killed.
Hannahmaus was killed.
ownage was killed.
bighawaiian was killed.
bloodz was killed.
TylerCodex was killed.

Back to Inventory.
Originally Posted by ripfan816

Originally Posted by Just BOB

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by Just BOB

Let me ask yall something (im not trying to offend anyone neither).......

but why the !#%@ yall play this game? This @%+$ been going on foreverr fo everever fo everever.

It's not the game; it's the people.
At the same time, the game is mildly entertaining once u get past the "no moving people" factor.


so if I join this LPC game will you guys be my mate?
Who the hell is this fool anyways?
a pretender.
Total Stats: 4,026,753,350 [Ranked: 72]

already lost 2 spot.

NT_Crazynigga was killed.

[h4]Using Suicide Bomb:[/h4]You walk in to a croud of people wearing your Suicide Bomb. No one suspects anything.
You start to fake a heart attack. As everyone runs to help you, you detonate...
They will feel your wrath.

allysse was killed.
Tagger was killed.
ufckid_NT was killed.
bighawaiian was killed.
☼Wit3â†"b0iâ was killed.
Merky was killed.
elisvk was killed.
BettyBoobs was killed.
sportster was killed.
ppp was killed.
BobbyToes was killed.
MAN was killed.
Paigeisperfect was killed.
lostpower was killed.
DevilsOwn was killed.
River10002 was killed.
MagicalSnowman was killed.
DJ_Ironik was killed.
McMasTeR was killed.
korri was killed.
breakinankles was killed.
sxcgalxxx was killed.
TJT was killed.
Nonamepimp was killed.
drifta86 was killed.
zuluf was killed.
kiki was killed.
Redneck was killed.
TylerCodex was killed.
Ichi was killed.
conrad1100 was killed.
☺ was killed.
Originally Posted by Vivrantchino21

chat is hot tonight, smh @ tc... dude be asking the weirdest questions i swear.

But once we thought through it it was pretty obvious. I mean, Ron Jeremy? C'mon.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by Vivrantchino21

chat is hot tonight, smh @ tc... dude be asking the weirdest questions i swear.

But once we thought through it it was pretty obvious. I mean, Ron Jeremy? C'mon.
word, thats just an std waiting to happen. come on tc smh
[table][tr][th=""]Time[/th] [th=""]Event[/th] [th=""]Links[/th] [/tr][tr][th=""]Delete All Events?[/th] [th=""]Delete ALL[/th] [/tr][tr][td]New! August 5 2008, 6:26:44 pm[/td] [td]You see a report on the local news that x0_bbyxface_0x was severely hurt from an alleged car bomb.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! August 5 2008, 1:46:49 pm[/td] [td]You see a report on the local news that PLAYERCOOLDUDE was severely hurt from an alleged car bomb.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! August 5 2008, 1:02:30 pm[/td] [td]You see a report on the local news that rawris was severely hurt from an alleged car bomb.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

UFCkid, you should give up on this game.. Something about you has always pissed me off and when I saw you taking %+#$ about GamerAsh, that was it. How are you going to hate on a guy because of his accent? You are a *%%!!$* @$*!% and I will join UBG to get you off of this god damn game if I have to. I think I am reaching to find a reason to keep myself on this game, but I found a good reason. Call me drunk, but there are more *%%!!$* morons on LPC then there are drunks. Bomb away you *%%!!$* zitty faced mother +#%+**, but I guarantee I will have more back then you.
how did I miss this?

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

UFCkid, you should give up on this game.. Something about you has always pissed me off and when I saw you taking %+#$ about GamerAsh, that was it. How are you going to hate on a guy because of his accent? You are a *%%!!$* @$*!% and I will join UBG to get you off of this god damn game if I have to. I think I am reaching to find a reason to keep myself on this game, but I found a good reason. Call me drunk, but there are more *%%!!$* morons on LPC then there are drunks. Bomb away you *%%!!$* zitty faced mother +#%+**, but I guarantee I will have more back then you.





almost missed a gem
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

UFCkid, you should give up on this game.. Something about you has always pissed me off and when I saw you taking %+#$ about GamerAsh, that was it. How are you going to hate on a guy because of his accent? You are a *%%!!$* @$*!% and I will join UBG to get you off of this god damn game if I have to. I think I am reaching to find a reason to keep myself on this game, but I found a good reason. Call me drunk, but there are more *%%!!$* morons on LPC then there are drunks. Bomb away you *%%!!$* zitty faced mother +#%+**, but I guarantee I will have more back then you.





almost missed a gem

Thread is fire tonight! Let's get 10 pages on this thread before the morning.
Contest: Go find a stop sign at a busy intersection. Take down all the stop signs there. Record video of the first accident that ensues. You may win $100billion LPC.
[table] General Info [tr][td]User Id: 11285
Name: ^o^
User Level: Member
Duties: N/A
Gender: Male
Signed Up: July 22, 2007
Last Active: August 6, 2008
Last Action: 0 seconds ago
Online: Online
Days Old: 381
Donor: Yes
Donor Days Left: 7371
Location: Lost City

[/td] [/tr][/table]In the hospital for 2142768755 minute(s).
Reason: (1)dEf had enough..

[table][tr][td]August 6 2008, 3:07:12 pm[/td] [td]You were dismembered from a Suicide Bomb set off by RBC[emoji]8482[/emoji]![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]August 6 2008, 3:01:13 pm[/td] [td](1)dEf is turning green...[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]August 6 2008, 3:00:25 pm[/td] [td]You were dismembered from a Suicide Bomb set off by RBC[emoji]8482[/emoji]![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]

Waiting for him to come back online.
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