Best part about the GIANTS winning the Super Bowl! - Vol. Maria Menounos appreciation

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie
        ^ more pics of this fine specimen please.
Hopefully that was sarcasm
Then again, most of the "dimes" I saw in The Heights when I was in NY for 2 weeks looked like her, so I guess NTers in NYC are into these kind of girls



Stop acting as if you wrote the ultimate book on what's attractive and what's not.Different people have different tastes, and I do agree it has a lot to do with where you were brought up....most NYers are in fact attracted to a woman that would fit those similar characteristics, Cruzito's fiancée is BAD...face is not to die for but she's cute and that behind is perfect....but then again that's me being a Latino New Yorker I guess.You obviously have different taste in women, but sound like a hipocrite criticizing others tastes and in the same sentence getting tight because other NTers don't find beauty in what you consider a dime.
Originally Posted by oidreez

she has the body of a 12 year old boy. point blank

Joins the clergy, I rather be seen with 12 year old boys than the hippos NTers stay posting
I couldn't find the clip of her walking onto the stage for Conan last night but this what my exact reaction.


She stands up around 1:23

Every thing was good until the laugh...
Originally Posted by kimahrioftheronsotribe

I couldn't find the clip of her walking onto the stage for Conan last night but this what my exact reaction.

She stands up around 1:23

Every thing was good until the laugh...
 same here man. laugh is horrible. 
 "baby carrot" 
If I remember correctly she suffered a wardrobe malfunction (vagina slip) a year or 2 ago at the beach 
eh, when I look at a girl, I take the face into consideration over the body most of the time. Thats why when it comes to her and Vcruz's gf, id take her, simply because while cruz gf may have the better body, shes grossy in the face. Now thats not saying if i had a 1 night smang off I wouldnt pick her over maria, but I just think maria is prettier
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