Best Series Finale ever?

LOST wasn't even that bad, y'all some haters..
i can tell you for a fact that prison break had the worst series finale ever.

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RIP michael scofield
The Shield and 24

Scrubs had a great one when they had the screen down in front of the hospital and showed him a reel of his future. But they had to screw it up and make another season
Nice avy Proshares. Changed mine so we didnt have the same one.

*edit* how long does it take to change to the new avy?
Crazy I remember the Wonder Years finale like it was yesterday. I'll go with the Sopranos though.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Newhart, for people who understand

that finale made so many people go WHAT then

i think six feet under had the best made me cry smh. the wire's ending was great too
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

off topic, but worst of all time easily goes to..

Lost had THE WORST series finale ever

Hands down the best belongs to the Shield
BEST series finale thread and Sopranos are mentioned? Thats my favorite show of all time but...notsureifsrs
Monk and prison break were pretty cool, woulda been better if they just let scofield live tho.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Newhart, for people who understand
I thought that was a brilliant ending!  Yeah, a lot of people were 
, but it was really quite clever.

TimCity2000 wrote:

for everything it had to live up to because of the hype, i was actually fairly please with the way LOST ended.

I would agree with this, but at the same time, there will be many that didn't like the finale, which I also understand.  
How about MASH?
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