Why would yall even compare uncut to 106? :lol:

That's like saying porn > non porn movies


More like Hardcore porn >>>> softcore porn

106 showed the same **** Uncut showed. Just not exposed.

EDIT : Uncut : Rated R
106 : Pated PG
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Why would yall even compare uncut to 106?

That's like saying porn > non porn movies


More like Hardcore porn >>>> softcore porn

106 showed the same **** Uncut showed. Just not exposed.
lolwut... Mighty Casey never graced the 106 and Park screen fam
Why would yall even compare uncut to 106? :lol:

That's like saying porn > non porn movies


More like Hardcore porn >>>> softcore porn

106 showed the same **** Uncut showed. Just not exposed.
Nah, they're two different things. 106 and uncut do two different things. 106 isn't even porn, hence why I said non-porn movies to compare it to uncut which is much closer to it
lolwut... Mighty Casey never graced the 106 and Park screen fam

Nah, they're two different things. 106 and uncut do two different things. 106 isn't even porn, hence why I said non-porn movies to compare it to uncut which is much closer to it

But they showed girls shaking booty. ALL THE TIME. Lets not act like 106 was some rated G TV program. I got boners from half the videos.
lolwut... Mighty Casey never graced the 106 and Park screen fam
Nah, they're two different things. 106 and uncut do two different things. 106 isn't even porn, hence why I said non-porn movies to compare it to uncut which is much closer to it

But they showed girls shaking booty. ALL THE TIME. Lets not act like 106 was some rated G TV program. I got boners from half the videos.
Uncut and 106 were in no way similar, no matter how you try to spin it, so stop.  You already said you'd never even seen it
Ive never seen uncut in my life. My parents didnt work during the night. I found that out when I snuck into my parents room to try and watch it 
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Uncut and 106 were in no way similar, no matter how you try to spin it, so stop.  You already said you'd never even seen it

Okay first of all, its *youve* not *you'd* why you up here trying to quote somebody. F- for terrible contraction usage.

And I never said they were the same [emoji]128561[/emoji][emoji]128561[/emoji][emoji]128561[/emoji][emoji]128561[/emoji][emoji]128561[/emoji] I said 106 isnt as family friendly as yall are making it.

And Ive seen it. Some episodes are just now coming to my memory [emoji]128542[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji]
you'd, you had.  "You already said you had never ever seen it"

go play somewhere, i don't even know why I bother
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Boy stop trolling. Youve is a WAY better choice. I hope you weren't really born in 81 [emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji][emoji]128548[/emoji]
106 n park got cancelled once Free and AJ left

For a lot of us, that was the golden era. But you have to acknowledge that - according to wikipedia* - the show lasted for 9 years after AJ and Free left. And those 9 years weren't all bad. After Terrence and Rocsi settled in, I think they did a pretty good job.

*From Wikipedia

AJ and Free (2000 - 2005)

Julissa and Tigger (2005 - 2006)

Terrence J and Rocsi (2006-2012)

Bow and [insert name] (2012-2014)

So Terrence J and Rocsi actually hosted a little longer than AJ and Free.
lolwut... Mighty Casey never graced the 106 and Park screen fam

Nah, they're two different things. 106 and uncut do two different things. 106 isn't even porn, hence why I said non-porn movies to compare it to uncut which is much closer to it

But they showed girls shaking booty. ALL THE TIME. Lets not act like 106 was some rated G TV program..
Ummm I don't need to act like 106 was a g rated program to question the comparison to uncut :lol:

Shaking booty is par for the course in music videos. Seems I'm forced to break it down though, 106 was a damn day time show that had a music video countdown, they had guests come on to promote w/e they were selling, they had a live audience (mostly teen). Everything about the show was above board just aimed at the hip hop fan. Uncut was a hr or two of explicit, sometimes near hardcore sexed up hip hop videos for specifically very explicit and uncensored songs. The only thing they really have in common are that they both played hip hop videos in general, the same way both porn and non-porn movies are cinematic features.
I got boners from half the videos
View media item 1125003
Let it be known I was once on a field trip for high school where we were audience members of 106.
When I went to sit in the back one of the producer chicks picked me out and made me sit in the front,

This is what would be called a G move.

Holla back.
106 and Park was dope 2001 - 2003. 

Early high school days. Summer jams. 

good memories.

I remember N'Sync showin up and I was like wtf?...
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