Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

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He thinks he has "electromagnetic hypersensitivity"

In reality he's just bat **** crazy
After watching BB I try to pay attention to the little details now :lol
**** yes...I love where this is going.

'I'm a lawyer, not a criminal.'

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Good episode.

Did anyone else notice there's something weird going on with the lighting? Particularly in the last scene inside Saul's "Office", it kept getting darker and lighter mid scene.
Whole time I was trying to figure out what's off about Chuck. So he's scared of electronics.

When I saw his house so dark and all the lamps I thought that was tying in to him not having any money. Nah, he's just crazy :lol

I just realized that dude who wants to go after that money is Vaas from Farcry 3. :eek
He's a lot of guys on a couple shows too. Felt like he was on BB before.
oh m gawd.  I thought tonight they were just re running the first episode, not episode number 2.  bout to ketchup.
I was cracking the **** up when he negotiated to one leg each :lol
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