Big Boi Says He’s Waiting For Andre 3000 To Record Outkast Reunion Album Vol. THANK YOU BASED GOD

Andre said like 4 or 5 years ago he wasn't gonna rap until people doubted him. He said the minute people think I don't got it anymore I'll show him. Wish I remembered the interview. I blame all yall for calling every verse he does GOLD.
The Love Below was way better than Speakerboxx imho.  She Lives In My Lap is most played on my phone.
Wasn't there a recent article with Dre saying he was hesitant to record because of the fans? He said something along the lines of the fans wanting that old sound and that he wasn't sure if they'd even be supportive of whatever they came out with now. He was discussing the biopic he's doing of Jimmy Hendrix. Cause he mentioned something about recording the album in two weeks or just taking time to do it.

I'm sure someone else read the article.

Here it is:

But Andre 3000 isn't in a rush to record an album.

"Some days I feel like I'll do it, some days I don't. Some days I feel like I don't need to, some days I feel like I want to do it before I die. So, I don't know where to fall. I am just hoping one day I get that inspiration," he said at an event for Gillette's eMO'gency Styler Tour, which supports men's health and prostate cancer programs. The tour kicked off in New York, with stops scheduled in Chicago and Houston.

"It's a feeling for me. Like, I can't just throw out an album to be rapping," he said. "And I don't even know if it will be rap. I don't even know what it will be."

However, he could find the inspiration and complete an album in just a few days: "It could be a rush situation. Like if I feel that feeling and I record an album in three days and I'm like, `This is what I want to say right now' – that can happen, too."

He also says he's constantly writing songs.

"I write all the time. ... I actually stopped typing it in my phone because like a cloud is basically reading every thought that I have and I don't like that," he said. "So I went back to my paper and started writing."

He's not sure fans want a new OutKast album for the right reasons.

"Man, we've had a great ride. ... Like when we got into it when we were high school kids and we just wanted to do something fun and push it, and if it's not that then why do it?" he said.

"I'm not the type that prescribes to nostalgia, and most people say they want an OutKast album because they used to love it. Y'all don't even know if y'all still love it. You just know you used to love it. But you may not like it now, who knows?"

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Big Boi a legend, I don't know what the hell 3K is doing. I never understood how some artists can be so talented at making music but yet be so unwilling to make it on a consistent basis.

You get tired at some point. Been out almost 20 years
Big Boi a legend, I don't know what the hell 3K is doing. I never understood how some artists can be so talented at making music but yet be so unwilling to make it on a consistent basis.

You get tired at some point. Been out almost 20 years
I feel what you're saying, but I personally don't think you can apply that to 3000.  When was the last time he made an album?  2003!!  9+ years ago!  And no, Idlewild doesn't count.  

What has dude been doing besides razor commercials, working on his fledgling fashion line and guest verses here and there?  Whatever it is, it hasn't been making and releasing new music, so the "I'm burned out with music" excuse doesn't work here, IMO.  Dude is just a different breed.  
Lets be clear. We broke Outkast up. Yea Big Boi can dance around the fact that they aren't but when ppl claim 3000 is one of the best emcees EVER and act like that talk never went to his head while being in a GROUP that takes a toll on any relationship. It's like MJ and Pippen. MJ was in the NBA before Pip so ppl calling MJ the greatest cant make Pip mad cuz he came after MJ. But Dre and Big boi made history together so they call 1 member a ALL TIME GREAT and the other doesn't get top 20 mentions literally can destroy a group. Believe it or not artist listen to critics and fans. When ppl put your name up there w/ BIG and PAC that can alter your ego tremendously. So in terms Dre has got bored w/ hiphop and clearly feels like he's made it while Big Boi still got bills to pay. Look at Speakerboxx/Love Below. That's 2 totally different sounds. Look at Idlewild album they aren't on the same level anymore to the point where 1 has to reach down to collab. Big Boi just didn't evolve. Love his music but I never see another Outkast album again.
:lol: :lol: Big Boi didn't evolve. I laugh everytime I hear that clichek. If "evolving" equates to dressing with your eyes closed and dropping 3 verses a year for 5+ years, along with fiddling with a guitar, then I guess you're right. When you're top notch lyrically, the only thing you can really evolve is your production. Outkast albums, Speakerbox, and Big Boi's current stuff sound nothing alike. So I don't get the whole "he hasn't evolved" thing that comes up with him.
They need to knock that Gillette down and stick a mic in his hand.

:smh: I remember thinking this was the beginning of greatness:

Did y'all listen to Sorry? 3 stacks said on there he hated the fame so he ran. An album = more fame. I bet 3stacks has been loving the attention not being on him and people being satisifed with his features. An album means tours, promotion and all the bs and what does that come with? Fame. No use in him making any music because people aren't listening to what he has put out and what he is putting out. 

They told us how to beat the game back in 98 and how we needed to straighten up and change **** but nobody listened. Everything got worse, what is the point? He doesn't owe us a damn thing because a good amount of the "fans" don't appreciate it. 

Outkast has given us TIMELESS music. Appreciate that. They aren't starving 25 year olds anymore, they are business men and music is their passion. If they want to make an album, they will. If not be happy for the features you get. 
I see Andre in an electric razor commercial 5 times a day.

I don't buy the "I hate the fame" line.
I see Andre in an electric razor commercial 5 times a day.

I don't buy the "I hate the fame" line.

You also see a bunch of random no names in commercials. A razor commercial doesn't bring nearly the attention that a multi platinum album would. Be reasonable here. That's a 30 second spotlight, and an album is tons of work before the album drops, and then the promotion for the album and then a tour... That's what he is talking about. It's common sense to me but common sense ain't so common.
maybe hes past that stage in his life. let that man cook.


We can't make the man live his life the way we want him to, its his life. Just respect his decisions and move on.

Would I like another Outkast album? Of course. But if the dude doesnt wanna do it, and doesn't have the interest for it...then I'd rather him not make one.
Don't want a half-assed outkast album (word to Idlewild)...Id rather him just stay solo.
You also see a bunch of random no names in commercials. A razor commercial doesn't bring nearly the attention that a multi platinum album would. Be reasonable here. That's a 30 second spotlight, and an album is tons of work before the album drops, and then the promotion for the album and then a tour... That's what he is talking about. It's common sense to me but common sense ain't so common.

That Hendrix flick will probably keep him well under the radar too, right?
That Hendrix flick will probably keep him well under the radar too, right?
Film is not equal to music. He'll shoot the film, a couple commercials and the movie sells itself. Music, you make the album, do the promo for the album, go on tours, potentially deal with thousands at once and he would rarely be home. It's a difference, he still loves music but he doesn't want to do an album because he knows what comes along with it. What's wrong with moving on to film?  

Why keep making music when people don't LISTEN to what is already out there? There is enough Outkast for a lifetime because it's only so many times they can tell us to ignore the fast life and use our own brains. 
You're equating work to fame.

It doesn't matter how much more work he puts into his music, he will garner more fame from a movie role...especially one about a musical figure the likes of Hendrix.

Again, I don't buy the "I hate the fame" line. It's more like "I hate the amount of work I need to put in to gain fame from music"
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