Big Boi Says He’s Waiting For Andre 3000 To Record Outkast Reunion Album Vol. THANK YOU BASED GOD

You're equating work to fame.
It doesn't matter how much more work he puts into his music, he will garner more fame from a movie role...especially one about a musical figure the likes of Hendrix.
Again, I don't buy the "I hate the fame" line. It's more like "I hate the amount of work I need to put in to gain fame from music"

yeah, homeboy trying argue is failing miserably. we're supposed to believe "I hate fame, so I'll become even less famous by starring in a major motion picture release as one of Rock music's greatest icons and arguably best guitar player ever." :lol:
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You're equating work to fame.
It doesn't matter how much more work he puts into his music, he will garner more fame from a movie role...especially one about a musical figure the likes of Hendrix.
Again, I don't buy the "I hate the fame" line. It's more like "I hate the amount of work I need to put in to gain fame from music"
Lol, he hates the work he has to put in to gain fame? Yet he already has it? Oh, agree to disagree. 

Failing miserably? How? Was it a test? 
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