BIG EAST TOURNEY THREAD MARCH 10TH-14TH: Time for the big boys.

I thought I was going crazy when I saw end of 5th overtime just now.

This !%#* is crazy, if i was coaching I would forfeit, this is going to be bad for both teams in the long run
somebody win already! i left the damn shower running thinking this would be over by the 1st overtime.
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Real talk, there's a Buffalo Wild Wings out there somewhere that's causing all this.

"Can we send it into another overtime...?"


Good one haha.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I am in a house with no electricity...Niketalk is essentially giving me the play by play...someone tell me whose fouled out at this point...

My man.. what the hell?
U in one of them row houses wallace n poot stayed in on the wire?

My power went out last night in the middle of the A&M/Texas Tech game

I thought my roommate forgot to put money on the energy box thing, but it turns out it was the whole complex...
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Ok at first i was

But now im
seriously, but my addiction won't let me turn away.

hard to believe Syracuse NEVER LED in overtime, they played 5 full overtimes, 25 minutes, over a full half of basketball extra and no lead by even 1
What happens if all the players foul out except for four on one team? do they just play on?
someone clear this up please
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