lol I remember seeing these years back also. JB needs to try harder. I bet these still will resell for 350+ unfortunately.
this is just insane. i dont think people will buy these.AT ALL. let's say even at 80off in outlets. a classic shoe butchered big time. come on now mr gentry humphrey.

????? Why is no 3M Reflection in this picture............... #1 they are WACK #2 that means the XIII Retros won't have 3M either which makes want to sat EFF You JB....

Yeah, these look horrible in this pic, and that red dot crap on the tongue, what the heck is that, the ix's look way better, these might be just as ugly if not more ugly then the ii's that came out
LOL everyone is trippin these actually dont look that bad i mean CW is kinda of making me hungry but. I would rock the hell out of these with some khaki bombers. Not sure about the Ketchup stain on tongue either. Like them fasho though need to see more pics to be completely sure.
yeah those are horrible we to recycle a whack shoe JB....and these have to be the BIN's the stamp is right on the me worried about the XI's now
Originally Posted by GreatestGoliath

????? Why is no 3M Reflection in this picture............... #1 they are WACK #2 that means the XIII Retros won't have 3M either which makes want to sat EFF You JB....

actually that doesn't look like mesh that's definitely a suede upper

So jordan brand is selling mis-mates now...come on...But people will be camping out for these and some dumber people will buy them for 300+ dollars. What a crazy world!!!
XIII's are in my top three J's, but these are just ugly . JB could have done much better with the BIN XIII's

IX's are the best BIN's so far IMO and the red spot kills them.
13s are def my fav Jordans of all the signature series, but these were not what I was expecting. This could have been so so so so much better! Oh well I think I'm cop anyway as long as House of Hoops MD don't ++%% us again
Whats the point of a premium line if you going to be pushing out !*%*%% CWs that no one wants.

The IXs are the best ones and those are not really that hot IMO, they overused the gold on the shoes.
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