Birdman's New Special Made Tour Bus: Black Mans Guide To Stunting Buuuhhlleedatt

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Lets get monay
what the hell. dude got chicken and bieber
and a damn polar bear in the back....
And Baby brother SLIM got way more money because he is basically the CEO owner of the biz but he choose to stay out the limelight probably cause he ugly as heck

And Baby brother SLIM got way more money because he is basically the CEO owner of the biz but he choose to stay out the limelight probably cause he ugly as heck

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

And Baby brother SLIM got way more money because he is basically the CEO owner of the biz but he choose to stay out the limelight probably cause he ugly as heck

both of them look like Martians, but Birdman is my idol [img]
Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

And Baby brother SLIM got way more money because he is basically the CEO owner of the biz but he choose to stay out the limelight probably cause he ugly as heck

both of them look like Martians, but Birdman is my idol [img]
Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

And Baby brother SLIM got way more money because he is basically the CEO owner of the biz but he choose to stay out the limelight probably cause he ugly as heck

naw his brother doesnt rap or anything so he doesnt need the spotlight other than counting $$$$$$$$

plus birdman is ugly as sin[img]
Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

And Baby brother SLIM got way more money because he is basically the CEO owner of the biz but he choose to stay out the limelight probably cause he ugly as heck

naw his brother doesnt rap or anything so he doesnt need the spotlight other than counting $$$$$$$$

plus birdman is ugly as sin[img]
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