Black Culture Discussion Thread

Nah, the concept is there, but Blacks go out their way to give whites their money in order to feel they "made it". And then we also create the negative stigma that all black businesses are janky, and black folks "dont know how to act". People will quote Malcolm when he speaks on self defense (even then they are too scared to do that), but never quote Malcolm when he talked economics, same with MLK.

Blacks globally will never have respect until we develop an Economic Base and Infrastructure. We think giving others our money = respect, and we look like fools. heck we have Africa, the most resource rich land on earth, but we can't even do anything with the resources because we lack infrastructure so outsiders come in and build infrastructure but at a cost that does more harm than good.
Tell let it is my brother.......
My moms always taught me about AFRICAN history she got her degree at SOUTHERN in EDUCATION with a minor in AFRICAN STUDIES in the late 70's so I was always on my game with the AFRICAN HISTORY topic.....But Black folks gotta start talking action cause you can make 100 HIDDEN COLORS & a army of so called AWAKEN BLACKS but if their no real action but FACEBOOK & IG POST it makes no since...I think honestly a few people I know got tired of TARIQ,NEELY FULLER,FRANCES WELSING & all those other cats cause they felt like it's rhetoric with no real solution....
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Tell let it is my brother.......
My moms always taught me about AFRICAN history she got her degree at SOUTHERN in EDUCATION with a minor in AFRICAN STUDIES in the late 70's so I was always on my game with the AFRICAN HISTORY topic.....But Black folks gotta start talking action cause you can make 100 HIDDEN COLORS & a army of so called AWAKEN BLACKS but if their no real action but FACEBOOK & IG POST it makes no since...I think honestly a few people I know got tired of TARIQ,NEELY FULLER,FRANCES WELSING & all those other cats cause they felt like it's rhetoric with no real solution....

I honestly feel that this "knowledge" is a double edge sword that gives scared blacks an excuse for not taking action. Blacks will say "I can't rock with that because they aren't Kemet" or "We dont need businesses because Capitalism is the devil" other Ethnic groups don't spend their time going back and forth about Ancient history. While it is important to know who you are, since the black man and woman are the only group of people robbed of their history, at the end of the day we need to make moves economically THEN we can get to the history stuff after we have a strong Global Economic base, because once we have that we will have our own world class institutions to be able to teach our youth. I see all these dusty hotep cats on FB always talking this irrelevant hotep mumbo jumbo, but when you start talking economics they go ghost. While we need scholars, we have to cover the basics.
I honestly feel that this "knowledge" is a double edge sword that gives scared blacks an excuse for not taking action. Blacks will say "I can't rock with that because they aren't Kemet" or "We dont need businesses because Capitalism is the devil" other Ethnic groups don't spend their time going back and forth about Ancient history. While it is important to know who you are, since the black man and woman are the only group of people robbed of their history, at the end of the day we need to make moves economically THEN we can get to the history stuff after we have a strong Global Economic base, because once we have that we will have our own world class institutions to be able to teach our youth. I see all these dusty hotep cats on FB always talking this irrelevant hotep mumbo jumbo, but when you start talking economics they go ghost. While we need scholars, we have to cover the basics.
haha you ain't lying bro most of these people out here that claim they are "AWAKEN" are just weed heads that watch too many UMAR VIDEOS MIX WITH THOSE ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY THEORIES VIDEO...This one chick I went to college went says she's a stoner & aspiring BLACK PANTHER [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] you claim you for the struggle but your using something to keep you lazy & that is pushed by the WHITE SUPREMACIST FOH man...
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The cornball brothers are very live in here. Since the thread start...the same people are coming in and discrediting info being shared or shooting down any and everything that relates to turning this thing around.

Of course you're not going to agree with everyone about everything...but in this case, all of these videos or articles being shared all have one thing in common. They ALL ultimately are calling for the betterment of our people...regardless of the approach. Yet the same dudes keep coming in and telling us how wrong they are about everything. The motive behind doing so is very clear when you take into account their viewpoints in every race related thread. You can easily spot a screenname and guess what the tone of their post will be before you even read.

Ya'll aren't even providing INFO or sharing YOUR own perspectives. It seems as if some people are in here for no other purpose than to bring negativity and tell us all how we're so wrong. What's the point of even coming in this thread? The **** outta here. 
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I saw more young people than anyone talking the whole "Black business Black Friday" stuff after Ferguson, but even then I can only see what happens in my age demographic. Like I said before Blacks are taught if you can do what White People do you will be accepted and "you made it". A dude I know was buying a home, and I was putting him on game on how the City is giving away a ton of grant money so people can gentrify old hoods, and he was like "nah I`m trying to move to *insert majority white burn*", I didnt even respond after that. Blacks won't practice group economics even when its in their best interest. We will ship our kids across town to private schools where they get mistreated or looked at as magical creatures instead of building our own schools. I remember when I was in college and even then when I was becoming conscious I was still sleep, back when I`d drop so much bread on gear just because it was Polo. Now I dont even cop sneakers or clothes unless I see something on clearance racks, or I`m supporting a black biz.
Things seem to be changing. And that's due to social network and the ease in which we can share information now. I see folks all over FB & IG spreading knowledge similar to stuff we talk about in here, but outside of these folks, people are stuck in their little bubble and aren't concerned or aware of the fact.

The whole white is right has a lot to do with our situation in this country. We are still playing catch up. I'm in the mindset that we don't even need to be in the same race and that we should focus on doing our own thing, but many others aren't. That's why we got folks aspiring to live in white neighborhoods, sending folks out to private schools, and all that.
Tell let it is my brother.......
My moms always taught me about AFRICAN history she got her degree at SOUTHERN in EDUCATION with a minor in AFRICAN STUDIES in the late 70's so I was always on my game with the AFRICAN HISTORY topic.....But Black folks gotta start talking action cause you can make 100 HIDDEN COLORS & a army of so called AWAKEN BLACKS but if their no real action but FACEBOOK & IG POST it makes no since...I think honestly a few people I know got tired of TARIQ,NEELY FULLER,FRANCES WELSING & all those other cats cause they felt like it's rhetoric with no real solution....
You have to have information before you can act. Why act without a plan or knowledge of the situation?

And folks shouldn't look for these people to do everything, or come up with all the solutions. I simply look to them as teachers. It's their job to teach, it's ours to act upon whatever you took from their lessons.
UMAR was saying pretty much the some of the same stuff I'm saying in this video he was down here a few weeks ago...Like he said in this video it's too much propaganda being pushed in the BLACK CONSCIENCE COMMUNITY
Halfway through that video, and boyyyyy he may have bit off more than he could chew with that school. Dude said they need $2 million up front, and another million to actually fix the school. And he only raised 1/4 of a million. I could see the problem people have with him about that. If it doesn't work out, are they getting their money back or were they just donations?
Halfway through that video, and boyyyyy he may have bit off more than he could chew with that school. Dude said they need $2 million up front, and another million to actually fix the school. And he only raised 1/4 of a million. I could see the problem people have with him about that. If it doesn't work out, are they getting their money back or were they just donations?
Yea man I think that's the one of the problems & I knew once MADAMENOIRE went on the attack after him I knew it was over with the school thing....
Halfway through that video, and boyyyyy he may have bit off more than he could chew with that school. Dude said they need $2 million up front, and another million to actually fix the school. And he only raised 1/4 of a million. I could see the problem people have with him about that. If it doesn't work out, are they getting their money back or were they just donations?

I said prior he would have been better off trying to open a smaller scale school in a normal commercial building. The overhead cost to do what he want to do will exceed what he is asking for in donations. I know they say dream big but got to start a foundation first.
I do agree that action needs to take place as opposed to simply talking, BUT the issue is that a concept like group economics can't be actualized in this societal climate by black people due to the damaged psychology we hold which in essence mandates the teachings, histories, lessons, etc in order to re-orientate our minds for a concept like group economics to be practiced. You can't have people who live in America (where consumerism and capitalism are god) that already have such a subconscious disdain for themselves and those who look like themselves to sacrifice their toys/instant gratification for the long-sighted betterment of the very folks they unknowingly and knowingly resent. Ideally in the situation at hand, there would be an enlightenment period followed by a period of putting that enlightenment into tangible practices to institute change/progress. In the dire urgency we're in now, I just believe that it has to be a simultaneous and multifaceted effort. There needs to be multiple efforts across the board tackling a number of tasks at the same time like a system. A team that's reeling in those in the dark. A team that's getting those reeled in into phase 1. A team getting those in phase 1 into phase 2. A team getting phase 2 into phase 3. With each phase having certain responsibilities/mindsets that need to be accomplished or understood before graduating to the next. Maybe those that would be considered phase 5 are already practicing group economics and each team obviously growing bigger by the day, week, month, etc. That's how I see it.
Yea man I think that's the one of the problems & I knew once MADAMENOIRE went on the attack after him I knew it was over with the school thing....
Yeah, and he said his last option was to build a school in Africa if he doesn't get the money. Don't think people would go for that.
I said prior he would have been better off trying to open a smaller scale school in a normal commercial building. The overhead cost to do what he want to do will exceed what he is asking for in donations. I know they say dream big but got to start a foundation first.
Yeah dude definitely dropped the ball with this. If he had a bigger following, I could see this destroying his image.
Tell let it is my brother.......
My moms always taught me about AFRICAN history she got her degree at SOUTHERN in EDUCATION with a minor in AFRICAN STUDIES in the late 70's so I was always on my game with the AFRICAN HISTORY topic.....But Black folks gotta start talking action cause you can make 100 HIDDEN COLORS & a army of so called AWAKEN BLACKS but if their no real action but FACEBOOK & IG POST it makes no since...I think honestly a few people I know got tired of TARIQ,NEELY FULLER,FRANCES WELSING & all those other cats cause they felt like it's rhetoric with no real solution....

I honestly feel that this "knowledge" is a double edge sword that gives scared blacks an excuse for not taking action. Blacks will say "I can't rock with that because they aren't Kemet" or "We dont need businesses because Capitalism is the devil" other Ethnic groups don't spend their time going back and forth about Ancient history. While it is important to know who you are, since the black man and woman are the only group of people robbed of their history, at the end of the day we need to make moves economically THEN we can get to the history stuff after we have a strong Global Economic base, because once we have that we will have our own world class institutions to be able to teach our youth. I see all these dusty hotep cats on FB always talking this irrelevant hotep mumbo jumbo, but when you start talking economics they go ghost. While we need scholars, we have to cover the basics.

The highlighted statement confirms what I have been thinking, which is that there is a very simplistic view about what it would take to raise the economic status of Black folks worldwide.

A sound knowledge of contemporary African history (colonial and post-colonial periods) will show that an economically sound Africa would be the end of the era of Western dominance, as well as a threat to the economies AND relevancy of many world powers and the few African elites that support their interests.
Look at how Portugal is faring now that they can't rely on extracting resources at a cheap price from their former colonies (Angola, Mozambique, Brazil). Compare that to France which can still claim to be the 6th most powerful country in the world, thanks in part to the fact that in exchange for independence, they gave themselves the right to control the currency (and currency reserves) of about half the countries in Africa (I recommend reading about the CFA Franc) and to have exclusive access (at a price they will set) to any resources found in the soil of their "former" colonies.

Moreover, a sound knowledge of contemporary African history will show you that the solutions we're all looking for have already been successfully enacted. Thanks to Thomas Sankara, the whole world had a glimpse of what a truly independent Africa could be. In only 4 years of presidency (1983-1987), he turned a Burkina Faso plagued with hunger into a food sufficient country; he recognized the threat of AIDS, implemented vaccination campaigns to eradicate polio, meningitis, and measles (2.5 million of Burkinabe were vaccinated in one week), recognized the importance of women in society, and most importantly, DID NOT UNNECESSARILY BORROW MONEY FROM WESTERN BANKS AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS.

A sound knowledge of contemporary African history will show you that the Man is also Black. We all know that the leaders of the West have a vested interest in acquiring cheap raw materials. What is never discussed is how many African leaders (and their elite entourage) are all too willing to give away those resources in exchange for the guarantee that they'll die in power. Contemporary African history will show you how, toward the end of the colonial period, African individuals sympathetic to the imperialist cause were propped up by Western powers and created the African elite class. A study of the current events on the continent and of the background of the main actors will show you how the former colonial powers nurtured what constitutes much of today's political and economic elite in many African countries. And you know what that elite loves more than the IMF loans they will redirect to their personal bank accounts? The clueless fools who want to "build schools in Africa," because every school built with foreign, charity money is a school they don't have to build. Every hospital built with private foreign funds is a hospital they don't have to build, and it's more proceeds from their countries' economies they can feel free to steal.

I agree that ancient history of Africa isn't much help in the improvement of the black person's current economic condition, but you can't dismiss the relevance of the last couple centuries in the current economic condition of Africans, just like you wouldn't allow anyone to dismiss the significance of Jim Crow's laws and redlining in the general economic condition of black Americans.
Black people have a damaged psychology now??? What on Earth is wrong with you people.

I've avoided this thread for a while because I know some pseudo-intellectual foolishness was being spewed, and it's been confirmed. Being financially successful is not hard.

1. Live within your means.
2. Save money.

At the end of the day that is literally all you have to do, and you will be on your way to financial freedom. And if for some reason you can' deserve the struggle.
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Black people have a damaged psychology now??? What on Earth is wrong with you people.

I've avoided this thread for a while because I know some pseudo-intellectual foolishness was being spewed, and it's been confirmed. Being financially successful is not hard.

1. Live within your means.
2. Save money.

At the end of the day that is literally all you have to do, and you will be on your way to financial freedom. And if for some reason you can' deserve the struggle.

Saving money means nothing, you have to put your money to work via investments and or business opportunities.
Saving money means nothing, you have to put your money to work via investments and or business opportunities.

Just another way of saving money. I put my post in the most basic of terms. And some people don't want to invest, so the absolute bare minimum that one should do is save money. Whether that be in deer park jug or a personal savings acct.
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Black people have a damaged psychology now??? What on Earth is wrong with you people.
Black people are proven to have damaged psyches as a direct result of slavery...why else do you think economically castrated black folks on World Star beat each other down in the streets and jack each other?  It's because we've been mentally conditioned to see ourselves the way white supremacists see us.   

The black psyche is intentionally clouded with mental poison so that we don't look at what really plagues us...which is the system of racism/white supremacy.
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African Americans have ptsd from being black and secretly knowing what it means without being able to voice that fact for white outrage.
I'm sorry but I need to see some actual proof that slavery has psychologically damaged me. Because if that's the case I may need to seek therapy.
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I'm sorry but I need to see some actual proof that slavery has psychologically damaged me. Because if that's the case I may need to seek therapy.
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