Dunno if this was ever answered but.....

Say I go into Walmart for the 8pm video game deals. Can i STAY in the store for the 10pm door busters? I'd really like to buy a few of those tvs as gifts, but would like the videogames/movies for myself.

Anyone do anything like this last year? Do you HAVE to be outside in line to get a tv? I'll just wander around the store if need be.
:smh: @ Sony still throwing out bundles. Real gamers don't care about that crap, just sell the system by itself for $149. Xbox 360s will be everywhere for $99 & Wiis for $129. Get it together Sony
:smokin @ that 39" Samsung 1080p LED HDTV for $397

Thing is, this isn't meant for REAL GAMERS. Sony assumes you already have a ps3. This is for those who don't have it. Getting a 200 ps3 WITH uncharted 1/2, Infamous 1/2 is a STEAL. That'll give a kid months of enjoyment right out of the box.
well at the Walmart I work at yea u could wait around at the store plenty of customers did that last year and for TVs we roped parts of the store off and made people form a line can't speak for other stores tho.
Thing is, this isn't meant for REAL GAMERS. Getting a 200 ps3 WITH uncharted 1/2, Infamous 1/2 is a STEAL. That'll give a kid months of enjoyment right out of the box.

Cool story bro, you're missing the bigger picture: price-dropping the system during the holidays within range of your competitors.

There are PLENTY of Xbox 360 owners (like myself) who bought a PS3 @ launch/shortly after & later sold our systems because the first-party games coming out were WACK & the big titles like Agent, The Last Guardian, Ni No Kuni, & FF Versus 13 kept getting delayed over and over. We would buy the system again if it was $200 or less! That bundle is a steal IN YOUR EYES, but there are plenty people who want a PS3 that DON'T CARE ABOUT EITHER OF THOSE GAMES. Bundles are stupid 98% of the time & Sony is entering this holiday season with poorly priced consoles AGAIN. Guarantee MS & Nintendo move more consoles over the holiday season than Sony does
Well since i grabbed everything i needed last year i'm just gonna focus on these games at Walmart. my plan is just to go around 6:00 and have them grab me all the games  that i want and just chill in there till 8 when the sale starts then pay for em.  and from what i see on that add scan ill be grabbing  about 5 or 6 games at 25 dollars why not 
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Cool story bro, you're missing the bigger picture: price-dropping the system during the holidays within range of your competitors.
There are PLENTY of Xbox 360 owners (like myself) who bought a PS3 @ launch/shortly after & later sold our systems because the first-party games coming out were WACK & the big titles like Agent, The Last Guardian, Ni No Kuni, & FF Versus 13 kept getting delayed over and over. We would buy the system again if it was $200 or less! That bundle is a steal IN YOUR EYES, but there are plenty people who want a PS3 that DON'T CARE ABOUT EITHER OF THOSE GAMES. Bundles are stupid 98% of the time & Sony is entering this holiday season with poorly priced consoles AGAIN. Guarantee MS & Nintendo move more consoles over the holiday season than Sony does

Relax man you sound like Sony personally stole your girlfriend. I HIGHLY doubt there are plenty of people that bought the PS3 only to resell it right away because "they don't like the games."

I'm willing to go with Sony's marketing strategy than a random posters.

And those games you mentioned... no bro they're not Sonys BIG games. They're for the hardcore gamer. I can name 20 ps3 owners off the top of my head that have NO IDEA about those titles. Sony cares about Metal Gear, Uncharted, God of War etc. Those are the games that are going to sell.

And WITHOUT those games $200 bucks is still a steal for the system. A BluRay player alone that functions like the PS3 does will cost you 100 bucks. So you're getting a PS3 for 100 BUCKS.
lol gotta love the old "you mad"/"you taking this personal" rebuttals when you make logical points on internet forums :smh:

you're an idiot if you don't think Agent (a PS3 exclusive made by ROCKSTAR GAMES), The Last Guardian (from the makers of PS2 multi-million selling games Ico & Shadow of the Colossus), & Final Fantasy Versus 13 (a new Final Fantasy with the combat system of Kingdom Hearts. non turn-based RPGs always sell MILLIONS. IE Mass Effect & Borderlands) wouldn't sell a MINIMUM of 2 million units each globally so I really don't care how many PS3 owners YOU KNOW (out of the MILLIONS worldwide that would buy the games I mentioned if they ever were released) that wouldn't know about em

and what are you talking about $200 is a steal for the PS3 in 2012? IT'S NOT! You can own an Xbox 360 (with a larger game library because it came out first) & a Blu-Ray player for $200 OR an Xbox 360 AND Wii for $200.
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lol gotta love the old "you mad"/"you taking this personal" rebuttals when you make logical points on internet forums :smh:
you're an idiot if you don't think Agent (a PS3 exclusive made by ROCKSTAR GAMES), The Last Guardian (from the makers of PS2 multi-million selling games Ico & Shadow of the Colossus), & Final Fantasy Versus 13 (a new Final Fantasy with the combat system of Kingdom Hearts. non turn-based RPGs always sell MILLIONS. IE Mass Effect & Borderlands) wouldn't sell a MINIMUM of 2 million units each globally so I really don't care how many PS3 owners YOU KNOW (out of the MILLIONS worldwide that would buy the games I mentioned if they ever were released) that wouldn't know about em
and what are you talking about $200 is a steal for the PS3 in 2012? IT'S NOT! You can own an Xbox 360 (with a larger game library because it came out first) & a Blu-Ray player for $200 OR an Xbox 360 AND Wii for $200.

I can't even follow half of what you wrote its so run on, but I'm going to try and decipher for the rest. It wasn't a "you mad" rebuttal, you seriously sound upset that Sony didn't do what YOU wanted. And you're a fool if you think those RPG's that sell really well in Japan correlate to sales in the US. They don't. Plain and simple. You mention Japanese RPG's then back up your argument with the sales of US RPG's (ME, Borderlands). Again, not making sense.

You're argument is I can own a 360 and a bluray player for 200. 1) where can i get a xbox for 100 bucks? 2.) where can I get a SMART bluray player for under 80 bucks or so? I had an XBOX. I like my PS3 and their titles better. I don't want two units. I want ONE all encompassing.

You are the only person I've read since the 200 PS3 was advertised that is in an uproar about it. Those games are throw ins to add a little extra. You're paying 200 for the system plain and simple.
It was very simple to read actually, you're just stanning so hard for Sony that you can't comprehend it.

Why would I sound upset when I'm giving names of TITLES THEY ANNOUNCED then shelved indefinitely while they wasted TIME & MONEY putting out worthless crap like Playstation Move, Genji, & SOCOM 4?

Now if I was making up games like say Getaway 10: ASTON MARTIN EDITION, Syphon FIlter 12: The Saga of Gabriel Logan, & Sly Cooper 8? You'd have a basis for the "you sound upset that Sony didn't do what YOU wanted" argument. All those games I named were shown @ SONY E3 KEYNOTES so obviously they were in development, CARED ABOUT, & planned to sell millions of copies and PS3 systems. But you don't, so you keep going back to the corny tactic of my thoughts on the system are dumb compared to yours when surely Sony wouldn't be able to continue operating their business if they catered to just the 2 of us. How about you read some of Sony's financial reports in 2012? They obviously continue to make bad decisions outside of the Playstation divison of the company due to their continually decreasing stock prices & employee layoffs.

Your "I don't want two units, I want one all encompassing" statement shows right there that you're a CASUAL GAMER. I'm NOT you & neither are plenty of gamers in America, as well as around the world! I owned SNES & Sega Geneis, N64 & PS1, Gamecube/Xbox/PS2/Dreamcast, & other multiple-console setups because I LOVE VIDEO GAMES FROM ALL MAJOR COMPANIES! I spent thousands of dollars on PS2 games because they were in their prime then, in 2012 they AREN'T & I want to see them come back to the focus of what made Playstation great: GAMES. Look at you continuing to talk about Blu-Ray like that technology has any effect on GAMES besides storage capacity :smh:

as for sub-$100 SMART Blu-Ray players? multiple options on Amazon
info on the $99 Xbox 360s with Kinect is here
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I want a 42 inch tv but have no idea where and what's good. Nt bros plz help
It was very simple to read actually, you're just stanning so hard for Sony that you can't comprehend it.
Why would I sound upset when I'm giving names of TITLES THEY ANNOUNCED then shelved indefinitely while they wasted TIME & MONEY putting out worthless crap like Playstation Move, Genji, & SOCOM 4?
Now if I was making up games like say Getaway 10: ASTON MARTIN EDITION, Syphon FIlter 12: The Saga of Gabriel Logan, & Sly Cooper 8? You'd have a basis for the "you sound upset that Sony didn't do what YOU wanted" argument. All those games I named were shown @ SONY E3 KEYNOTES so obviously they were in development, CARED ABOUT, & planned to sell millions of copies and PS3 systems. But you don't, so you keep going back to the corny tactic of my thoughts on the system are dumb compared to yours when surely Sony wouldn't be able to continue operating their business if they catered to just the 2 of us. How about you read some of Sony's financial reports in 2012? They obviously continue to make bad decisions outside of the Playstation divison of the company due to their continually decreasing stock prices & employee layoffs.
Your "I don't want two units, I want one all encompassing" statement shows right there that you're a CASUAL GAMER. I'm NOT you & neither are plenty of gamers in America, as well as around the world! I owned SNES & Sega Geneis, N64 & PS1, Gamecube/Xbox/PS2/Dreamcast, & other multiple-console setups because I LOVE VIDEO GAMES FROM ALL MAJOR COMPANIES! I spent thousands of dollars on PS2 games because they were in their prime then, in 2012 they AREN'T & I want to see them come back to the focus of what made Playstation great: GAMES. Look at you continuing to talk about Blu-Ray like that technology has any effect on GAMES besides storage capacity :smh:
as for sub-$100 SMART Blu-Ray players? multiple options on Amazon
info on the $99 Xbox 360s with Kinect is here

I am a casual gamer, I never said I wasn't. As is the MAJORITY of all console owners. The Hardcore gamers, such as yourself, are in the MINORITY. Companies DO NOT cater to the minority, and when they do, (i.e. Jordan) they TAX the hell out of you for it. And what the hell does you owning every console have to do with anything? I've owned every single console at one point since the Atari. Every one including Game.Com, R-zone, gameboy 3D, Nomad and others. A lot of them I've owned several different times. Does that make you smarter than me? I'm not stanning for everyone. You really sound hurt that you can't get a PS3 for $150 bucks. You sound like you CANT afford it and should be focusing on more important things.

Theres a reason why titles are shelved dude. Most of the time is because they WONT sell the way they want them to. Sony shelved Live 12 what weeks before it was due? Why? CAUSE IT WONT SELL.

I know theres a $99 Xbox coming out. The fact is, its NOT out yet. And its NOT a $99 console. You have to PAY TWO YEARS FOR LIVE to get that deal dude. You DONT have to do that with a PS3. And YES the blu ray "space" thing IS a big deal. I don't want to put 5 different discs in my system for a 360 when I can get the ps3 version and have ONE. That is a convenience that I want.
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Walmart BF AD just leaked:

$25 Each

NBA 2K13
Madden 13

I might buy fifa just to play ocho cinco. I don't even like soccer like that.

I think I'm just skipping Madden this year I still like my franchise in 12. NBA might be there though.

My must haves so far are Max Payne 3 and the Planet of the Apes blu ray. I haven't seen that anywhere for less than 20 bucks since release.
LOL dude still dosn't get it, THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE. Sony remains in 3rd place in this "console war" & that "games get shelved because they know they won't sell" is stupid reasoning when Playstation Move, Genshi, and Socom 4 all were released for PS3 and FAILED TO REACH TARGET SALES GOALS. Everything you put out won't be a hit, it's trial & error.

EA makes NBA Live, not Sony. FAIL.

And lol @ multi-disc games fitting on one PS3 disc, but what do they still require? MANDATORY INSTALLATIONS on your system before you can even play it. If I wanted that crap, I'd play PC games
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