Black Google Engineer "Google hires the whitest black candidates"

No I didn't meet any of her coworkers that's why I was asking.

Like i said its 2019 why would she fix her lips to say that about her coworkers?
Like I said , you've never come across one of these people in real life. Not just at Google... But carry on
Corporate Black women love thugs?! Where did this line of logic come from?

Maybe it is because Black women, who are actually the highest educated group of people in the WORLD, want to always reach back to Black men, those of whom are the most incarcerated among averages? If all things were equal, don't you think that Black women would do better in relationships IF they had a better choosing?

Nobody has done more to hold the Black community together than The Black Woman. If she didn't date the so called thug? Y'all would call her a sell out.

Taking a look at Michelle Obama, where does she fit in with this narrative?!
They really do... I know a couple chicks who make bank dealing with dusty dudes with black air Force 1s.....
I guess people do not see the racist connotation associated with suggesting that well to do Black women in corporate america, only like to date thugs.
They really do... I know a couple chicks who make bank dealing with dusty dudes with black air Force 1s.....

You guys are missing the 3rd variable. Corporate black women want to be loved. And they want to be loved in a way that makes them feel secure and protected. They want "zaddy". These women already feel secure in their money. They want a man that they perceive as strong and got da good dong to cover their weaknesses.. They aren't necessarily with a bum because he's dusty. They're with him because he has a backbone, he is stubborn (including stubborn enough to put up with a "strong" black womans attitude). They're with him because he is the male figure they had or that they didn't and that's who mom chose.

Realize that you guys are ignoring the reasons his black af1s are dusty is because like ol' girl said. The same strength the black woman loves in the black man is the strength white corporate America does not approve of. All the traits she loves about him including a rebelliousness that keeps the relationship interesting are what keep him out of a good job. She might have got the job over an equally skilled black man because a man did not feel threatened by a woman and maybe even because she looked good to him. But make no mistake... All of the research proves time and time again black women are the least desired romantic partner among the races. And the dude who wasn't "dusty" might not have even given her a chance. Black people are still second class in EVERYONES eyes. That's why politics using us as pawns when they can't really ever fix the inequality sucks..

What she said actually is important about Googles selection process but they way she highlighted "whiteness" was wrong. Thugs are thugs because the system rejects them as a THREAT to the status quo... Not because they don't speak like a college professor or dress like Anton in undercover brother. Plenty of dumb good ol' boy country club bumpkins are in corporate leadership roles in America. Including the president who is very crafty but still unintelligent
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That's definitely not true for every company, I've seen companies where most of the ppl moving up the ranks were ppl going out drinking and socializing the most

If you are in your first few years at an organization, and intend to move up the ranks quickly, the best thing you can do is socialize as little as possible. In the workplace, mystery is power. You are capable of whatever the company needs to get done until you fail to get something done or become buddies with someone who fails to get things done. Once you begin to talk to people and reveal who you are you become human, your shortcomings become evident. Even if you are a superstar and are way more competent than anyone else in the office, your personality traits become perceived as negative from either end of the spectrum (either bossy type A personality, or overly social, flirty, too well liked and inefficient, down to overly serious about work - stick in the mud) . This goes beyond black or white. Simply speaking the truth out loud can affect your career opportunities in corporate america. Even if the truth benefits the company. The only thing you can do to be perceived well 100% of the time is get your job done quickly, efficiently, frequently ask for the next job or thing to get done, and when your boss has nothing for you... quickly get far the hell away from work and keep anything work related away from your social life. Cracking a joke with someone your cool with is fine... If that person is liked UNIVERSALLY in your company. No one is universally liked. There's is at least one A-hole boss somewhere who was promoted because he/she knew someone or just had good timing and they don't like anyone. As soon as you begin to make connections, you are getting yourself into a sticky web.

"But... but... I want to be friendly and make friends at work. I don't want work to make me a miserable cog in a machine."

If you line yourself up to take every opportunity you can get to move up, you can get to a position that is pretty cushy and low stress that pays your bills and recreation comfortably and then you can let loose and speak up like this girl did because you are not concerned about a promotion and your demonstrated body of work in the company can speak for itself on paper should anyone decide to make you a target. (They will). By the time you are in that position, socializing with subordinates can become a favoritism and eeo problem for HR. So your still on guard except with people on your level. (IE. wild embarrassing corporate retreats where these "uptight" people shhow their true colors after a couple Mai Tais
Yeah but they were the kind of Black ppl that were a "cultural fit", came from upper middle or higher backgrounds. Private and prep schools their entire lives into a big name brand University. Avocados, dogs, glamping, patagonia, macchu picchu, yacht week, Colorado Ski Towns during the winter etc.

They were black?
Late to the topic, but I can definitely see this taking place at Google. As diversity increases, inclusion does not. You may still find yourself having to code switch just so you don't feel isolated at these predominately non-Black work spaces.

And piggybacking on other post, I don't know why some Black people feel that they shouldn't associate with other Black people at work. I try my best to say good morning or head nod to everyone of us I see as a form of acknowledgment. That goes from the employees to the security guard.
You guys are missing the 3rd variable. Corporate black women want to be loved. And they want to be loved in a way that makes them feel secure and protected. They want "zaddy". These women already feel secure in their money. They want a man that they perceive as strong and got da good dong to cover their weaknesses.. They aren't necessarily with a bum because he's dusty. They're with him because he has a backbone, he is stubborn (including stubborn enough to put up with a "strong" black womans attitude). They're with him because he is the male figure they had or that they didn't and that's who mom chose.

Realize that you guys are ignoring the reasons his black af1s are dusty is because like ol' girl said. The same strength the black woman loves in the black man is the strength white corporate America does not approve of. All the traits she loves about him including a rebelliousness that keeps the relationship interesting are what keep him out of a good job. She might have got the job over an equally skilled black man because a man did not feel threatened by a woman and maybe even because she looked good to him. But make no mistake... All of the research proves time and time again black women are the least desired romantic partner among the races. And the dude who wasn't "dusty" might not have even given her a chance. Black people are still second class in EVERYONES eyes. That's why politics using us as pawns when they can't really ever fix the inequality sucks..

What she said actually is important about Googles selection process but they way she highlighted "whiteness" was wrong. Thugs are thugs because the system rejects them as a THREAT to the status quo... Not because they don't speak like a college professor or dress like Anton in undercover brother. Plenty of dumb good ol' boy country club bumpkins are in corporate leadership roles in America. Including the president who is very crafty but still unintelligent

Women are simple and child like in their thought process. Not being sexist. Just the harsh truth

She's just chasing his validation. A thug is less likely to compliment her and treats her like an afterthought.

Treat any girl like an afterthought and she'll be chasing you. Treat a hot girl or successful girl like you would an ugly fat girl and she's pretty much in the palm of your hand.
Yeah but they were the kind of Black ppl that were a "cultural fit", came from upper middle or higher backgrounds. Private and prep schools their entire lives into a big name brand University. Avocados, dogs, glamping, patagonia, macchu picchu, yacht week, Colorado Ski Towns during the winter etc.
Patagonia slander will not be tolerated. They make good jackets. :lol:
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