Black guy hair cuts

Chinstraps are nasty for any size imo

Exactly. Don't see why dudes disgrace their faces with a chin strap. Full beard, or keep the mustache/goatee look.

I rocked a chinstrap for a while :smh: Almost gave my ex's brother hands a few times for going in on me about it :lol:. Didn't even know I could grow a beatd at that time but now the facial hair is on flourish.
Man I can't get the full beard but I'm trying |I. Ive got a chinstrap now but it ain't like real thin. Ive got hairs that are growing on the sides of my face but not enough to form a beard. How do you transition from nothing to a full beard tho if you cut it off tho?
Man I can't get the full beard but I'm trying |I. Ive got a chinstrap now but it ain't like real thin. Ive got hairs that are growing on the sides of my face but not enough to form a beard. How do you transition from nothing to a full beard tho if you cut it off tho?

After I was done with the chin strap I was just shaving my **** all the time. I stopped shaving and went to a barber and dude asked me what I wanted to do with my "beard". I was confused, but I let him shape it up. So just growing it and I think the castor oil has had a positive effect on my facial hair. This is literally the first time I've ever had a beard so now I'm just growing and seeing how full it can get.

Was chilling with this chick the other weekend and she just randomly hit me wifh the, "have I ever told you I love beards?" :smokin
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Chinstraps are nasty for any size imo

Exactly. Don't see why dudes disgrace their faces with a chin strap. Full beard, or keep the mustache/goatee look.

I rocked a chinstrap for a while :smh: Almost gave my ex's brother hands a few times for going in on me about it :lol:. Didn't even know I could grow a beatd at that time but now the facial hair is on flourish.

This is hilarious. been rocking a chinstrap for like 6 years.

I think im dope.
Brothas that rock chinstraps that can grow full beards is even worst :x

Dj Augustin comes to mind.
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The fact that I cant grow a full beard irks me

Trash genes from Pops
The fact that I cant grow a full beard irks me :smh:

Trash genes from Pops
Keep faith broham

Im so close. Just a measly patch on my left side and I will be in the game.

Just rocking the stache plus goatee now

Im 22. Hopefully by 24
I'll never forget the roasting of the dude that got the "South of France" brutal, ruthless, and hilarious at the same time, in every post, with every pic. When someone photo shopped dude onto the penny, it was then that I knew to subscribe to this thread.
I'll never forget the roasting of the dude that got the "South of France" brutal, ruthless, and hilarious at the same time, in every post, with every pic. When someone photo shopped dude onto the penny, it was then that I knew to subscribe to this thread.

**** was brutal. I legit felt bad for dude. NT got some cyber bullies. I only laughed it off because homie took it in stride; in all sincerity it was a terrible hair cut. :lol: :smh:
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