Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

You guys think these will sell out or the resell will be high? I'm deciding if I want to cop now, try on friday, or if I can wait a week or two after without the price going insane.
these will sell out in minutes.. the hype for these is insane. easily the hardest cop of the year next to the cigar 6s.

you're joking or you're serious? I'm really the only one of my friends thats into sneaks and I dont keep my ear to the streets anymore so I have no clue what the hype is for these. I keep up with only release dates now.
Bruh ish is going nuts in here and chill with that trade talk. Them boys watching. Just trying to keep folks from bans and or any other problems. Hit the pm's my dudes.

Resell should be ok again like the taxis.

Just hype is everywhere rite now but dudes are eatting everywhere so that's good.
Those Nicolas Cage gifs always kill me 
you're joking or you're serious? I'm really the only one of my friends thats into sneaks and I dont keep my ear to the streets anymore so I have no clue what the hype is for these. I keep up with only release dates now.
Dude is trolling b, resell won't be high on these either since they're produced in mass amounts

Hype is real for these, but are they going to sell out in mins? hell no, just do your work and you'll be good, plenty to go around, honestly if anyone strikes out while others are getting 2-3 pairs, you didn't want them 
Yes, she is amazing !
Good looks
She understands my obsession with sneakers ! 

And indeed, I love pizza ! 

They were giving out tickets on Sunday and Monday, and I believe they have just started making phone calls today (Tuesday). 
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