Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

Easiest way to stick it to resellers is dont buy from them ever

You miss a release. Let it be.

Shoes are like *******. If one dont want to come home with you its on to the next
Resell game really is a joke. Seeing prices of 300-350 scattered all over the bay already, although I can see them dipping over the next week, it sucks to see it, most aren't even in hand yet.
That's prob what they will settle at at places like Flightclub but they won't hold up at that price on the street for long. Too much supply.
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I need some zzzzzzz.....

been up for like a lil more than 24 hrs.........

best bet on NDC is to prolly buy... Checkout... go back in and buy checkout...

Then Call CS and get my order combined with whatever codes i have....
i almost get surprised when i hear of lines, because every place i walked into this week to ask when they'd be for sale, all of them told me that they were doing some raffle/ticket system.  i was thinking camping out was basically extinct
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