Black Man Lynched by White Teens in Mississippi

Jul 7, 2011
[h1]Mississippi Man Beaten, Run Over, Killed In Racially Motivated Attack[/h1]

White Teens Run Over, Kill Mississippi Man

A 49-year-old African American Mississippi man was recently viciously beaten and killed by a group of seven white teens who apparently randomly targeted the auto plant worker in a racially motivated hate crime.

The victim, James Craig Anderson, was standing beside his car in a parking lot in Jackson, Mississippi when two-carloads of white teenagers pummeled him repeatedly while yelling out racial slurs, according to reports by Several of the group, yelled out “White Power
Mississippi I'm not surpised. KKK maybe because who else lynchs for race nowadays besides them and wannabes. This will not end well for that state
death penalty for them all. that's beyond disgusting. racism still alive, they ain't even concealin it though
People were laughing at the Klan like they were totally powerless and seemed shocked at the Neo-Nazis in Russia in a previous thread...but there is a serious and dangerous "white-power" problem right here in the USA.
and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv
this is just sickening man. I know racism is still alive and probably will never die, but when prejudice people go to the extent of killing and lynching as opposed to just marching and protesting in the year 2011, it's just sad.
The death penalty would be be too easy. Life sentence will be just fine. They need to be awaken every morning to a punch in the face
the feds try their hardest to lockdown gangs in the city like crips and bloods yet they let +#%# like this run rampant

rip to that brotha 
The link below is a better report from What these animals did was premetitated. The 18 year old that master minded the thing, drove the truck over the guy, & led the beating of the guy is only charged with murder. A second 18 year old was charged only with assalt. How in the world did these dudes not get charged with a hate crime. The local DA is even quoted as saying this was a crime of hate. I'm speechless...

You know there is so much prejudice and hatred for muslims after 9/11 but people tend to forget the "christian" right in this country was responsible for Oklahoma City. We may have elected a black president but racism is still alive well. Remember, the Klu Klux Clan is now educated and calling themselves the "christian" right or tea party.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv

QFT. I've heard about Hispanics getting killed by Blacks in NY numerous times. Seriously sickening.

Why does stuff like this even gets posted on NT?

People get killed every day.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.
Originally Posted by psk2310

The link below is a better report from What these animals did was premetitated. The 18 year old that master minded the thing, drove the truck over the guy, & led the beating of the guy is only charged with murder. A second 18 year old was charged only with assalt. How in the world did these dudes not get charged with a hate crime. The local DA is even quoted as saying this was a crime of hate. I'm speechless...

You know there is so much prejudice and hatred for muslims after 9/11 but people tend to forget the "christian" right in this country was responsible for Oklahoma City. We may have elected a black president but racism is still alive well. Remember, the Klu Klux Clan is now educated and calling themselves the "christian" right or tea party.
Are you serious? I hope not
really tho you guys response is "well black folks kill whites and hispanics all the time!" ??
Wow NT, new low
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