Black Man Lynched by White Teens in Mississippi

omg seeing him get run over by the car...I feel sick to my stomach.

I feel so sad for this mans family, I can't imagine what they're going through right now.
kickstart wrote:
goldenchild9 wrote:
and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.

Aren't blacks the number 1 killers of their own kind?

This is truth.. We need to put more focus on senseless killing amongst ourselves.. Stuff like this doesn't happen often, but killing each other is a frequent thing 
Originally Posted by kickstart

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.
Aren't blacks the number 1 killers of their own kind?
Aren't "whites" the number 1 killers of every one else on the globe?
How does that fact constructively speak to this incident and the persistent problem of "white supremacy", hate crimes and race relations in America?
R.I.P. to the victim.
Maybe i'm trippin' but racism has really become more blatant since Obama has been elected, even within this board I've noticed that.  Its like some people have turned him being elected into a personal vendetta against all blacks.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

R.I.P. to the victim.
Maybe i'm trippin' but racism has really become more blatant since Obama has been elected, even within this board I've noticed that.  Its like some people have turned him being elected into a personal vendetta against all blacks.

They feel safety in numbers. You never hear of very many one on one hate crimes. It's usually a group of cotton candy soft @$#!$%! who pull this kind of stunt. Same dudes would piss their pants in the average hood.

Had a closet racist try to compare the NAACP to the KKK at work today.
I just
him and asked him if he ever heard of the Civil Rights movement. Trying to say that Al Sharpton is the leader of the NAACP...

Then I see dudes with the Obama hate stickers on their rides at my other job. Saw one dude get out of his ride and just stared him down. He tried to act all friendly like I couldn't read all his gun stickers and "don't tread on me" Tea Party crap. I just stared at him when he tried to pretend to be polite. This $+#% is getting OD...
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by kickstart

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.
Aren't blacks the number 1 killers of their own kind?
Aren't "whites" the number 1 killers of every one else on the globe?
How does that fact constructively speak to this incident and the persistent problem of "white supremacy", hate crimes and race relations in America?
Where is this coming from?
How is a race so bent on destroying itself going to unite long enough to fight "white supremacy", combat hate crimes, and fix race relations in America?

My question was genuine. Your initial attack on IMASO was flawed as if only white people are killing blacks.

The incidents of black-on-black crime is a lot higher than that of white-on-black crime. You know this! So, who is to blame for the crimes blacks commit against each other? The white man?

I'm not trying to turn this thread because I don't want to be that guy.
Originally Posted by jjsrf

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

and im sure that there is plenty of stories about black teens being violent against white people yet nobody posts it, because people simply dont care about racism until they see it on a screen, or on a tv

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.

regardless of what the race is of the victim and what the race of the suspect is stuff like this needs to stop happening completely. this is just horrible.
Those teens need to be ran over by a car and be left to bleed until death. There's no need to waste money feeding and sheltering them in prison.

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

R.I.P. to the victim.
Maybe i'm trippin' but racism has really become more blatant since Obama has been elected, even within this board I've noticed that.  Its like some people have turned him being elected into a personal vendetta against all blacks.

They feel safety in numbers. You never hear of very many one on one hate crimes. It's usually a group of cotton candy soft @$#!$%! who pull this kind of stunt. Same dudes would piss their pants in the average hood.

Had a closet racist try to compare the NAACP to the KKK at work today.
I just
him and asked him if he ever heard of the Civil Rights movement. Trying to say that Al Sharpton is the leader of the NAACP...

Then I see dudes with the Obama hate stickers on their rides at my other job. Saw one dude get out of his ride and just stared him down. He tried to act all friendly like I couldn't read all his gun stickers and "don't tread on me" Tea Party crap. I just stared at him when he tried to pretend to be polite. This $+#% is getting OD...
People on NT did the same not too long ago.
Charles Manson would be proud of a lot of you in these post.

I used to try to actually contribute to discussions like these, but it's obvious a lot of you all have your mind made up regardless of what will be said.

Lock this post up? It happens all the time? Yeah brush it off until the *@%% happens to you.

I'm in the South, Kentucky to be exact and while I don't go about fearing for my life, what happened to this innocent man could happen to myself or someone I greatly care about.

The truth is, Obama being elected president hasn't changed anything. Yet, a lot of Whites have felt their White Privilege threatened. I've fallen out with some people that I was actually really close to. Some of these people were the most apathetic people in regards to politics and since 08 have become Barry Goldwater.

And what people do not realize is that this reassurance of overt racism does nothing put put people against each other who are all equally screwed.

I will never have a problem with someone based upon the color of their skin. After all, race is a social construct. But I do have a problem with anyone who may choose to cause harm to myself or to someone that I care about.

I like to consider myself a logical person, and I understand militancy should be the last step in regarding any issue. But blacks have been asking for respect for far too long.

Maybe it's time to actually fight back.

However, I have an issue fighting against people who should be brothers in arms with me going against a system that oppresses all of us.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers


regardless of what the race is of the victim and what the race of the suspect is stuff like this needs to stop happening completely. this is just horrible.
Cosign with goldenchild9, amen I AM KNOWLEDGE. It's sad to see the predjudice & hatred in this thread but it confirms the essence of what drove these kids to commit this heinous crime is alive & well. The fact is, black, white, yellow, red, or brown, there is too much senseless violence in this world & almost all of it sad to say is in the name of a christian/jewish or muslim god. I'm starting to think the devil's cruelest trick was to create religon & churches.
I had a few typos in my last response and I'm not even going to edit. I wrote that response with passion.

I know some of the people making off the wall responses in here are also minorities. I hope you all don't think that the hate that spawned this vicious attack begins and ends with black people:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
The victim was an everyday working class American man, senselessly and brutally snuffed out by hate and people are talking about gang banging and violence in the hood, like that somehow justifies or nullifies this incident and the lingering problem of racism in America.
Dang I AM KNOWLEDGE is dropping some serious knowledge. Nice Martin Niemoller (spelled right?) quote.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Charles Manson would be proud of a lot of you in these post.

I used to try to actually contribute to discussions like these, but it's obvious a lot of you all have your mind made up regardless of what will be said.

Lock this post up? It happens all the time? Yeah brush it off until the *@%% happens to you.

I'm in the South, Kentucky to be exact and while I don't go about fearing for my life, what happened to this innocent man could happen to myself or someone I greatly care about.

The truth is, Obama being elected president hasn't changed anything. Yet, a lot of Whites have felt their White Privilege threatened. I've fallen out with some people that I was actually really close to. Some of these people were the most apathetic people in regards to politics and since 08 have become Barry Goldwater.

Great post, but that bolded part really hits home with me and I'm sure a lot of other people too. I never really get too serious on social networking sites, but around the time
Obama became president, then various times throughout, the amount of hidden bigotry in peoples posts or statuses is sad and alarming. It's almost like wearing a flag that says
"Yes, I am a bigot, but here's why". Just really puts things in perspective sometimes, you get a look at how people truly feel. In a way, it shows that while there has been a lot
of progress, there's still a long way to go.
I'm confused as to why the others aren't being charged.. You take part in a robbery and someone dies, even an accomplice or driver can get a life sentence.. I dont want to call the charge/no charge racially motivated, but you see it all the time. A group of minorities all get the same sentence for the one other guy who actually may have done the killing. It doesn't matter in that case... Here, the murder weapon is returned to the house after "processing".. Nah.. Keep that in evidence for LIFE.

You see it with drunk drivers. The others in the car who could've said something or done something to prevent the DWI crash that is about to happen. Some of those guys are charged with manslaughter, on up to more serious crimes.. Yet here, the girls had no part in any of this.
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