Black Niketalkers Only: You rolling with President Obama or Hermain Cain?

Dec 31, 2006
Simple Question:
I'm rolling with President Obama!
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

SMH @ the sad assumption that a black NT'er couldn't vote for a candidate other than the two named.  
Well, all I know, if you black and aint voting for either of the two, you dont like your race. Nothing more, nothing less. 
obama, hoping he cuts the pushover act...cain is such a fool, he really sounds like an idiot when he talks (most of the GOP runners are out of their mind, but cain is pretty stupid). but w.e its not as if him or any of the other GOP candidates will win anyways.

dominos' triple play > cain's tripple play.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

SMH @ the sad assumption that a black NT'er couldn't vote for a candidate other than the two named.  
Well, all I know, if you black and aint voting for either of the two, you dont like your race. Nothing more, nothing less. 
You're too dumb to vote.  I hope you aren't registered yet. 
I'm black and I vote for the best candidate, period.  And it has nothing to do with race.  
Why keep the same idiots who run in the same circles play musical chairs with our lives???

This whole illusion of democracy is a farce. It's really tiring at this point in time people still fall for the propaganda created by the machine and continue to feed it by actually believing these characters they see on TV. It's a shame you got HC who was at the federal reserve during the 90s( the tipping point in US economics) and he considers capitalism to be a great success to this nation and the world.

Obama is a clown and a puppet . He has no real power outside of his bubble. You gotta peep the handlers and you'll find out who runs this nation of ours...
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