Black Niketalkers Only: You rolling with President Obama or Hermain Cain?

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

SMH @ the sad assumption that a black NT'er couldn't vote for a candidate other than the two named.  
Well, all I know, if you black and aint voting for either of the two, you dont like your race. Nothing more, nothing less. 
You're too dumb to vote.  I hope you aren't registered yet. 
I'm black and I vote for the best candidate, period.  And it has nothing to do with race.  

Son skipped all the shenanigans and went straight for ignorance-anyhow this type of thinking is why I don't deal with politics
This is just as bad as poor people who vote conservative swayed by rants about Christian values and emancipating terrorist countries, most people in this country are too stupid to vote

Obama by default, not because he's black
DeFinitely not Herman Cain. His 9-9-9 plan sounds like a idea he has shelved way back when he was still with Godfathers Pizza and is finally seeing the light of day. He parrots the typical talking points, like repealing Obamacare, no taxes, drill for oil, costly entitlements, cutting regulations, and says our country was founded on a religious basis. I don't see how he's any different from most of the other Republican candidates except the fact that he comes off as a bigot to me. He reminds me a lot of Clarence Thomas (not just in looks either). I'd pretty much never vote for him. Not to play the race card, but I feel like the GOP is looking for that X factor in order to gain votes across the lane from their base, one they didn't seem to bank on with Michael Steele. His 15 minutes will come up soon enough once everyone sees just how transparent his ideological positions are. They leave much to be desired. Referring back to his 9-9-9 Plan again, for something so convoluted that it would take two steps to actually implement, he sure is pushing it as simple. Not only that, but he wants to cut the corporate tax rate from 35 to 9 percent. Most countries in Europe have a rate somewhere in the 20s. He also wants to set income tax at a flat 9%. He really loves the one percent haha. Middle class tax cuts my +#%.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Simple Question:
I'm rolling with President Obama!
Never knew we could segment off who could respond to a post based of a person's skin color = mind blown!
I'd say if you cannot thoroughly prove what "black" is then this post should be locked
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

SMH @ the sad assumption that a black NT'er couldn't vote for a candidate other than the two named.  
Well, all I know, if you black and aint voting for either of the two, you dont like your race. Nothing more, nothing less.

perfect execution

looks like my vote doesn't matter in here
I used to think that some poor people voted republican well because they were imbeciles going against their own self interest, but then I remembered that Republicans weren't who they are now until Regan came into office. Regan changed the entire identify of the party to what it is today, yet in some southern states and districts Republicans still are who they once were before Regan. So in essence there's two conservative parties, because even though the media makes it seem like the democrats are all progressive and what not for the most part they're still the Democratic Party of yesteryear
Why do you have to be black to vote for the black candidates?

Couldn't you have just asked: NT, who you voting for? Cain or Obama?

I'm going with Bach cause she was the first one to point out the tireless efforts of our founding fathers in abolishing slavery.. she's my hero and if you're black how can you not appreciate that.. show some gratitude and stop the reverse racism you ungrateful plucks ... 
- Tough choice, here!   


- I'ma have to go with the one, the only...

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

just out of curiousity, why must you be black to participate in this thread?

because they are allowed to discriminate, no one else is though.
More than likely Obama, cause Cain seems like he's just a puppet for the Republicans/like-minded individuals.
It's almost like they're saying "He's black too, so he'll easily confuse them to distract from the issue at hand." if theres only two options for "black niketalkers".. people like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
i hate seeing this fake "Herman Cain Phenomena" transpire before our eyes... Its just a manipulation by the media to garner attention to the GOP candidate pool who is beyond trash and unqualified to lead this country or do a better job than Obama is doing.

Anybody with an ounce of intelligence can see Cain isnt a real threat for the nomination or being a challenge to President Obama.

as a black man im actually offended by this Herman Cain character as a i feel like im being trolled by an Uncle Tom puppet just cus its political season.
Originally Posted by Kramer

To those of you who say they don't vote: Do you want things to get better? Because without voting you aren't helping anything

Yep, so true. Even on the local and state level, voting is so important. You have to be mindful of who's taking office in your local districts, especially councilmen, judges, and D.A.s.
Shame on the entire Republican party. This is what they come up with to represent the most powerful country on earth? This batch of misfits the GOP come up with to run this country during the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression? This is the best they've got?

First Bush, then McCain, then Palin, then Bachmann, then Trump, then Romney, now Cain? I bet they were like, "Ooo ooo ooo! I got it! Let's get another Black guy in there, that'll get Obama!" It's like the old Batman show, every week another silly character wanna take over the world. One week it's Penguin, next week it's Joker, next week it's Riddler.....
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