Black Niketalkers Only: You rolling with President Obama or Hermain Cain?

Obama........of course.

Don't plan on ever voting

A voteless people is a hopeless people.  SMH.
Guys come on. Post this in the Black forum please, not in general. Us white people dont post our white threads in here do we.
Neither. Tired of votin for the lesser of two evils. No matter what, the economic situation won't get better.
VeintiSiete wrote:
zapatohead408 wrote:
just out of curiousity, why must you be black to participate in this thread?

because they are allowed to discriminate, no one else is though.

Yup because were allowed to discriminate your exactly right....

Honestly the rise of this guy proves that the GOP would never nominate a moderate black Republican. In order to get he's at he had to basically disown his race, go out there and say blacks are brainwashed and stuff. I don't like the term Uncle Tom at all but it fits this guy perfectly....
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Obama........of course.

Don't plan on ever voting
A voteless people is a hopeless people.  SMH.

FOH with that tired adage. Our votes don't matter, as evidenced by the fact that candidates never follow through on their promises once they get in office.
If anything, I'm going to vote for Cain, just so the apocalypse may get here sooner 

EDIT: I'm sure OP wasn't being serious with that title. Calme toi
I still vote even after seeing the election stolen TWICE by GWB...
i'll forever be jaded by that...

The system is just too far gone though.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Obama........of course.

Don't plan on ever voting
A voteless people is a hopeless people.  SMH.
FOH with that tired adage. Our votes don't matter, as evidenced by the fact that candidates never follow through on their promises once they get in office.
If anything, I'm going to vote for Cain, just so the apocalypse may get here sooner 

EDIT: I'm sure OP wasn't being serious with that title. Calme toi

The secret weapon of the party not in power is feeding voter apathy. Their chances go way up when voter turnout is down. And it is has clearly been working. If people educated on issues stay home, all our lives are directed by idiots. The more people that vote, the more representative of the national population the vote is. For whatever reason, people cannot understand this . As long as YOU don't vote, your positions will not be supported.While do to the nature of representative governments, nobody's interests are completely represented, it's in your best interests to vote for the person who's positions threaten your interests the least. Once those people are in office and don't have to battle with moderate votes, they can begin to follow through on the more ambitious outlying promises made. Government is the manifestation of sovereign will and, at least on paper, the sovereign in America is supposed to be The People. When The People abandon their government can they be surprised when the government becomes a tool of those few who are left to direct its course?
Obama didn't fix everything so people say !*$@ him 
But they hate the GOP too

So they don't vote at all

The GOP's base votes in large numbers 

GOP wins back the Presidency, and get more seats in House and Senate 

GOP starts doing usually dumb #%@! of scaring people with new  foreign threat and help the rich even more 

And while there at it make major cuts to almost every social program 

People who didn't vote, because they were mad at Obama, sit on their !*@%* at home and complain. Talking about how Obama was waaaaaaaay better 

And World just keeps on spinning
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I still vote even after seeing the election stolen TWICE by GWB...
i'll forever be jaded by that...

The system is just too far gone though.
The Stolen Presidential Elections by Michael Parenti

[2000]So we're just not going to count some Democratic votes in a state governed by the GOP candidate's brother. Oh.[/2000]

Basically the same thing happened again in 2004, but the "lost" votes were blamed on faulty automated voting machines.
@ me having Ron Paul as my Ad

Spoiler [+]
Obama cause i couldn't vote for him before. Com at me bro.
This aint no troll thread.

The reason for the Black Only NTers is because we finally have the power to steer elections in this country. We aint' got time to deal with the KKK. Koch, Karl, and Korporations (in case you're wondering).

But w/e, Blacks will make it out again! From Outhouse to the mothership, to the WHITE HOUSE, which was built by blacks! We finally living the life!
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

This aint no troll thread.

The reason for the Black Only NTers is because we finally have the power to steer elections in this country. We aint' got time to deal with the KKK. Koch, Karl, and Korporations (in case you're wondering).

But w/e, Blacks will make it out again! From Outhouse to the mothership, to the WHITE HOUSE, which was built by blacks! We finally living the life!
like i said, obvious troll thread.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

This aint no troll thread.

The reason for the Black Only NTers is because we finally have the power to steer elections in this country. We aint' got time to deal with the KKK. Koch, Karl, and Korporations (in case you're wondering).

But w/e, Blacks will make it out again! From Outhouse to the mothership, to the WHITE HOUSE, which was built by blacks! We finally living the life!
you are in idiot and are being racist. I sure hope this is a troll thread, if not I feel real bad for you.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

This aint no troll thread.

The reason for the Black Only NTers is because we finally have the power to steer elections in this country. We aint' got time to deal with the KKK. Koch, Karl, and Korporations (in case you're wondering).

But w/e, Blacks will make it out again! From Outhouse to the mothership, to the WHITE HOUSE, which was built by blacks! We finally living the life!

You're an embarassment to your people.
the machine is broken, ill prolly write in myself or vote for that republican from New Mexico... i like his lies the best
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