Black people, do yall have problems breathing through your nose?

Originally Posted by CJ863

and this thread isn't locked yet why? It kills me how sooooo many other threads get locked quickly but threads like this seem to
just stick around.

Mods want more lawls I guess.
Originally Posted by jwalker123

Originally Posted by Lizett

and it begins

damn the mods sleepin'.
didn't think it would make it past the 1st page. The title throws up too many flags
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

[h2]rac⋅ism[/h2]   /ˈreɪ
əm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rey-siz-uh
m] Show IPA
Use racist in a Sentence

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-noun [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.[/td] [/tr][/table]


1865-70; < F racisme. See race [sup]2[/sup] , -ism
Im not debating racial superiority regarding black or any other race, so I dont see the racism and Im actually looking for an answer

Thanks to the approximately one dude who has answered my question though...

everything is racist to should know that by now.
Originally Posted by jwalker123

Originally Posted by Lizett

and it begins
no comment, buy I know what you all think I would say, which I wouldnt.....

and again Im not trying to get banned, I just want an answer

and how long have I studied black anatomy? hmm I grew up in Africa where I spent years with the groups "African-Americans" are the descendants of,and I can tell you that it is generally the people of west and central Africa that have similar traits, and I can identify approximately which region someonein Africa is from or where someone in America has roots based on their looks. So I would say I half know what Im talkin bout.

But really, I was lookin for an answer to this question.
This MF'er might as well asked if black people have lazy bones.

Lock this up.
OP I really hope for the sake of anyone close to you that you aren't a grown %%% man. This is the dumbest question I have heard all year, and its November.
If you want an answer, take your +$% to the doctor and ask one of them.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by jwalker123

Originally Posted by Lizett

and it begins
no comment, buy I know what you all think I would say, which I wouldnt.....

and again Im not trying to get banned, I just want an answer

and how long have I studied black anatomy? hmm I grew up in Africa where I spent years with the groups "African-Americans" are the descendants of, and I can tell you that it is generally the people of west and central Africa that have similar traits, and I can identify approximately which region someone in Africa is from or where someone in America has roots based on their looks. So I would say I half know what Im talkin bout.

But really, I was lookin for an answer to this question.
LoL at you trying to trump your intelligence regarding black people and you're asking a question as stupid as do we have trouble breathingthrough our nose. Whatever you were studying over there, I assume you failed and if not, that is a slight to whatever institution you did that for.

And we all know why this thread isn't locked. Now if the thread was about... well ya know.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by jwalker123

Originally Posted by Lizett

and it begins
no comment, buy I know what you all think I would say, which I wouldnt.....

and again Im not trying to get banned, I just want an answer

and how long have I studied black anatomy? hmm I grew up in Africa where I spent years with the groups "African-Americans" are the descendants of, and I can tell you that it is generally the people of west and central Africa that have similar traits, and I can identify approximately which region someone in Africa is from or where someone in America has roots based on their looks. So I would say I half know what Im talkin bout.

But really, I was lookin for an answer to this question.
LoL at you trying to trump your intelligence regarding black people and you're asking a question as stupid as do we have trouble breathing through our nose. Whatever you were studying over there, I assume you failed and if not, that is a slight to whatever institution you did that for.

And we all know why this thread isn't locked. Now if the thread was about... well ya know.
only answered the question I was asked
and thats notschooling thats just looking around me
Originally Posted by CJ863

and this thread isn't locked yet why? It kills me how sooooo many other threads get locked quickly but threads like this seem to
just stick around.
admin sighting and this thread is still open.

dude said he lived in africa and spent years with groups of african blacks, well i live in america and spent years around whites, asians, hispanics, indians,etc. and you know what i've concluded......that we all have generally the same features. you remind me of this back woods bama white kid that asked me ifblacks have pink tongues, like we're not human or something.

why am i wasting time on this thread, and why is this thread still open?
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