Black Red Air Jordan XX3 Premier - Pic/Info

Everyone needs to listen to searchin4jays, this dude is on point and knows what hes talkin about.

Also, you can't just use the previous titanium list as a guide. It has already been confirmed that stores have changed.
Originally Posted by superman1007

For the NYC cats, i dont get off work till 6 on monday do u think ill be to late to head to the city and camp out? Deff tryong to get me a pair

Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

^I think that might be a little to late

That would be REAL LATE ....
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

Originally Posted by searchin4js

Originally Posted by jonny1200

So far in NYC the stores are Niketown, NBA Store, HOH, Footlocker & Footaction on 34th st. Correct?

Niketown is full, and theres a few people at the NBA store (thats what the ISS campers are saying anyway)

Then theres Walters in ATL which already has 10+ campers, and HOH LA which is full, and that spot in Miami which is full.

I'm assuming HOH Chicago will get them, and another spot in cali.

So theres 10 spots out of 23.
The only stores in NY that are confirmed so far to get the shoes are HOH, Footlocker & Footaction on 34th st. The rest of those idiots camping are taking a big chance especially at NTNY because this morning the campers at NTNY were told by management not to campout at the store as there will be no repeat of the "Marty McFly Hyperdunk Incident" and that the store has not received confirmation that they were getting the shoes...

i would go with jay he knows what he is talking about

also its only going to get colder

NTNY NOT GETTING THESE JOINTS. Fools outside are probably camping for the Playmakers event tomorrow.
im tryin to go down to the chi and camp. You guys think monday afternoon is too late?
in nyc you will have to be out there within the next 2 days i think if you want a pair
most places are all getting full
hype is getting out of control
^ baby jumpman thanks for the response. Your prolly right hopefully a list goes out soon. Really wanna get these but seems like thats not gonna happen. I startwonder if these guys lined up already are doing it for resale value or actual love of the sneaker. Wish jb would have made this a gr release
Man, JB is annoying. This entire situation is annoying. This entire "game" is annoying. Limited this, undisclosed that, campouts, etc etc. It is notentirely JB at fault because customers who are willing to sit outside days before a release are a part of it, but the ultimate provoker here is this company.They've got so many pawns here and outside of NT, #%$* is disgusting. I wonder if there will ever come a day when customers won't stand for BS likethis. It is highly unlikely so long as JB sticks to the formula of hype and "exclusivity," both feeding each other.

It is really funny seeing people in here crying about how many days they are going to have to campout to get the chance to spend their money. I know, don'tbe concerned with what another man does with his money and time.....yadda yadda. However, what he/she does in this case affects me as well. It is guaranteedthat releases like this will never cease to exist so long as JB remains in existence.

I think this shoe is absolutely beautiful and would have loved the opportunity to purchase them. Stand on line for a few (2-4) hours? Sure, that can be done.Beyond that, I become the pawn I would hate to be. I guess I should say good luck to all those hoping to get these, but at the same time should I give you aSMH for feeding into this?

It would be amazing though if JB flops at all its limited releases though.
thats crazy...i was plannin on headin to the A from VA...guess thats not happenin...maybe NYC...if not im not too pressed about em...nice shoe, but there is noway i could camp for days on end like that...good luck and congrats to everyone thats got a pair on lock
hahahahhahahaha, this is getting magical. should I stick with my size 8? or downgrade 2 a size 7.5 for perfect fit? ( no creases)
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

hahahahhahahaha, this is getting magical. should I stick with my size 8? or downgrade 2 a size 7.5 for perfect fit? ( no creases)

Damn man , lucky to have a small foot .. I dont see why you wouldnt get your size .
there is two reasons why a list has not been announced yet:

1: They are trying to keep people from camping out for many reasons.

2: They are just starting to promote the Eminem 2's and want people to focus on these as they release first.

I say the list will not come before the Eminem 2's drop, and maybe not until Monday to be honest as the XI/XII Pack releases on Saturday and they want topromote that to the fullest as well.
Originally Posted by xretroxkickzx

there is two reasons why a list has not been announced yet:

1: They are trying to keep people from camping out for many reasons.

2: They are just starting to promote the Eminem 2's and want people to focus on these as they release first.

I say the list will not come before the Eminem 2's drop, and maybe not until Monday to be honest as the XI/XII Pack releases on Saturday and they want to promote that to the fullest as well.

L.A NT'ERS I went to millennium shoes today in Inglewood also the headquarters, and the guy there with the Mohawk told me, Slauson millennium branch willhave them, they also had the Titanium 23s.
HERE'S THE # 310)590-1244

sad part, it might be a raffle
LA heads. Almost every single spot I talked to will be raffling these off. To all the resellers out there. We are in a depression. As you may have noticedprices have dropped on ebay. I do not foresee anybody paying more than 1 K for these like the titaniums. So if your intent is to resell these more power toyou. But I beg you give everybody a chance to get them. The economy is bad enough so please do not go dragging your parents, cousins, sisters, grandmother, etcto line up with you. They have to work to put you in school. You may have noticed that it is a work day. So please. I am just asking.

THEY got kicked out because they wont be recieving.
its really cold and snowing really hard so no one is camping yet.
Originally Posted by JordanFaNatiC526


THEY got kicked out because they wont be recieving.
its really cold and snowing really hard so no one is camping yet.

Very true. suprising NTNY wont get them
Originally Posted by Ace3han

LA heads. Almost every single spot I talked to will be raffling these off. To all the resellers out there. We are in a depression. As you may have noticed prices have dropped on ebay. I do not foresee anybody paying more than 1 K for these like the titaniums. So if your intent is to resell these more power to you. But I beg you give everybody a chance to get them. The economy is bad enough so please do not go dragging your parents, cousins, sisters, grandmother, etc to line up with you. They have to work to put you in school. You may have noticed that it is a work day. So please. I am just asking.
I think UNDFTD will get them too don't know which location though. Anyway both millenium and UNDFTD sucks. Millenium force to buy shirt withthe shoes and UNDFTD's price is just unfair.
Is it just me or does this release seem crazier than the Titaniums??? I mean, yeah people camped out for those too, but it's probably cuz the listisn't out yet and people are stressin.
Originally Posted by drillest

Originally Posted by JordanFaNatiC526


THEY got kicked out because they wont be recieving.
its really cold and snowing really hard so no one is camping yet.

Very true. suprising NTNY wont get them
I said I was staying home for a reason! LOL
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