Black Red Air Jordan XX3 Premier - Pic/Info

Originally Posted by MFred0322

Originally Posted by bonafide125

Someone on ISS said they called FA on 34th and they said 23 people were already there

Then someone said they just called and no one can wait intill sunday night. So I dont know whats going on. Anyone live near there that can confirm this?

see this is the stuff that makes it crazy and not worth trying to get the shoes

if you can't get in line til sunday than how many people do you think will be there trying to get those 23 spots

this is when all the drama breaks out and watch it's coming
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Walked over to Walters today just to talk to my mans to see whats good wit the XI/XII pack and see mad dudes out there, i was like @%%.
Didnt even kno about these eghck....
I just heard about what's goin on over at Walter's. I respect their dedication, but cmon. Today is the 17th, they still got 6 more days.
Wow, I am still shocked the list still hasn't been revealed, it may reduce long camping, but it will increase the rush and madness as soon as it isreleased. I just hope the list is revealed soon to make my chances of getting them easier.......
i always wondered what the employees do? do they get to reserve them for themselves? or how does it works?
Wow one cat even hoped on a flight to Atlanta to cop a shoe thats days away from i wish i lacked a job..or even a life for that matter

the only thing i am wondering is how are people camping without the actual list? What if some of those camping turn out to be at a store not on the list?
< my reaction to those people.
Originally Posted by spoonmanofthehour

all i have to say is i'm glad i'm not one of the 23 camping because it's raining hard here in l.a.
Man the two people I saw campin outside Ntown Chi right now would gladly trade lines. We suppose to get 7 to 10 inches of snow tomorrow.

Back in Feb when I was out for the titaniums... those of us in line wanted to choke the people down in MIA in shorts and t shirts smilin and chillin in lawnchairs like they were in their backyard.
If they have jobs they most likely took paid vacation time, which is what I did (thinking the Bay Area would have at least 46 pairs). That way all they arewaisting is their own time and energy. If I had the chance to stand in line for a pair, I would (just not for a week). Even with a job, paying 1000+ for a pairof sneakers is not within most peoples budget...
whut up nt? anybody know how the chi is lookin? i guess just niketown? anyone......
Originally Posted by My Idol 23 4life

My thoughts are as follows:

Lmao!!!! I totally agree though. These are trash!!!
People here inAtlanta have already started camping out at Walters. WHY......They don't even compare to the Titaniums.
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