Black Soap

May 30, 2008
anyone use black soap? im not talkin bout that dudu junk, i mean the raw african black soap.

thinking of getting some on amazon but i dont know which is the best seller
Use to when I was younger. Cant say whether or not I like it better than say irish spring or dove.
It's ok.
As far as bar soaps go, Carbolic soap or Irish spring >>>>>>>>
The only soap I use. Been using it for the last 10 years. I love every type from Nubian Heritage.

My favorites:
whats the benefits? i use lever or dove.

ay anybody ever notice bars dont last as long as they used to? i seem to go through a bar a week now smh.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

The only soap I use. Been using it for the last 10 years. I love every type from Nubian Heritage.

My favorites:
lemongrass and tea tree 
 this man knows
use it for my face and its been spotless for quite a while now

also used on my back and all my bacne went away
I use the Raw soap for my face. It works well. Irish Springs for the Body. Before you resort to Amazon call up your local African Braiders, that's where I got mine & Shea butter.
It's cool, but I dont have a valid reason to use it over the more convenient soaps I can walk into walmart and buy.
Hate it, only time I ever broke out all over my body was using black soap. I stick to the OG irish spring.
Are there known benefits other than what some of you guys believe based on preference. If I could cop at walmart or Stop N Shop id give it a try. But im not about to go searching for a bar of soap just because its a different color.
I'd suggest using it only for your face and I can't vouch for nubian heritage but there's a few companies that make pure raw black
soap and sold through the organic market near me, looks nothing like nubian heritage. Does wonders for the face, but I used it on my body because of sensitive skin and I was musky as hell
then I figured it isn't an antibacterial.
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