Blacks hit hardest by Obama economy, according to the NYT

Theres a lot of people getting schooled in here with consistent data

I can't believe people aren't getting how serious and blatant this is. 

I mean people are even saying "well no one I know ever needed a card"...just an utter lack of respect

Ya'll need to watch the new episode of Newsroom. They knocked this argument out of the park. 
You shouldn't need an I'd to vote, it only alters the potential pool of voters into the republican side, clearly a ploy.
I'm glad this discussion about Republians trying to suppress votes and voters is being talked about. I have provided a link below to illustrate this point as well. I'm also glad [COLOR=#red]Pig Love [/COLOR]is being schooled and put in his place, that's always good to see.
You shouldn't need an I'd to vote, it only alters the potential pool of voters into the republican side, clearly a ploy.

Obvious racism and disenfranchising of the poor..............:{

White People thank you for giving us 4 years to be proud and to have the confidence to believe we can achieve anything we set our minds too, also a big thank you for reminding me that at the end of the day, I will never be considered your equal and my complexion will ALWAYS precede my personality............. |I

P.S........... People on Public Assistance and Billionaires should not be fighting for the same causes........
Obvious racism and disenfranchising of the poor..............:{
White People thank you for giving us 4 years to be proud and to have the confidence to believe we can achieve anything we set our minds too, also a big thank you for reminding me that at the end of the day, I will never be considered your equal and my complexion will ALWAYS precede my personality.............
all of this plus 1....

I look at it as me being stronger than the next man.

To say racism and oppression of African Americans doesn't exist is ridiculous.

And I dint mean "you can't drink here" .i'm talking subtle vibes they throw in the media everyday.

I was able to fight thru being considered apart of what the world views as a permanent underclass on USA... To better myself for my future.

Look at it as a sign of intestinal fortitude.

Being black ain't easy... so that feel of accomplishment as a black man should be that much sweeter.
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Being black ain't easy... so that feel of accomplishment as a black man should be that much sweeter.

I understand where your coming from....but nah it doesn't feel like that to me...what will be sweeter is us overcoming being subjected to the world...and reestablishing our selves as patriarchs in this world....instead of being subjected to to other foreign standards of's time we define our own's called self determination.
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I'm glad this discussion about Republians trying to suppress votes and voters is being talked about. I have provided a link below to illustrate this point as well. I'm also glad [COLOR=#red]Pig Love [/COLOR]is being schooled and put in his place, that's always good to see.


Don't be afraid, this movie was made for you ;)

Nice hardball video. Now that you know how voter fraud is conducted you should ask yourself how the Obama administration got away with it again.
You (Pig Love) along with millions of other "Conservatives" Seem hell bent, on creating political issues, out of thin air, add voter fraud to the already long list of ploys, to create confusion, and sell commercials. Sure I could hypothetically watch that film, and waste 2 hours of my adult life, but what would that accomplish. There comes a time when enough is enough, for one, I highly doubt that this is according to the NYtimes as the thread title states, isn't it in accordance to an article posted in the ny times? It is plays on words like this that distort the integrity of the news we recieve now adays.
You (Pig Love) along with millions of other "Conservatives" Seem hell bent, on creating political issues, out of thin air, add voter fraud to the already long list of ploys, to create confusion, and sell commercials. Sure I could hypothetically watch that film, and waste 2 hours of my adult life, but what would that accomplish. There comes a time when enough is enough, for one, I highly doubt that this is according to the NYtimes as the thread title states, isn't it in accordance to an article posted in the ny times? It is plays on words like this that distort the integrity of the news we recieve now adays.

You could, you could also go and do some big boy research and find out what this man has actually been doing as POTUS.

You won't because you are afraid and that seems to be what's cool now.

Cmon, Fast and Furious, drone killings, false flag attacks, Breitbart and keeping innocent people in Guantanamo are just the beginning. :{

:lol Conservative
You (Pig Love) along with millions of other "Conservatives" Seem hell bent, on creating political issues, out of thin air, add voter fraud to the already long list of ploys, to create confusion, and sell commercials. Sure I could hypothetically watch that film, and waste 2 hours of my adult life, but what would that accomplish. There comes a time when enough is enough, for one, I highly doubt that this is according to the NYtimes as the thread title states, isn't it in accordance to an article posted in the ny times? It is plays on words like this that distort the integrity of the news we recieve now adays.

You could, you could also go and do some big boy research and find out what this man has actually been doing as POTUS.

You won't because you are afraid and that seems to be what's cool now.

Cmon, Fast and Furious, 
A program going on before Obama and shut down by Holder.

Conservatives were caught lying about how much influence Obama had over this.
drone killings,
Fair enough.

But its no different from the CIA renditions and black sites that have existed for decades.

Obama didn't start this. The program merely evolved under him. 
false flag attacks,
I don't see any fires at the Reichstag or Operation Northwood's plans...

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 
Don't tell me you think he was assassinated...instead of being a coke-head who was a little heavy on the bump.

PLEASE don't tell me that.

Do you REALLY this is Obama's "Vince Foster"???
 and keeping innocent people in Guantanamo are just the beginning. 

Obama has tried to close GITMO like 3 times already. 

I keep showing you evidence of this and you keep disregarding it. 

Here it is again:

Oh and here is Obama releasing people...1 day ago:

Big Boy research? Like watching movies?

Just keep on listing issues without resolving any, that seems to be YOUR innitiative, and the convervatives. My apologies if the overlap was false judgement on my part. Just highlighting similarities. As far as the issues you claimed. Not 1 has merrit, let alone- remote interest to me, or to anyone in regard to this election. How about jobs bills? Policy-both domestic and abroad?

People like you seem to be more concerned with finding issues, than solving them.
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I'm glad this discussion about Republians trying to suppress votes and voters is being talked about. I have provided a link below to illustrate this point as well. I'm also glad Pig Love is being schooled and put in his place, that's always good to see.

Don't be afraid, this movie was made for you

Nice hardball video. Now that you know how voter fraud is conducted you should ask yourself how the Obama administration got away with it again.



Now youre promoting this nonsense video TOO?! 

This got exposed for what it is as well. 

Dinesh D'Souza can get outsmarted by toddlers. I know you've seen what Christopher Hitchens has done to his sorry behind. 

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CNN huh, nice

I was just suggesting it for Deuce. I haven't seen it yet.

Calm down
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Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election

By Elspeth Reeve | The Atlantic Wire – 8 hrs ago

House Speaker John Boehner is the most prominent Republican to admit, out loud, that his party's strategy for winning in November doesn't suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hoping they won't vote at all. Boehner wasn't talking about voter I.D. laws, which are being pushed by Republicans and criticized as disenfranchising minority and poor voters, he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”
Perhaps he meant those groups would vote third-party, but it doesn't seem all that likely. Less prominent Republicans have made essentially the same case in other terms. Doug Priesse, chair of the Franklin County, Ohio, Republican Party, indicated restrictions on early voting hours and voter ID laws were meant to keep blacks from voting. In an email sent earlier this month to The Columbus Dispatch's Darrel Rowland, Priesse said
"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine… Let’s be fair and reasonable."

Priesse is on the elections board and voted against keeping polls open in the weekends. In June, Pennsylvania House Republican leader Mike Turzai conceded the point of voter ID is to help Republicans win when he said, "Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done."
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Boehner Says Out Loud He Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' This Election
By Elspeth Reeve | The Atlantic Wire – 8 hrs ago

House Speaker John Boehner is the most prominent Republican to admit, out loud, that his party's strategy for winning in November doesn't suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hoping they won't vote at all. Boehner wasn't talking about voter I.D. laws, which are being pushed by Republicans and criticized as disenfranchising minority and poor voters, he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls. As Talking Point Memo's Benjy Sarlin reports, Boehner said:
“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”
Perhaps he meant those groups would vote third-party, but it doesn't seem all that likely. Less prominent Republicans have made essentially the same case in other terms. Doug Priesse, chair of the Franklin County, Ohio, Republican Party, indicated restrictions on early voting hours and voter ID laws were meant to keep blacks from voting. In an email sent earlier this month to The Columbus Dispatch's Darrel Rowland, Priesse said
"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine… Let’s be fair and reasonable."
Priesse is on the elections board and voted against keeping polls open in the weekends. In June, Pennsylvania House Republican leader Mike Turzai conceded the point of voter ID is to help Republicans win when he said, "Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done."
They're note even TRYING to hide it any more. 
They're note even TRYING to hide it any more. 

The one problem about Boehner's quote and the article is he doesn't explicitly say it... But the connotation is there.

The GOP is really doing whatever it can to look bad right now
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