Blacks hit hardest by Obama economy, according to the NYT


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Black Americans are perhaps the worst-hit demographic, according to the Sentier report.


The real median annual household income for blacks fell 11.1 percent from June 2009 to June 2012, landing at $32,498 from $36,567. That compares to 5.2 percent for whites, 3.6 percent for other race combinations (including Asians) and 4.1 percent for Hispanics — all of whom had higher incomes than blacks to begin with.
But before werent the blacks the most unemplyed when the economy was good? Its all relative 
You better be careful Rican, ole Barry is a beacon of light around these parts.

You see NT, Obama don't give no dap to you.
Really not surprised,

Well actually I am a bit, Thought it would fall more for everyone, Those numbers aren't as bad as I thought they would be.

But -11.1 though? Damn...
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Oh really? 

Since when have blacks NOT been hit hardest?

You can't ask for a black president then chastise him when he tries to be black. ( Then he has to admit that he's not the black president FOR black people. (

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. 

He's got Cornell West and Tavis breathing down his neck but then when he defends Trayvon he incites race riots. 

Look into the concept of the "Black Utility Heuristic" 

Ya'll don't know what you want.

oh, and I disagree with those stats. there are numbers that show the percentage of whites that are in poverty/government assistance has increased more than any other group in the past few years.
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blacks been hit hardest by unemployment too (unemployment for america is around 8-9%, but about 13-15% for blacks) so obviously household incomes would fall most. also, wouldn't really call '09-'10 Obama's economy. More like picking the pieces and tryna find out how to glue 'em back together during those years.
Oh really? 

Since when have blacks NOT been hit hardest?
Didn't he promise Change?
What does that mean?

This is what gets me.

You all were SO swept up in rhetoric you forgot that Obama is no different from any other politician. 

Its a goddamn buzzword

Change? Are you serious? 

This is why I laugh at disillusioned progressives who voted for Obama. 

What the hell did you expect? He was just gonna steamroll the existing structure and system in place? In his first term?  

B-b-b-but he promised us HOPE! 

I mean damn. I feel embarrassed to call myself a liberal (i hate labels but it is, what it is) sometimes when I hear stuff like that. Did you think he'd stop all the asteroids racing towards earth, end world hunger, make peace between israel and palestine, AND make the sun shine brighter? 
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Of course blacks were. Is this any surprise?

That's just like saying "Blacks hit the hardest by AIDS durring Obama's term in office"

What's the point?

Are we saying that since Obama is black, he was supposed to be some kind of magic savior for anybody with dark skin? It's deeper than that, bro... This is an internal problem that has to be worked on from the projects and suburban homes of black individuals. Not The White House.
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Of course blacks were. Is this any surprise?

That's just like saying "Blacks hit the hardest by AIDS durring Obama's term in office"

What's the point?
No, no, no.

Don't you see? Obama was supposed to save all black people at the expense of other Americans. 
Of course blacks were. Is this any surprise?
That's just like saying "Blacks hit the hardest by AIDS durring Obama's term in office"
What's the point?
Are we saying that since Obama is black, he was supposed to be some kind of magic savior for anybody with dark skin? It's deeper than that, bro... This is an internal problem that has to be worked on from the projects and suburban homes of black individuals. Not The White House.

No, no, no.

Don't you see? Obama was supposed to save all black people at the expense of other Americans. 

95% of Blacks voted for Obama and his policies have hit blacks the hardest. Give him 4 more years not my loss.
95% of Blacks voted for Obama and his policies have hit blacks the hardest. Give him 4 more years not my loss.

Do you think the majority of these votes were well informed, educated votes?

Do you think another politician could have done another job? Prove it then.
Do you think the majority of these votes were well informed, educated votes?
Do you think another politician could have done another job? Prove it then.
Hillary Clinton would've done a better job.
As far as informed vote Is that a trick question? Should i start posting YouTube videos of some of the ppl that voted for Obama?
No, no, no.

Don't you see? Obama was supposed to save all black people at the expense of other Americans. 
95% of Blacks voted for Obama and his policies have hit blacks the hardest. Give him 4 more years not my loss.
What are you even saying?

The face of poverty in this country is a White Woman. 

There are more "white" people on government aid than black people overall.

"Black" people are 12% of the population so yeah, saying 50% of black people are on government aid doesnt really mean much. There are ONLY so many of us.

There are more "white" people on government healthcare, food aid, and unemployment benefits than anyone else. Period. 

But because there are more "white" people then its easy for you to say that the percentage is lower. 

It doesn't make sense. 
Do you think the majority of these votes were well informed, educated votes?
Do you think another politician could have done another job? Prove it then.
Hillary Clinton would've done a better job.
The fun part about speculation is never having to prove anything.

Barack being elected did more for the psychology of the black community than anything else. Believe that. Even if Obama isn't handing out turkeys and shrink-wrapped stacks of franklins, the symbolism speaks to many.
As far as informed vote Is that a trick question? Should i start posting YouTube videos of some of the ppl that voted for Obama?
Is that where this is going? 

So you're going to post some videos of some "under-educated" (however YOU define that) people with "ignorant" opinions just to prove your point?

How about I show you the people who voted for McCain, would you like that? 

Oh and I voted for Hilary in the primary. Thats where I was in 2008. So miss me with the blind follower non-sense. 
Im done here. Some ppl just have no objectivity when it come to ole Barack Hussein Obama. No matter how may times his policies smack them in the face they just keep defending him. Good luck with that.
Barack being elected did more for the psychology of the black community than anything else. Believe that. Even if Obama isn't handing out turkeys and shrink-wrapped stacks of franklins, the symbolism speaks to many.

Have you seen what the Hell is going on in Chicago his home city? Ole community organizer
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