Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

What I'm wondering is who plays a bigger role in Tommy's life initially, Harrow or Nuck? Does Harrow become a father figure? Does he just stray off to "find home"?

I ask because down the line IMO this won't be a question and Nuck will take him under his wings. Why? Because he will find out whose idea it was actually to kill him and become remorseful for killing Jimmy.

Imagine this show goes like 6-8/10 seasons deep and we see a grown up Tommy making moves under Nuck
The possibilities are endless.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Harrow is going to go HAM next season. 

-But Harrow is going to go HAM next season. Jimmy was his entire life, first person to since his sister not to look at him like a monster. Nuck better be ready to sell out Slater and Manny to satisfy Harrow's blood lust. 
If you read the interview with the creator posted by Big J Harrow probably won't go wild.
Makes sense, it's not inline with his character to do so.

I definitely think an encounter between him and Manny is inevitable. Could be an Omar vs Brother Mouzone type confrontation, except this time someone gets bodied
Random prediction... Harrow falls in line with Nucky, even though he was told to "come home" and not be a soldier anymore, he's going to try to be an earner with Nucky and not just a killer. So Harrow starts to get his life together (maybe he starts shacking up with Gillian and the kid) and he tries to live his dream. Hell, maybe he and Slater even work together and kick some *@#. Then, when Nucky eventually finds out about Owen and Margaret, he sends Harrow after Owen and that battle plays out over a few episodes. So Harrow has to return to his old ways and after he gets Owen, he just disappears... fades away. If this doesn't happen then I'm totally joking... but if it does then I deserve praise and admiration.

One of my favorite moments in this season was when Harrow and Owen pulled their guns on one another, I was hoping we got more scenes with the two of them.
think this show will be dead with jimmy gone. i can see season 3 more focused on the gangsters we all know in Lucky,meyer and al capone.
yall dont think jimmy's mom is gonna go crazy and do some wild @!%% (im sure she'll put it together that nucky killed jimmy)

seriously bothered that jimmy got killed though, hope manny gets his next season
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

they set up some nice eggs for season 3, predictions:

1. margret has owen's baby
2. margret doesn't get killed for signing over the highway
cause she's pregnant.
nice prediction here. but since they didn't have any paternity tests back then, not 100% sure even rudimentary tests..... i mean it if the kid came out grey with jacked up teeth then we would know it was nuckys. since both were smashing around the same time then we'll never know.
Maybe it's because it's finals week for me and I haven't had much sleep, but I did not see the foreshadowing of Jimmy's death until it happened.  Can't say I blame Nucky for taking him out, but, just like Angela, I feel like he got taken out too soon.  Meanwhile, we got Margaret being a floozy and an idiot for giving away everything to the church


Someone mentioned Rothstein always has quotables earlier in the season, couldn't be more true.  He had a line in finale along the lines of "Flip a coin, when it's in the air you'll know what side you're hoping for."
  Btw, good read Big J
People saying this show gonna suck without Jimmy are nuts. They have characters out of multiple states they can focus on.

It will be like the wire. Characters come and go
This next season could go in soo many different directions. Probably the most anticipation ive felt so far.
Originally Posted by DubA169

People saying this show gonna suck without Jimmy are nuts. They have characters out of multiple states they can focus on.

It will be like the wire. Characters come and go
And considering Jimmy didn't even exist, that shows A. the writers can create their own great characters and B. there's plenty of real-life people to focus on too
Nelson out in Cicero where Capone's going to be, Rothstein/Lansky/Luciano getting into the drug trade, Nucky taking back AC, Chalky will hopefully have a major role next season, Richard will be around, etc.

Looking at the Sopranos history for Winter, that show was able to kill off characters and bring in new guys without a problem. With a universe as big as this show has, they can find the characters. Michael Pitt's performance as Jimmy will be hard to beat, but I'll trust the show.
I probably won't go that far, but because he's been a character actor his whole life, I've been very impressed with his turn as a dramatic leading man.

Hell maybe I would... he'll never go toe to toe with DeNiro or anything, but he can give you so many different performances, he's got tremendous versatility.
@ that actually being Sebso. Thought it was a look alike. son gets killed off early and starts rapping.

Anyway, for ppl saying they loved the show for Jimmy or w/e I figured they were all overreacting. This show was never about the Rise of Jimmy Darmody; seasons !&2 were his rise and fall though. Take it for what it is and enjoy the other characters.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by DubA169

People saying this show gonna suck without Jimmy are nuts. They have characters out of multiple states they can focus on.

It will be like the wire. Characters come and go
And considering Jimmy didn't even exist, that shows A. the writers can create their own great characters and B. there's plenty of real-life people to focus on too
Nelson out in Cicero where Capone's going to be, Rothstein/Lansky/Luciano getting into the drug trade, Nucky taking back AC, Chalky will hopefully have a major role next season, Richard will be around, etc.

Looking at the Sopranos history for Winter, that show was able to kill off characters and bring in new guys without a problem. With a universe as big as this show has, they can find the characters. Michael Pitt's performance as Jimmy will be hard to beat, but I'll trust the show.

All of this.

So much win in that Sebso video.
Man the writers are brilliant for killing off Jimmy, I hate the decision but it's a great one and a ballsy one. Kill off the audience fav., the one everyone wants to see do good after his troubled past. Just shows they have balls and will come through with the decision to off the most liked character (I'm sure we can agree everyone liked Jimmy)
That Priest dude is a little shady to me...

Its more to him than just being there for Margaret for moral support...

That scene when Margaret met him at his house still strikes me for some reason...

He definitely didnt deny Margaret's money or jewelry, and he hid the alcohol that he was sipping before she walked in...

Dude is too manipulative, and something is goina happen between him, Schroeder, and Nuck next season, IMO...
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