Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Great season finale

Listen yall Jimmy had to die. If Jimmy wanted to live he should've went to Waxy about getting Manny. I mean he knows he has unfinished business so after helping Nuck head right back to Philly. There was no way he was going back to Nucky and everything was gonna be roses again. In the end Nuck let Jimmy pay him back by offing that other traitor and indirectly giving up those Klan members to Chalky. It HAD to end this way, dude is so young and ambitious with all of the Commodore's money there's no telling when he could strike again and go after Nucky. It could've been different if there was some dialog where Jimmy said Nuck was more of a father to him than anyone (since I'm pretty sure Nuck was his only real father figure) but hey he didn't say the right words and basically came to him like the kid he was before this started "Tell me how to make it right Nuck, tell me what to do." That's exactly how you get killed. Plus like it's been said this opens up next season to Lucky & Lansky and Al, along with other up n comers like Nathan "Kid Dropper" Kaplan, Paul Kelly, Bugsy Siegel, etc.

I also think Jimmy was wrong about that being Nucky's first kill. I'm not saying he has a lot of bodies under him directly but he been a murderer. I feel Nucky's hesitation and nervousness was cuz he really did see Jimmy as a son to him and the fact that he probably took Rothstein's advice and flipped a coin on the matter. Honestly though, between choosing the two why kill Manny a man you don't know to kill and Jimmy the dude who helped to make your a living hell for a while and basically kill you/have you imprisoned?

Very interesting that Jimmy came knowing he was gonna face Manny unarmed. Like his intentions could be a whole debate within itself (whether he was drunk and not thinking, was he gonna forgive him, let Manny kill him, kill Manny with his bare hands, or that he knew it was a setup all along and didn't want Harrow to die, etc.)

Love Jimmy's last little convo with Harrow though:
Jimmy: "You gotta come back home."
Harrow: "How?"
Jimmy: "I don't know how but you gotta try"
or something like that. I expect Harrow to start banging Gillian at some point next season.

As for Margret. She gonna learn the hard way. I feel she's playing a game and being spiteful. She probably thinks that Nucky thinks he fooled her with that I love you, I didn't want to marry you and insult you cuz you'd be saving my life, the rest of the world doesn't matter only you and the family garbage. So she resolved to go tit for tat with dude. Nucky claims he's turning over a knew leaf, lying through his teeth when he mentions the lord giving him a second chance and then basically outright says I killed Jimmy last night so she gives the deed to the church to make it up to GOD for him. She probably thinks she can even the sins out.

Loved seeing Van Alden in Cicero. Hopefully he gets mixed up with Capone, possibly like a Eliot Ness lite without a badge.

Looking forward to next season and the current story lines along with new ones and new characters.
%+@# %+@# %+@# Jimmys story was the main draw for me in this show..I can't believe it UGH asldgslkhgls
watching them kill Jimmy was like watching Scarface kill Manolo...
that hurt to watch, but you knew it was coming when he told Richard not to come with him...
i think Richard is going to go ape %@!% next season and become an Omar-from-the-wire-esque character, wreaking havoc on AC...
i can't wait to see what Nucky does to Margaret for what she's obvious he used her just like he uses everyone else...
Props to whoever directed this ep cuz around 30 min in it took me back to Godfather 2 the way they montage'd different events.
Don't forget how Jimmy was so instant on bein sure that his son would get the Commodore's estate after he died too. This whole ep was about him setting things to as close to how they were as he could...there was even a line he said that was sorta close to that.
Never been sad over a tv death in my life, but this got me. I had a connection wit Jimmy. I love this show.
Originally Posted by TeeOh Owens

Originally Posted by yvespo3

Who did Margaret transfer the deed to?

the church
, broad is asking for it
Actually, if Boardwalk Empire stays true to the story and history, Margaret will live. In fact, if I'm not mistaken she's the one who gave the insight to the real Nucky's personality.

I can see Richard Harrow and Gillian actually hooking up together, Harrow's looks aside. They'd both get the family/companionship they've always wanted.

@ Van Alden leaving for Cicero.

Jimmy knew his time was up.

I'm guessing for Season 3 it'll be near or in the Great Depression, which will even more interesting. Money will be tighter than ever and more young gangsters will rise.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

@ Van Alden leaving for Cicero.
History shows that Capone started his rise in Cicero, so Van Alden and him should interact at some point. That's going to be
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Props to whoever directed this ep cuz around 30 min in it took me back to Godfather 2 the way they montage'd different events.
And S01 of the Sopranos with Brendan getting clipped/Chris getting warned while Meadow is singing in the school show.
As for Eli, Nucky can have him killed at any time. I think his survival came down to Nuck choosing the devil he knew and James was looking mighty unfamiliar the way he turned on him. You can also see Jim's death as Nuck hiring an assassin to help his legal problems out and you usually off that guy since he knows too much.

I was gonna bring up what Jimmy said about the commodore's will too. That's another hint he was gonna die when he asked about if it'd go to his son if he did. There was a clarity and sadness about how Jimmy approached what he felt was inevitable and he was determined to see it through to the end.

Still want Manny dead. Surprised Mickey didn't die.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by krazy88s

@ Van Alden leaving for Cicero.
History shows that Capone started his rise in Cicero, so Van Alden and him should interact at some point. That's going to be
i came here to post this same thing.  can't wait for season 3.
Great way to end a great season!!!...

"Blood is thicker than water" . . . "Never bite the hand that feeds you" ----> two quotes that really stood out to me in the finale...

I'm sad to see Jimmy go, moreso because his character was so deep. But I figured it was goina happen...

For one, he was at the end of his rope... Wife gone, father(s) gone, business crumbling...

HBO made a great point explainig how Jimmy "died back in the trenches" and stating that his life was basically a downward spiral since he arrived home from the war...

It was inevitable that he was goina go, and it was hinted well in this last episode...

And despite the fact that both Jimmy and Eli had it out for Nuck, Nucky showed signs of forgiveness by helping his brother (at least for now). Sure he's using Eli, but its not clear of his intentions once Eli is out of jail and the head nod that he gave Nuck at the war memorial (from the .gif above) kinda shows that they have come to some type of peace... (for now)

HBO did an incredible job linking this "Lost Soldier" theme and the symbolism/imagery of the War Memorial setting, the soldier statue, the "soldier hat" Jimmy's son chose for the horse ride, Jimmy's tags he gave his son from his days in service, etc.

Nucky finally became a "full" gangster, growing from the "Half-a-gangster" that he was once labeled...

Ironically, it came at the expense of Jimmy, but Nuck finally got his hands dirty...

Business aside, I truly believe that Margaret and her children are the only true family that he has... Esp since his father passed and Eli betrayed him...

Margaret Schroeder needs to be off'd by the time they run the opening credits for Season 3!!!

That spiteful wench!... Signing that deed over to the church... Wasnt that deed worth millions??

And my son Nuck was in the midst of champagne poppin' with the ones that DIDN'T do him wrong...

I'm still surprised at how Mickey Doyle is successfully getting himself through all of these situations...

Van Alden will return... New alias, new life in a new city

Boss Dons Chalky and Rothstein...

I'll be patiently awaiting Season 3
Although I think Nucky's last words were more personal (going back to the issue with Margret) as it pertains to Jimmy, Nuck may have interpreted Jimmy's actions as asking for forgiveness.

Maybe that was the difference. Jimmy asked how to make it right, Eli still lied in Nucky's face.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Yo, I can't even deal with them offin' Jimmy. I knew it was gonna happen eventually.. but season 2? Come on man. Terrible! Michael Pitt's acting will be sorely missed.

This, Jimmy was lowkey my favorite character. He was excellent this episode but you did get the feeling something bad was going to happen to him. Show wont be the same for me now
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Originally Posted by hymen man

Yo, I can't even deal with them offin' Jimmy. I knew it was gonna happen eventually.. but season 2? Come on man. Terrible! Michael Pitt's acting will be sorely missed.

This, Jimmy was lowkey my favorite character. He was excellent this episode but you did get the feeling something bad was going to happen to him. Show wont be the same for me now
i checked pitt's imdb and he doesn't have any immediate projects coming up. I think he's in a band, so he might be focusing on that. and Michael Shannon (Van Alden) has been cast in the upcoming Superman as General Zod, which some of you already know. I hope he's still in S3.

Jimmy certainly is a tragic figure now that we know his past and his death at the end. Angry at both his biological parents before his death. Losing both his father figures along with his wife - who he never really knew. He made too many mistakes and seemed too much off balance to handle his position and most of that was because of his inner demons.

thought it was ironic how Nucky said "you don't really know me James" before he offed him, then we also see Margaret signing over the deed. Guess he didn't really know how zealous she became after her daughter was stricken by disease, despite the conversations they've had about religion.
Seeing him die hurt, haven't been this mad while watching a TV series in mad long. Margaret is an idiot, straight balloon head
Damn good season, love this show. Few thoughts..

- James lived helluva life, albeit a **!!@# up one. Really sad to see him gone.
- I really wished Eli got clapped, on some Fredo @+%*

- Margaret Schroeder lost her damn mind
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

- I really wished Eli got clapped, on some Fredo @+%*
It's funny, because while I ultimiately figured Jimmy was going to be the one who was killed when Manny was let go and wasn't really tied up, a part of me believed that Nucky was going to either aim at Jimmy, but shoot Eli, and have Jimmy pull out a gun and shoot Manny, or just turn around and shoot Manny for Jimmy.

Either way, someone was dying, and Nucky was surviving/shooting

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